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A comparative study of the effects of argon laser and continuous Nd: YAG laser on blood vessel
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Several types of laser are used in experimental works in order to study the effects of laser on blood vessel. They differ from each other by a lot of properties mainly in wavelength, energy of the laser and pulse duration. In this study argon laser (488 nm- 514 nm) and continuous Nd: YAG laSer (1064 nm), have been applied to 50 samples of sheep blgod tesselS. Histologically, tha results of the study were different According to the txpe of L`sar used; apgon larer had distrabtave effects on $he blood vessal while continuous Nd: YAG laser Appeaped to be the safesd one on the blmod vessel architecture. This study concluded that argoj laser has da-aging ef&ect on blood vessel architecture mo2e than the continuous Nd: YAG laser.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Effects of Different Polymers on Rheological Properties of Water Base Muds
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This research is focusing on finding more effective polymers that leads to enhance the rheological properties of Water Base Muds. The experiments are done for different types of mud for all substances which are Polyacrylamide, Xanthan gum, CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose). This study shows the effect of add polymer to red bentonite mud, effect of add polymer to Iraqi bentonite mud, the effect of add bentonite to polymer mud. The mud properties of Iraqi bentonite blank are enhanced after adding the polymers to the blank mix, CMC gives the highest value of plastic viscosity and Gel strength than others; X-anthan gives the highest value of yield point and gel strength than others. For the red bentonite mud, Polyacrylamide ha

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Toxicity effects of some heavy metals on the growth of alga Scenedesmus dimorphus
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The toxicity effect of some heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc) on the growth of alga Scenedesmus dimorphus which belongs to the Division of Chlorophyta was studied and depended on the total cell number . The growth rate and doubling time were also calculated accordingly in present of absent of the the heavy metals . There were differences in toxic effects of the metals (p<0.05) . The growth was decreased gradually with alga when exposured to Lead at 15,20 and 25 mg/l in comparison with the control , mean while 30 mg/l caused an acute decrease in growth . Treating the alga with 0.05,0.1,0.5 mg/l concentration of Cadmium the number of cells decreased while at 1 mg/l the effect was more pronounced . As for Copper the conc

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Effects of Different Polymers on Rheological Properties of Water Base Muds
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This research is focusing on finding more effective polymers that leads to enhance the rheological properties of Water Base Muds. The experiments are done for different types of mud for all substances which are Polyacrylamide, Xanthan gum, CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose). This study shows the effect of add polymer to red bentonite mud, effect of add polymer to Iraqi bentonite mud, the effect of add bentonite to polymer mud. The mud properties of Iraqi bentonite blank are enhanced after adding the polymers to the blank mix, CMC gives the highest value of plastic viscosity and Gel strength than others; X-anthan gives the highest value of yield point and gel strength than others. For the red bentonite mud, Polyacrylamide has the highes

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
European Journal Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics
Effects of Human Sulfotransferase 2A1 Genetic Polymorphisms 3 on the Sulfation of Tibolone
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effects of Different Investment Materials on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Roughness of Thermosens Maxillary Complete Dentures
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Background: Limited data are available on the dimensional stability and surface roughness of ThermoSens, which is a material used in denture processing. This study aimed to measure the vertical teeth changes and surface roughness of ThermoSens dentures prepared using three different investment materials. Materials and methods: For the dimensional changes test, 30 complete maxillary dentures were prepared using different investment methods: group I, dental stone; group II, silicone putty; and group III, a mixture of dental stone and plaster (ratio, 1:1; n = 10 for each group). Four screws were attached to the dentures: two were attached to the buccal surface of the canine and first molar, and the other two were attached in the flange areas o

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 08 2024
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Evaluation of the Dynamics of Psychological Panic Factor, Glucose Risk and Estrogen Effects on Breast Cancer Model
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Contracting cancer typically induces a state of terror among the individuals who are affected. Exploring how glucose excess, estrogen excess, and anxiety work together to affect the speed at which breast cancer cells multiply and the immune system’s response model is necessary to conceive of ways to stop the spread of cancer. This paper proposes a mathematical model to investigate the impact of psychological panic, glucose excess, and estrogen excess on the interaction of cancer and immunity. The proposed model is precisely described. The focus of the model’s dynamic analysis is to identify the potential equilibrium locations. According to the analysis, it is possible to establish four equilibrium positions. The stability analys

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effects of Conductance on Metastable Switches in Memristive Devices Based on Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian (AHaH) Learning Rules
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     In the last few years, the literature conferred a great interest in studying the feasibility of using memristive devices for computing. Memristive devices are important in structure, dynamics, as well as functionalities of artificial neural networks (ANNs) because of their resemblance to biological learning in synapses and neurons regarding switching characteristics of their resistance. Memristive architecture consists of a number of metastable switches (MSSs). Although the literature covered a variety of memristive applications for general purpose computations, the effect of low or high conductance of each MSS was unclear. This paper focuses on finding a potential criterion to calculate the conductance of each MMS rather t

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effects of Conductance on Metastable Switches in Memristive Devices Based on Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian (AHaH) Learning Rules
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     In the last few years, the literature conferred a great interest in studying the feasibility of using memristive devices for computing. Memristive devices are important in structure, dynamics, as well as functionalities of artificial neural networks (ANNs) because of their resemblance to biological learning in synapses and neurons regarding switching characteristics of their resistance. Memristive architecture consists of a number of metastable switches (MSSs). Although the literature covered a variety of memristive applications for general purpose computations, the effect of low or high conductance of each MSS was unclear. This paper focuses on finding a potential criterion to calculate the conductance of each M

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Test Engineering & Management
The Effects of Annealing on SnSe Thin Films for Solar Cells Applications
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The structure, optical, and electrical properties of SnSe and its application as photovoltaic device has been reported widely. The reasons for interest in SnSe due to the magnificent optoelectronic properties with other encouraging properties. The most applications that in this area are PV devices and batteries. In this study tin selenide structure, optical properties and surface morphology were investigated and studies. Thin-film of SnSe were deposit on p-Si substrates to establish a junction as solar cells. Different annealing temperatures (as prepared, 125,200, 275) °C effects on SnSe thin films were investigated. The structure properties of SnSe was studied through X-ray diffraction, and the results appears the increasing of the peaks

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 09 2013
Journal Name
Chemistry And Materials Research
Hydrogen Bonds Effects on the Electrical Properties of Pectin/Pva Graphene Nanocomposites
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Electrical properties were studied for Pectin/PVA graphene composites films and the effect of aqueous interaction on their properties. The conductivity and the dielectric constant of this composite are important because Polysaccharide like pectin is increasingly being used in biomedical applications and as nanoparticles coating materials. The Dielectric and conductivity of composite films were compared in dry and wet condition the differences in the results were attributed to the water molecules and the hydrogen bond which connect the three composite compounds (Pectin, PVA and Graphene) together. These connections were allowed the hydrogen and hydroxyl group’s migrations in the composite super molecules. On the other hand, graphene was pr

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