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Identification of Cladosporium sp. Fungi by in- silico RFLP-PCR
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Cladosporium sp. plays an important role in human health, it is one of the pathogenic fungi which cause allergy and asthma and most frequently isolated from airborne spores.  In this study, a couple of universal PCR primers were designed to identify the pathogenic fungi Cladosporium sp. according to conserved region 5.8S, 18S and 28S subunit ribosomal RNA gene in Cladosporium species. In silico RFLP-PCR were used to identify twenty-four Cladosporium strains. The results showed that the universal primer has the specificity to amplify the conserved region in 24 species as a band in virtual agarose gel. They also showed that the RFLP method is able to identify three Cladosporium species by specific and unique restriction enzymes for each one. These species are Cl. halotorenas by the two unique enzymes BsaXI and MobII, the other species is Cl. colrandse by two enzymes BccI and BtsCI, while the third species is Cl. aciculare by one enzyme BceAI. Each enzyme forms two bands in virtual agarose gel as a results of cutting the DNA by the enzyme, where the rest twenty – two species share more than one restriction enzymes. This method is active and rapid for identifying Cladosporium genus and three species by computational bases methods before applying it in the lab for more accuracy, efficiency, and specificity of designed primer to get good results in a short time.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Polyaniline Nano Films Synthesis in One Step via Chemical Oxidative Polymerization
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Polyaniline films were successfully synthesized in this study using an oxidative polymerization method at temperatures ranging from 0 to 4 ° C. Polyaniline films were deposited using a single step of chemical oxidative polymerization rather than electrochemical polymerization. The polyaniline was examined using FTIR, XRD, SEM, AFM, and Four Point Probe. This result demonstrates that polyaniline synthesized using this method has a uniform morphology, small size (17 to 40) nm, high crystallinity, and high conductivity (9.42 s/cm).

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Uptake of Three Pharmaceuticals by Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Contaminated Soils: امتصاص ثلاثة انواع من الادوية بواسطة نبات الفاصولياء في التربة الملوثة
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The ability of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to uptake three pharmaceuticals (diclofenac, mefenamic acid and metronidazole) from two types of soil (clay and sandy soil) was investigated in this study to explore the human exposure to these pharmaceuticals via the consumption of beans. A pot experiment was conducted with beans plants which were grown in two types of soil for six weeks under controlled conditions. During the experiment period, the soil pore water was collected weekly and the concentrations of the test compounds in soil pore water as well as in plant organs (roots, stems and leaves) were weekly determined.
The results showed that the studied pharmaceuticals were detected in all plant tissues; their concentration

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Optimization of Bis-anthraquinones Production from Endophytic Fungi Diaporthe sp. GNBP-10
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Bis-anthraquinones with a unique molecular backbone, (+)-2,2’-epicytoskyrin A (epi) and (+)-1,1′-bislunatin (bis), was produced by endophytic fungi Diaporthe sp GNBP-10 associated with Gambir plant (Uncaria gambier). Epi and bis possess robust antimicrobial activity toward various pathogens. This study focus on knowing the optimum condition of epi and bis production from Diaporthe sp GNBP-10. A series of culture media with various nutrient compositions was investigated in epi and bis production. The content of epi and bis was determined by measuring the area under the curve from TLC-densitometric (scanner) experiment. The linear regression analysis was then applied to obtain the results. The optimi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using microalga Coelastrella sp. to remove some nutrients from wastewater invitro
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Microalgae have been increasingly used for wastewater treatment due to their capacity to assimilate nutrients. Samples of wastewater were taken from the Erbil wastewater channel near Dhahibha village in northern Iraq. The microalga Coelastrella sp. was used in three doses (0.2, 1, and 2g. l-1) in this experiment for 21 days, samples were periodically (every 3 days) analyzed for physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, Phosphate, Nitrate, and BOD5, in addition to, Chlorophyll a concentration. Results showed that the highest dose 2g.l-1 was the most effective dose for removing nutrients, confirmed by significant differences (p≤0.05) between all doses. The highest removal percentage was

