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“Impress of rotation and an inclined MHD on waveform motion of the non-Newtonian fluid through porous canal”
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Abstract<p>Waveform flow of non-Newtonian fluid through a porous medium of the non-symmetric sloping canal under the effect of rotation and magnetic force, which has applied by the inclined way, have studied analytically and computed numerically. Slip boundary conditions on velocity distribution and stream function are used. We have taken the influence of heat and mass transfer in the consideration in our study. We carried out the mathematical model by using the presumption of low Reynolds number and small wave number. The resulting equations of motion, which are representing by the velocity profile and stream function distribution, solved by using the method of a domain decomposition analysis and we obtained the exact solutions of velocity, temperature, and concentration. The expressions of velocity, temperature, and concentration of the particles of the fluid have obtained and examined graphically by utilizing the soft wave of the Mathematica program. The efforts of various variables on mathematical modeling of motion and energy are discussed in detail. We found that.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Rotation on the Heat Transfer of a Couple Stress Fluid in A Nonuniform Inclined Asymmetrical Channel with Inclined MHD
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 The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of rotation on heat transfer using
inclination magnetohydrodynamics for a couple-stress fluid in a non-uniform canal. When the
Reynolds number is low and the wavelength is long, math formulas are used to describe the stream
function, as well as the gradient of pressure, temperature, pressure rise and axial velocity per
wavelength, which have been calculated analytically. The many parameters in the current model
are assigned a definite set of values. It has been noticed that both the pressure rise and the pressure
gradient decrease with the rise of the rotation and couple stress, while they increase with an
increase in viscosity and Hartmann nu

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 10 2019
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Effect of Inclined Magnetic Field on Peristaltic Flow of Carreau Fluid through Porous Medium in an Inclined Tapered Asymmetric Channel
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During this article, we have a tendency to show the peristaltic activity of magnetohydrodynamics flow of carreau fluid with heat transfer influence in an inclined tapered asymmetric channel through porous medium by exploitation the influence of non-slip boundary conditions. The tapered asymmetric channel is often created because of the intrauterine fluid flow induced by myometrial contraction and it had been simulated by asymmetric peristaltic fluid flow in an exceedingly two dimensional infinite non uniform channel, this fluid is known as hereby carreau fluid, conjointly we are able to say that one amongst carreau's applications is that the blood flow within the body of human. Industrial field, silicon oil is an example of carreau

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Rotation and Magnetic Force Effects on Peristaltic Transport of Non -Newtonian Fluid in a Symmetric Channel
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In this paper, the impact of magnetic force, rotation, and nonlinear heat radiation on the peristaltic flow of a hybrid bio -nanofluids through a symmetric channel are investigated. Under the assumption of a low Reynolds number and a long wavelength, the exact solution of the expression for stream function, velocity, heat transfer coefficient, induced magnetic field, magnetic force, and temperature are obtained by using the Adomian decomposition method. The findings show that the magnetic force contours improve when the magnitude of the Hartmann number M is high and decreases when rotation increases. Lastly, the effects of essential parameters that appear in the problem are analyzed through a graph. Plotting all figures is done using the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Advances In The Theory Of Nonlinear Analysis And Its Application
The Influence of the Magnetic Domain on The Peristaltic Motion of The Non-Newtonian Fluid in A Curved Tube
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Steady and unsteady flow of non-newtonian fluid in curved pipe with triangular
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This paper deals with numerical study of the flow of stable and fluid Allamstqr Aniotina in an area surrounded by a right-angled triangle has touched particularly valuable secondary flow cross section resulting from the pressure gradient In the first case was analyzed stable flow where he found that the equations of motion that describe the movement of the fluid

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Natural Convective Heat Transfer in an Inclined Open Porous Cavity with Non-Uniformly Heated Wall
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Theoretical and experimental investigations of free convection through a cubic cavity with sinusoidal heat flux at bottom wall, the top wall is exposed to an outside ambient while the other walls are adiabatic saturated in porous medium had been approved in the present work. The range of Rayleigh number was and Darcy number values were . The theoretical part involved a numerical solution while the experimental part included a set of tests carried out to study the free convection heat transfer in a porous media (glass beads) for sinusoidal heat flux boundary condition. The investigation enclosed values of Rayleigh number (5845.6, 8801, 9456, 15034, 19188 and 22148) and angles of inclinations (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 degree). The numerical an

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Convection in an Inclined Concentric Annular Square Cavities Filled With Porous Medium and Heated By Non-Uniform Temperature
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A numerical study of the two-dimensional steady free convection flow in an inclined annulus between two concentric square cavities filled with a porous medium is presented in this paper for the case when the side outer walls are kept with differentially heated temperature while the horizontal outer walls and the inner walls are insulated. The heated wall is assumed to have spatial sinusoidal temperature variation about a constant mean value. The Darcy model is used and the fluid is assumed to be a standard Boussinesq fluid. For the Cartesian coordinate system, the governing equations which were used in stream function form are discretized by using the finite difference method with successive under – relaxation method (SUR) and are solv

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Impulsive Pressure Activity on MHD Flux Generalized Burgers Fluid
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Abstract<p>The main purpose of the work is to analyse studies of themagnetohydrodynamic “MHD” flow for a fluid of generalized Burgers’ “GB” within an annular pipe submitted under impulsive pressure “IP” gradient. Closed form expressions for the velocity profile, impulsive pressure gradient have been taken by performing the finite Hankel transform “FHT” and Laplace transform “LT” of the successive fraction derivatives. As a result, many figures are planned to exhibit the effects of (different fractional parameters “DFP”, relaxation and retardation times, material parameter for the Burger’s fluid) on the profile of velocity of flows. Furthermore, these figures are compa</p> ... Show More
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of MHD on Some Oscillating Motions of a Fractional Burgers' Fluid
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This paper presents a study for the influence of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) on the oscillating flows of fractional Burgers’ fluid. The fractional calculus approach in the constitutive relationship model is introduced and a fractional Burgers’ model is built. The exact solution of the oscillating motions of a fractional Burgers’ fluid due to cosine and sine oscillations of an infinite flat plate are established with the help of integral transforms (Fourier sine and Laplace transforms). The expressions for the velocity field and the resulting shear stress that have been obtained, presented under integral and series form in terms of the generalized Mittag-Leffler function, satisfy all imposed initial and boundary conditions. Finall

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2024
Journal Name
Advances In The Theory Of Nonlinear Analysis And Its Application
Properties of Capturing of Peristaltic Flow to A Chemically Reacting Couple Stress Fluid Through an Inclined Asymmetric Channel with Variable Viscosity and Various Boundaries
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The properties of capturing of peristaltic flow to a chemically reacting couple stress fluid through an inclined asymmetric channel with variable viscosity and various boundaries are investigated. we have addressed the impacts of variable viscosity, different wave forms, porous medium, heat and mass transfer for peristaltic transport of hydro magnetic couple stress liquid in inclined asymmetric channel with different boundaries. Moreover, The Fluid viscosity assumed to vary as an exponential function of temperature. Effects of almost flow parameters are studied analytically and computed. An rising in the temperature and concentration profiles return to heat and mass transfer Biot numbers. Noteworthy, the Soret and Dufour number effect resul

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