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Natural Pigment –Poly Vinyl Alcohol Nano composites Thin Films for Solar Cell: nanocomposites thin film
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Solar cells thin films were prepared using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a thin film, with extract of natural pigment from local flower. A concentration of 0.1g/ml of polyvinyl alcohol solution in water was prepared for four samples, with various concentrations of plant pigment (0, 15, 25 and 50) % added to each of the four solutions separately for preparing (PVA with low concentrated dye , PVA with medium concentrated dye and PVA with high concentrated dye ) thin films respectively . Ultraviolet absorption regions were obtained by computerized UV-Visible (CECIL 2700). Optical properties including (absorbance, reflectance, absorption coefficient, energy gap and dielectric constant) via UV- Vis were tested, too.  Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer was employed to test the samples. Thermal analysis of thin films, including melting point (Tm), onset degree, endset degree, and crystallinity% were tested by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Three dimensional morphologies of thin films were inspected by atomic force microscopy (ATM). Contact angle also was tested as an index to hydrophilicity. Results proved that the ultraviolet and FTIR absorption increase after adding the natural pigment to PVA thin film, as well as it increases with increasing concentration of natural pigment. DSC analysis revealed an increase of PVA melting point when adding 15% concentration and it decreases with a 50% concentration of pigment. AFM results show an increase in surface roughness, hence the surface bearing index of PVA thin films is inversely proportional to pigment concentration. Contact angle decreases from 46.5° for pure PVA thin film to 44. 8°, 42. 6° and 35.2° after adding (15, 25, and 50)%  concentration of natural dye respectively. Optical properties were enhanced by adding the natural dye, hence energy gap decreased from 3 eV for pure PVA to 2.3 eV for the PVA with a high concentrate dye. Dielectric constant increased with increasing concentration of dye, which leads to high polarization of solar cell.                                                                        

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Brackish Water Desalination Coupled With Wastewater Treatment and Electricity Generation
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A new bio-electrochemical system was proposed for simultaneous removal of organic matters and salinity from actual domestic wastewater and synthetically prepared saline water, respectively. The performance of a three-chambered microbial osmotic fuel cell (MOFC) provided with forward osmosis (FO) membrane and cation exchange membrane (CEM) was evaluated with respect to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal from wastewater, electricity generation, and desalination of saline water. The MOFC wasinoculated with activated sludge and fueled with actual domestic wastewater. Results revealed that maximum removal efficiency of COD from wastewater, TDS removal efficiency from saline water, power density, and current density were

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Density functional theory study of molecular structure, Electronic properties, UV–Vis spectra on coumarin102.
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The various properties of the ground and excited electronic states of coumarins 102 using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) was calculated by the B3LYP density functional model with 6-31G(d,p) basis set by Gaussian 09 W program. Spectral characteristics of coumarin102 have been probed into by methods of experimental UV-visible, and quantum chemistry. The UV spectrum was measured in methanol. The optimized structures, total energies, electronic states (HOMO- LUMO), energy gap, ionization potentials, electron affinities, chemical potential, global hardness, softness, global electrophilictity, and dipole moment were measured. We find good agreement between experimental data of UV spectrum and

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Green Method Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Leaves Extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis
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The silver nanoparticles synthesized have to be handled by humans and must be available at cheaper rates for their effective utilization; thus, there is a need for an environmentally and economically feasible way to synthesize these nanoparticles. Therefore, this study aimed to synthesis of silver nanoparticles using phenolic compounds extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis. The maceration method and Soxhlet apparatus were used to prepare aqueous and methanolic Rosmarinus officinalis leaves extracts respectively, Furthermore, Rosmarinus officinalis silver nanoparticles (RAgNPs) were prepared from the aqueous and methanolic leaves extract of this plant and diagnosed using the ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM),

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 02 2021
Journal Name
Solid State Technology
Spectroscopic Investigation of Charge Transfer Complex And Adsorption of Nitrondye with Curcumin(1) Onmodified Attapulgiteclay
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A charge transfer complex formed by interaction between nitron as electron donor with curcumin(1 ) as electron acceptor in ethanol at the temperature of theroom to form a colored complex. The optimum conditions of complex formation were investigated by Univariate method. The linearity range of complex was (3.124– 53.11) μg.mL-1 at 442 nm with molar absorptivity (1858.33), Sandell's sensitivity (0.1681μ, and with a correlation coefficient (0.9935). Both modified attapulgite and modified attapulgite – complex have been characterized by using , FTIR, SEM, AFM, and XRD. Theadsorption behaviourof complex onto the modified attapulgite has been researchedthrough the variation of the parameters like the adsorbent weight, p

