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Structural and Optical Properties of SnS2:Cu Thin films prepared by chemical Spbay Pyrolysis
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Thin filis have been prepared from the tin disulphide (SnS2 ), the pure and the doped with copper (SnS2:Cu) with a percentages (1,2,3,4)% by using ahemical spray pyrolysis techniqee on substrate of glass heated up to(603K)and sith thicknesses (0.7±0.02)?m ,after that the films were treated thermally with a low pressure (10-3mb) and at a temperature of (473K) for one hour. The influence of both doping with copper and the thermal treatment on some of the physical characteristics of the prepared films(structural and optical) was studied. The X-ray analysis showed that the prepared films were polycrystalline Hexagonal type. The optical study that included the absorptance and transmitance spectra in the weavelength range (300-900)nm demonstrated that the value of absorption coefficient (?) was greater than (104 cm-1) for the pure and doped films and that the electronic transitions at the fundamental absorption edge were of the indirect kind whether allowed or forbidden and the value of the optical energy gap in the case of the indirect transition, the allowed decreased from (2 eV) to (1.8,1.7,1.5,1.2)eV at the doping percentages (1,2,3,4)% respectively, also it was found that the value of energy gap for the pure and doped films increased after annealing. Tthe absorption and transmission spectra were used to find the optical constant including refractive index(n), extinction coefficient (k), imaginary and real part of dielectric constant (?1 &?2) , and it was found that all the optical constant was affected by changing the doping percentages; in addition to being affected after treating the films thermally

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of Wear Rate Epoxy Resin filled with SiO2 particle and Glass fibers
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This research is devoted to study the effect of different in weight percentage of Sio2 particles and glass fibers (5, 10, 15, 20) wt. % on the wear rate epoxy resin. The results show that the value of hardness increase with the increase for the weight percentage of reinforcing particles and fibers, while the wear rate decrease with the increase the load level of the reinforcing particles and fibers . The largest value of the hardness, and the lowest value of the wear rate for epoxy reinforced with 20% of SiO2, the wear rate increase in general with increasing the applied load.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Characterization and Conservation Status for the Herbarium Specimens of Orchidaceae in Kurdistan Iraq
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This study was contacted on Orchidaceae, it is a second largest family in flowering plants, comes
after Asteraceae, and approximately has 25,000–30,000 species in 750–800 genera in the world.
This study included 10 genera, Anacamptis (five species), Androrchis (two species),
Cephalanthera (one species), Dactylorhiza (three species), Epipactis (two species),
Himantoglossum (two species), Limodorum (one species), Neotinea (one species), Ophrys (seven
species ), and Orchis (four species). The name abbreviation of authors of plant names follows the
International Plant Name Index (IPNI) ( Images of type collections of most
species were checked on virtual herbaria (https://he

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 11 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Automated Reconstruction and Manual Curation of Amino Acid Biosynthesis Pathways in Sulfolobus solfataricus P2
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The efficient sequencing techniques have significantly increased the number of genomes that are now available, including the Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 genome. The genome-scale metabolic pathways in Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 were predicted by implementing the “Pathway Tools” software using MetaCyc database as reference knowledge base. A Pathway/Genome Data Base (PGDB) specific for Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 was created. A curation approach was carried out regarding all the amino acids biosynthetic pathways. Experimental literatures as well as homology-, orthology- and context-based protein function prediction methods were followed for the curation process. The “PathoLogic”

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The Aestheticof Balance And Its Relationship To The Design of The Industrial Product Shape
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The study tagged: (The aesthetics of balance and its relationship to the design of the body of the industrial product) discussed the role of balance in the design of industrial products of different shapes, colors and sizes, as well as their function. Based on the research problem that was determined by the following question: What is the relationship between balance and the design of the body of the industrial product? The aim of the research is to: reveal the statement of the effectiveness of the balance in the design of the industrial product body.
The study was defined in four chapters: in the first chapter, a problem, the importance, and the aim of the research were presented. The second chapter contained the theoretical framewor

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermo-hydrodynamic Analysis of Misaligned Journal Bearing Considering Surface Roughness and Non-Newtonian Effects
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This paper presents a numerical simulation for the combined effect of surface roughness and non-Newtonian behavior of the lubricant on the performance of misaligned journal bearing. The modified Reynolds equation to include the effect of non-Newtonian lubricant and bearing surface roughness has been formulated. The model accounts for the lubricant viscosity dependence on temperature and shear rate. In order to make a complete thermo-hydrodynamic analysis (THD) of rough surface misaligned journal bearing lubricated with non-Newtonian lubricant, the modified Reynolds equation coupled with the energy, heat conduction equations, the equation related the viscosity and temperature with appropriate boundary conditions have been solved simultane

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
The histological and histochemical features of the esophagus in local breed dogs (Canis familiaris)
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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2015
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agricultural Science
Performance Evaluation of field and genetic for genotype selection from Tomato Lycopersicon esculeuntum Mill.
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The study was conducted at the fields of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening,College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad during the growing seasons of 2013- 2014 .forPerformance of Evaluation Vegetative growth and yield traits and estimate some important geneticparameter on seven selected breed of tomato which (S1-S7 ) Pure line. the results found significantdifferences between breeds in all study trails except clusters flowering number .S1 significantly plantlength which reached 227.3 .Also S1,S2 and S4 were significantly increased the number fruit for plant,Fruit weight Increased in S3 ,S6 and plant yield. Increased in S1, S4 ,S5. Genetic variation valueswere low in Floral clusters , TSS and fruit firmest and medium i

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Nano Biomedicine And Engineering
In-vivo and In-vitro Anti-Acinetobacter Baumannii Activity of Citrate-Capped Silver Nanoparticles
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Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are of potential interest because of their effective antibacterial and antiviral activities. Capping agents are used for exhibiting a better antibacterial activity than uncapped Ag NPs. There are very few reports that have shown the usage of AgNPs for in-vivo antibacterial therapy. Citrate-capped silver nanoparticles were synthesized chemically by citrate reduction method; the size of Cit-AgNPs was determined by an atomic force microscope (AFM) and was between 15-90 nm. Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) isolates were the only sensitive species to Cit-AgNPs. MICs and MBC of Cit-AgNPs were determined by using A. baumannii. The results showed an additive effect of Cit-AgNPs. Four mice groups were infected with

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Computational Intelligence And Robotics
Groupwise Non-Rigid Image Alignment Using Few Parameters: Registration of Facial and Medical Images
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Groupwise non-rigid image alignment is a difficult non-linear optimization problem involving many parameters and often large datasets. Previous methods have explored various metrics and optimization strategies. Good results have been previously achieved with simple metrics, requiring complex optimization, often with many unintuitive parameters that require careful tuning for each dataset. In this chapter, the problem is restructured to use a simpler, iterative optimization algorithm, with very few free parameters. The warps are refined using an iterative Levenberg-Marquardt minimization to the mean, based on updating the locations of a small number of points and incorporating a stiffness constraint. This optimization approach is eff

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Nurses' Knowledge and Role in the Management of Thalassemic Patients in Sulaimania Thalassemia Center
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The aim of this study is to assess nurse's knowledge and role in the management of thalassemic patients in the Sulaimania Thalassemia Centre. Methodology: This study utilized a qualitative approach to explore nurses’ knowledge about thalassemia through semi structured group interviews. Questionnaire was synthesized through a comprehensive review of literature. Results: The results show that nurses in Kurdistan region of Iraq have a limited role in terms of decision making and there is lack of nursing documentation other than that of recording abnormal events, and a lack of knowledge about and engageme

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