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 12 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectroscopy Characterization of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Degradation by Different Kinds of Accelerated Aging
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            This paper presents a sight about the chemical structure deformation of poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) samples according to the change ratio of rate constant values. Spectroscopy kinetics fluorescence curves are fitted for two characteristic wavelength domains of fluorescent intensities. The short wavelengths (320-400 nm) domain show spectra overlapping, while at long wavelengths (400-800 nm) domain spectra are arranged in regular for each specific accelerated aging time. The ratio of kinetics rate constant at long wavelengths to kinetics rate constant of short wavelengths is the criterion of the degree chemical structure deformation. Molar extrin

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Cryptosporidium sp. by Reverse Osmosis System of Tap water in Baghdad: Afkar M. Hadi
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A total of 60 samples of drinking water filtrated by Reverser 0smosis Filtration System from April to October 2012, from different houses in Baghdad – Al Resafa, so as to identify the eggs and cysts of protozoa. Two methods applied direct smear and staining technique with zeal nelson stain, which appeared Tape warm eggs, Ascaris lumbrecoides eggs and oocyst of Cryptospordium sp. This study revealed that total contamination rate with intestinal parasites in tap water were 96.6% this high rate, refers to filtrate tap water by reverse osmosis system was useful to prevent or reduce the contamination of drinking water, in order to reduce risks to public health; So recommended to apply this method at water purification stations. Dis

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of Two Conventional Methods for Identification of Dermatophyte Fungi
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The current study is the identification and isolation dermatophyte species in clinical isolates by both Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA) and on Dermatophyte Test Medium (DTM). Clinical specimens of hair, nails and skin scales were collected from patients with dermatophytosis and submitted to direct microscopic examination after immersion in 20% of potassium hydroxide solution. The clinical specimens were cultured on SDA containing chloramphenicol and cycloheximide, and on DTM. Tinea corporis showed the highest prevalent dermatophyte infection among patients (26.7%), followed by Tinea pedis (23.3%), whereas Tinea manuum exhibited the lowest fungal infection (6.7 %). Rural areas revealed the highest prevalence of dermatophyte in

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and identification of fungi which associated with animal's leather
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The study included the investigation of fungi which associated with heavy animal's leather (Cows and Buffalos) and light (Sheep’s and Goats )through different processing stages (raw hides ,dehairing ,pickling,chrome tanned and stainning or finished stages)there were 10 genera and 25 species in addition to sterile fungi associated with animal leathers which included Alternaria ,Aspergillus,Cladosporium,Fusarium, Mucor , Penicillium , Rhizopus , and Trichoderma .Aspergillus and Penicillium have observed in all leather samples and different processing stages, and that the first time isolate two genera Helminthosporium , Stemphylium form leather for staining stage.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 24 2023
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agricultural Science
PCR-RFLP Analysis of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 Gene Polymorphisms in Two Commercial Broiler Chicken Strains (Cobb 500 and Hubbard F-15) and Their Associations with Performance Traits
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In two commercial broiler breeds (Cobb 500 and Hubbard F-15), the polymorphisms of the chicken insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) gene were studied. A total of three hundred avian blood samples were obtained. Using a fast salt-extraction technique, genomic DNA was isolated. Using polymerase chain reaction, 1146 bp fragments of the gene were amplified (PCR). The amplified fragments were subjected to restriction enzyme digestion using HinfI endonuclease enzyme, and the digested products were separated on a 2% agarose gel. The findings indicated two alleles T and C for the target locus, with respective frequencies of 73.3% and 26.7%. Three distinct genotype variations, TT, TC, and CC, were found, with genotype frequencies of 59.1 percent, 28.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 09 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Molecular Study of Two Fungi Millerozyma Farinosa and Candida Orthopsilosis by PCR Using Its Gene and Phylogenetic Structuring Tree Isolated from Diabetic Patient in Baghdad
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Diabetic mellitus is one of the main risk factors of fungal infections because poor glycemic control is associated with a high level of glucose in blood and saliva which could be treated as nutrient to fungi. This study aimed to isolate and identification of pathogenic fungi from diabetic patient. 140 samples were taken from different places of human body from the national center of diabetic patients that related to Mustansiriyah University / college of medicine and Al-yarmuk Hospital in Baghdad. 84 sample (60%) tested positive to fungi and 56 sample (40%) tested negative to fungi. The most frequented fungi isolated have been chosen for molecular identification by PCR (Millerozyma farinosa and Candida orthopsilosis) using specific pri

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