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Infrared, Mid infrared and UV-Visible spectra study Cobalt chloride CoCl2. 6H2O molecule
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IR, MIR, UV – Visible spectra have been studied for Cobalt chloride molecule (CoCl2. 6H2O) compound, In wide range spectra (40000 – 410) cm-1 specially MIR range. Assignment were achieved for the fundamental vibrational bands of (CoCl2 . 6H2O ) to symmetry stretching ?1 (?^+) Anti – symmetry stretching ?3(?^+), these bands are non-degenerate , and the bending band is ?2(?) is doubly degenerate thought they have activity in IR and Raman , which explain the weakness in symmetry of this molecule, the fundamental bands for the molecule are centered at the following wave numbers (615, 685, 795, 1115, 1340, 1375, 1616.35, 2091, 2386, 2410, 3364) cm-1 which are corresponding to wave lengths (16260, 14598, 12578, 8968, 7462, 7272, 6186,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A.C conductivity and dielectric properties of (PVA/ PEO) blends doped with MWCNTs
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A.C electrical conductivity and dielectric properties for poly
(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) /poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) blends undoped
and doped with multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNTs) with
different concentrations (1, and 3 wt %) in the frequency range
(25x103 - 5x106 Hz) were investigated. Samples of (PVA/PEO)
blends undoped and doped with MWCNTs were prepared using
casting technique. The electrical conductivity measurements showed
that σA.C is frequency dependent and obey the relation σA.C =Aωs for
undoped and doped blends with 1% MWCNTs, while it is frequency
independent with increases of MWCNTs content to 3%. The
exponent s showed proceeding increase with the increase of PEO
ratio (≥50%) for undope

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sat Aug 05 2017
Journal Name
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Adsorption of 4-Chlorophenol from Aqueous Solution onto Iraqi Bauxite and Surfactant–modified Iraqi Bauxite: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Studies
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Natural Bauxite (BXT) mineral clay was modified with a cationic surfactant (hexadecy ltrimethy lammonium bromide (BXT-HDTMA)) and characterized with different techniques: FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The modified and natural bauxite (BXT) were used as adsorbents for the adsorption of 4- Chlorophenol (4-CP) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption study was carried out at different conditions and parameters: contact time, pH value, adsorbent dosage and ionic strength. The adsorption kinetic (described by a pseudo-first order and a pseudo-second order), equilibrium experimental data (analyzed by Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models) and thermodynamic parameters (change in s

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Adsorption of Methyl Violet Dye from Aqueous Solution by Iraqi Bentonite and Surfactant – Modified Iraqi Bentonite
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Natural bentonite (B) mineral clay was modified by anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and characterized using different techniques such as: FTIR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). The bentonite and modified bentonite were used as adsorbents for the adsorption of methyl violet (MV) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption study was carried out at different conditions such as: contact time, pH value and adsorbent weight. The adsorption kinetic described by pseudo– first order and pseudo – second order equilibrium experimental data described by Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models. The thermodynamic parameters standard free energy ( ), standard entropy ( ) standa

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Ameliorative Effect of Galium Verum (Rubiaceae Family) Methanolic Extract on Folic Acid-induced Acute kidney Injury in Male Rats.
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Background: Antioxidant, sedative, anticancer, and antibacterial properties are among the numerous pharmacological characteristics of Galium verum. Aim: The primary goal of this research was to investigate the therapeutic effects of G. verum extract against folic acid-induced acute kidney injury (AKI). Materials and methods: 18 male rats were assigned into three groups:  Control, AKI, and G. verum. AKI was induced by a dose of folic acid (250 mg/kg, i.p.) while G. verum (250 mg/kg) was administrated for 7 consecutive days. Results: G. verum methanol extract contains flavonoids, anthraquinones, tannins, iridoids, triterpen

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of CaCO3 nanoparticles on physical properties of biopolymer blend
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Chitosan (CH) / Poly (1-vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) (PVP-co-VAc) blend (1:1) and nanocomposites reinforced with CaCO3 nanoparticles were prepared by solution casting method. FTIR analysis, tensile strength, Elongation, Young modulus, Thermal conductivity, water absorption and Antibacterial properties were studied for blend and nanocomposites. The tensile results show that the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the nanocomposites were enhanced compared with polymer blend [CH/(PVP-co-VAc)] film. The mechanical properties of the polymer blend were improved by the addition of CaCO3 with significant increases in Young’s modulus (from 1787 MPa to ~7238 MPa) and tensile strength (from 47.87 MPa to 79.75 MPa). Strong interfacial

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