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Text Multilevel Encryption Using New Key Exchange Protocol
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The technological development in the field of information and communication has been accompanied by the emergence of security challenges related to the transmission of information. Encryption is a good solution. An encryption process is one of the traditional methods to protect the plain text, by converting it into inarticulate form. Encryption implemented can be occurred by using some substitute techniques, shifting techniques, or mathematical operations. This paper proposed a method with two branches to encrypt text. The first branch is a new mathematical model to create and exchange keys, the proposed key exchange method is the development of Diffie-Hellman. It is a new mathematical operations model to exchange keys based on prime numbers and the possibility of using integer numbers. While the second branch of the proposal is the multi-key encryption algorithm. The current algorithm provides the ability to use more than two keys. Keys can be any kind of integer number (at least the last key is a prime number), not necessarily to be of the same length. The Encryption process is based on converting the text characters to suggested integer numbers, and these numbers are converted to other numbers by using a multilevel mathematical model many times (a multilevel process depending on the number of keys used), while the decryption process is a one-level process using just one key as the main key, while the other keys used as secondary keys. The messages are encoded before encryption (coded by ASCII or any suggested system). The algorithm can use an unlimited number of keys with a very large size (more than 7500 bytes), at least one of them a prime number. Exponentiation is also used for keys to increase complexity. The experiments proved the robustness of the key exchange protocol and the encryption algorithm in addition to the security. Comparing the suggested method with other methods ensures that the suggested method is more secure and flexible and easy to implement.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Key Generator to Encryption Images Based on Chaotic Maps
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It is known that images differ from texts in many aspects, such as high repetition and correlation, local structure, capacitance characteristics and frequency. As a result, traditional encryption methods can not be applied to images. In this paper we present a method for designing a simple and efficient messy system using a difference in the output sequence. To meet the requirements of image encryption, we create a new coding system for linear and nonlinear structures based on the generation of a new key based on chaotic maps.

The design uses a kind of chaotic maps including the Chebyshev 1D map, depending on the parameters, for a good random appearance. The output is a test in several measurements, including the complexity of th

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Features of genetic algorithm for plain text encryption
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The data communication has been growing in present day. Therefore, the data encryption became very essential in secured data transmission and storage and protecting data contents from intruder and unauthorized persons. In this paper, a fast technique for text encryption depending on genetic algorithm is presented. The encryption approach is achieved by the genetic operators Crossover and mutation. The encryption proposal technique based on dividing the plain text characters into pairs, and applying the crossover operation between them, followed by the mutation operation to get the encrypted text. The experimental results show that the proposal provides an important improvement in encryption rate with comparatively high-speed Process

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Text Hiding in Color Images Using the Secret Key Transformation Function in GF (2n)
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Steganography is one of the most popular techniques for data hiding in the different media such as images, audio or video files. This paper introduced the improved technique to hide the secret message using the LSB algorithm inside the RGB true color image by encrypting it using the secret key transformation function. The key is selecting randomly in the GF (2n) with condition it has an inverse value to retrieve the encrypted message. Only two bits are used for the low byte in each pixel (the blue byte) to hide the secret message, since the blue color has a weak effect on human eyes. The message hidden by the suggested algorithm is less vulnerable to be stolen than other similar applications.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Prophetic Speeches (Hadith) on Sciences and Scientists: Application of the "Text from Text and D+" Theory
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This study aims to apply the theory of "Text from Text and the Plus Dimension" in the analysis of the Prophetic discourse found in the section on the virtues of knowledge and scholars from Imam Sahih al-Bukhari's book. This section covers several topics, including the virtue of gathering for the sake of learning, the superiority of a scholar over a worshipper, the excellence of jurisprudence in the religion of Allah, the acquisition of knowledge through the passing away of scholars, the merit of inviting people to Allah, the continuing benefit of beneficial knowledge after a scholar's demise, the warning against seeking knowledge for purposes other than Allah, and the Prophet seeking refuge from knowledge tha

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Quantum Information
Key rate estimation of measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution protocol in satellite-earth and intersatellite links
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In this work, an estimation of the key rate of measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) protocol in free space was performed. The examined free space links included satellite-earth downlink, uplink and intersatellite link. Various attenuation effects were considered such as diffraction, atmosphere, turbulence and the efficiency of the detection system. Two cases were tested: asymptotic case with infinite number of decoy states and one-decoy state case. The estimated key rate showed the possibility of applying MDI-QKD in earth-satellite and intersatellite links, offering longer single link distance to be covered.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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            Arzı Kanber/Kamber hikayesi Anadolu, Rumeli, Azerbaycan, Türkmenistan ve Irak gibi Türk dünyasının birçok yerinde birden fazla varyantı bulunan, çok sevilen ve yaygın olarak anlatılan aşk ve dramatik maceralı bir halk hikayesidir. Türk halk hikayelerinin en popüler olanlarından biri sayılan Arzı Kanber/Kamber hikayesi, Anadolu'nun birçok yöresinde bilinmesine rağmen Irak Türkmenleri arasında daha çok sevildiği ve yaygın olarak anlatıldığı tespit edilen birden fazla varyantından da görülebilir. Irak Türkmenleri arasında günümüze kadar hikayenin iki varyantı tespit edilmi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 23 2023
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Image Encryption Using New Non-Linear Stream Cipher Cryptosystem
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In this paper, we designed a new efficient stream cipher cryptosystem that depend on a chaotic map to encrypt (decrypt) different types of digital images. The designed encryption system passed all basic efficiency criteria (like Randomness, MSE, PSNR, Histogram Analysis, and Key Space) that were applied to the key extracted from the random generator as well as to the digital images after completing the encryption process.

Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Technique for Secure Data Cryptosystem Based on Chaotic Key Image Generation
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The advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), within the previous decades, has significantly changed people’s transmit or store their information over the Internet or networks. So, one of the main challenges is to keep these information safe against attacks. Many researchers and institutions realized the importance and benefits of cryptography in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness of various aspects of secure communication.This work adopts a novel technique for secure data cryptosystem based on chaos theory. The proposed algorithm generate 2-Dimensional key matrix having the same dimensions of the original image that includes random numbers obtained from the 1-Dimensional logistic chaotic map for given con

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Text Compression & Encryption Method Based on RNA and MTF
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The sending of information at the present time requires the speed and providing protection for it. So compression of the data is used in order to provide speed and encryption is used in order to provide protection. In this paper a proposed method is presented in order to provide compression and security for the secret information before sending it. The proposed method based on especial keys with MTF transform method to provide compression and based on RNA coding with MTF encoding method to provide security. The proposed method based on multi secret keys. Every key is designed in an especial way. The main reason in designing these keys in special way is to protect these keys from the predication of the unauthorized users.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Phonological and Suggestive Rhythm in the Context of the Quranic Text: The Phonological and Suggestive Rhythm in the Context of the Quranic Text
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The perpetuity of the Quranic discourse required being suitable for all ages.
Accordingly, the method of the Glorious Quran a pre request for the conscious
investigation and realization in order to detect the core of the texts, as the Quranic
discourse is considered a general address for the humanity as a whole. For this
reason, the progress of the concerned studies neceiated that it should cope with the
current development in the age requirements and its cultural changes within ages.
The texts of the Glorious Quran lightened the human reason as being the
Creator’s miracle for it is characterized by certain merits that makes it different from

poetry and prose. It is a unique texture in its rheto

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