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Silver Nanoparticles and their Role in Gene Expression of Motility Gene motB and Repression of AI-2-Controlled Gene
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Antibiotic resistance is the capability of the strains to resist or protect themselves from the effects of an antibiotic. Such a resistance towards the current antimicrobials leads to the search of novel antimicrobials. Nanotechnology has been promising in different field of science and among it is the use of nanoparticles as antibacterial agents. The gastrointestinal tract seems to be the primary reservoir of uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC) in humans. UPEC strains harbour the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infection. They cause serious ailments in terms of humans. They develop resistance and increase their virulence by forming biofilms. They also show a remarkable locomotory movement with the aid of autoinducer controlled genes (AI-2).

The present study is designed to investigate the expression levels of the AI-2 controlled genes and the motility genes in the presence of nanomaterials. RT PCR amplification together with the antibacterial and motility studies were done to compare the significant effect of silver nanoparticles on the pathogen. S-adenosylmethionine assay was also done to confirm the role of the treatment on the repression of the AI-2 genes.  

The results showed silver nanoparticles have significant effect on the motility studies. The relative expression and repression of motB gene was under the control of AI-2 kinase protein. This confirms the possible role of the nanoparticles towards the pathogen UPEC. There was also an inhibition on the biofilm formation under the effect of the nanoparticle treatment. The study concludes that the silver nanoparticles could be used as a novel antibacterial agent against the UPEC strains and thereby inhibits the antibacterial resistance.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 04 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Nordhaus-Gaddum Type Relations on Open Support Independence Number of Some Path Related Graphs Under Addition and Multiplication
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In this paper, Nordhaus-Gaddum type relations on open support independence number of some derived graphs of path related graphs under addition and multiplication are studied.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 25 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mathematical Research
Exact solutions to linear and nonlinear wave and diffusion equations
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Indoor Positioning and Monitoring System Using Smartphone and WLAN (IPMS)
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Buildings such as malls, offices, airports and hospitals nowadays have become very complicated which increases the need for a solution that helps people to find their locations in these buildings. GPS or cell signals are commonly used for positioning in an outdoor environment and are not accurate in indoor environment. Smartphones are becoming a common presence in our daily life, also the existing infrastructure, the Wi-Fi access points, which is commonly available in most buildings, has motivated this work to build hybrid mechanism that combines the APs fingerprint together with smartphone barometer sensor readings, to accurately determine the user position inside building floor relative to well-known lan

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Shell and Double Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Calculations and Analysis
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This study concerns a new type of heat exchangers, which is that of shell-and-double concentric tube heat exchangers. The case studies include both design calculations and performance calculations.

       The new heat exchanger design was conducted according to Kern method. The volumetric flow rates were 3.6 m3/h and 7.63 m3/h for the hot oil and water respectively. The experimental parameters studied were: temperature, flow rate of hot oil, flow rate of cold water and pressure drop.

A comparison was made for the theoretical and experimental results and it was found that the percentage error for the hot oil outlet temperature was (- 1.6%). The percentage

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Obese Women and Choosing Ready-made Clothes: Difficulties and Choices
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Thisstudy aims to determine the specifications of obese women accordingto the heightand type of obesity. It also aimstoidentify the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes for the research sample. Finally, the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes according to the variable of binaryclassification ofobesity is also identified.The study sample includes obese women: employees, non-employees and students with the age group (18-50) years.The weights and lengths of the sample have been taken to suit the group of obese women.Aquestionnaire in the form of an open question was distributed among (50) obese womenso as to extract the items of the questionnaire. After that, the questionnaire was distributed amo

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 02 2024
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Plant Protection
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The present study aimed to assess the impact of seed Rhizobia treatment and potyvirus inoculation on bacterial nodulation and nitrogen fixation in cowpeas. The plants were infected with the virus two weeks post-germination. Nodules were present on the roots of plants treated with Rhizobia; however, almost no nodules were detected on untreated plants. The average number of nodules per plant on virus-inoculated plants was significantly lower than the average number per noninoculated plant. The virus caused a substantial decrease in the weight of nodules also. The study revealed that the presence of Rhizobia resulted in a significant rise in nitrogen content in the foliage. Specifically, the nitrogen percentage increased from 1.29% in plants n

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Scientific Visualization
Shadow Detection and Elimination for Robot and Machine Vision Applications
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Shadow removal is crucial for robot and machine vision as the accuracy of object detection is greatly influenced by the uncertainty and ambiguity of the visual scene. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for shadow detection and removal based on different shapes, orientations, and spatial extents of Gaussian equations. Here, the contrast information of the visual scene is utilized for shadow detection and removal through five consecutive processing stages. In the first stage, contrast filtering is performed to obtain the contrast information of the image. The second stage involves a normalization process that suppresses noise and generates a balanced intensity at a specific position compared to the neighboring intensit

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 20 2020
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Predicting Phosphorus and Potato Yield Using Active and Passive Sensors
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Applications of remote sensing are important in improving potato production through the broader adoption of precision agriculture. This technology could be useful in decreasing the potential contamination of soil and water due to the over-fertilization of agriculture crops. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of active sensors (Crop Circle™, Holland Scientific, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA and GreenSeeker™, Trimble Navigation Limited, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) and passive sensors (multispectral imaging with Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs)) to predict total potato yield and phosphorus (P) uptake. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications and six P treatments, ranging from 0 to 280 kg P ha−1, as

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 16 2019
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research
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Eruca sativa (jarjeer) is an annual herb (family Brassicaceae), which contains a wide range of chemicals and minerals with nutraceutical and organoleptic characteristics. Jarjeer was generally used as a food and traditionally mainly consumed due to its aphrodisiac properties. This crop known to contain various phytochemicals such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpens, carotenoids, tannins, glycosides, saponins, sterols, alkaloids, and other secondary metabolites. In leaves, kaempferol and its derivatives, glucosativin, are the main flavonoids and glucosinolate, respectively, while erucic acid and glucoerucin are the main fatty acid and glucosinolate, respectively. Medicinally, the plant has antibacterial, antidiabetic, antihyperten

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Wireless Indoor Localization Systems and Techniques: Survey and Comparative Study
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<p>The popularity, great influence and huge importance made wireless indoor localization has a unique touch, as well its wide successful on positioning and tracking systems for both human and assists also contributing to take the lead from outdoor systems in the scope of the recent research works. In this work, we will attempt to provide a survey of the existing indoor positioning solutions and attempt to classify different its techniques and systems. Five typical location predication approaches (triangulation, fingerprinting, proximity, vision analysis and trilateration) are considered here in order to analysis and provide the reader a review of the recent advances in wireless indoor localization techniques and systems to hav

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