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Checklist of Aquatic Oligochaetes Species in Tigris–Euphrates River basin
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A total of 60 species of aquatic oligochaetes were identified in different sites within Tigris-Euphrates basin / Iraq, including River Tigris, River Euphrates, Southern marshes ( Al-Haweiza , Al-Hammar and Al-Chebaiesh ) , Shutt Al-Germa, and Shatt Al-Arab. In River Euphrates 39 species were identified, 40 species from River Tigris and 32 species from Shatt-Al-Arab and southern marshes.The identified species were classified as four species of Family Aeolosomatidae, 54 species of Naididae ( 31 Naidinae , 8 Pristininae and 15 Tubificid worms), one species of each of Lumbriculidae ( Lumbriculus variegates ) and Lumbricidae ( Eiseiella tetraedra). Among Aeolosomatidae , Aelosoma aquaternarium, A. Liedyi, A. variegatum and A. hemprichi, in which, A. variegatum was the most frequent species, found in Euphrates river. Naidinae community were represented by five species of genus Chaetogaster, two species of each of Paranais, Slavina, & Stylaria, four species of Allonais , and seven species of each of Dero and Nais, in addition to Stephensoniana trivandrana, Specaria josinae and Ophidonais serpentina. Nais variabilis was the most abundant and frequent species in River Tigris while Stylaria lacustris & Ophidonais serpentina are abundant in River Euphrates . Species of Pristininae were representative by four species of genus Pristina and three species of genus pristinella, among them Priatina longiseta is the most abundant species.Tubificid worms, Branchuira sowerbyi and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri were the most frequent and abundant species in the surface sediments of Iraqi waters. Beside L. hoffmeisteri , other five species of Limnodrilus, two species of Potomothrix, and a single species of Tubifex tubifex , Embolocephalus velutinus, Aulodrilus piguetia, Psammoryctides moravicus and Rhyacodrilus coccineus were recorded.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Veterinary Sciences
Evaluate the Seroprevalence of Human Papillomavirus Immunoglobulin IgM among Women and Its Relationship with Cervical Cancer In Diyala Governorate
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Background: Prolonged infections caused by High-risk HPVs have the potential to cause cancer in the regions of the body where they infect cells, including the cervix or the oropharynx, which refers to the rear part of the throat. Aims: To detection of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) -IgM , IL-10 and TNF among Iraqi women Methods: A total of 89 blood sample were collected from females with various cervical lesions and 40 blood samples were collected from apparently healthy along with a control group of 40 healthy females. The presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) -IgM, IL-10 and TNF in the collected samples was assessed using the ELISA technique. Results: The positivity rate of HPV IgM was 13.5%. This positivity was higher among individuals age

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 12 2024
Journal Name
World Water Policy
The effect of natural factors on changing soil uses in the marshes: An experimental study using Landsat satellite data
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The study aimed to analyze the effect of meteorological factors (rainfall rate and temperature) on the change in land use in the marshes of the Al‐Majar Al‐Kabir region in southern Iraq. Satellite images from Landsat 7 for 2012 and Landsat 8 for 2022 were used to monitor changes in the land coverings, the images taken from the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensors of the Landsat satellite. Geometric correction was used to convert images into a format with precise geographic coordinates using ArcMap 10.5. The maximum likelihood classification method was used to examine satellite image data using a supervised approach, and the data were analyzed statistically. We obtained clear images of the area,

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Significance Of Maternal Total Serum Homocysteine Level In Iraqi Mothers Who Had Previous Babies With Neural Tube Defects
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Background: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are said to be inherited in a multifactorial fashion, i.e. genetic-environmental interaction. Maternal nutritional deficiencies had long been reported to cause NTDs, especially folate deficiency during early pregnancy. More attention had been paid to the exact mechanism by which this deficiency state causes these defects in the developing embryo. The most significant of all researches was that connecting reduced folate and increased homocysteine level in maternal serum on one hand and the risk of developing a NTD baby on the other hand. Objectives : to determine the significance of homocysteine level in Iraqi mothers who gave birth to babies with NTDs as compared to normal controls. Patients, Materials

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 14 2021
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Determining risk indicators for dental implants is an essential strategy for preventing peri-implant diseases and effective diagnosis of dental implant success. To investigate the impact of certain potential factors on the osseointegrated dental implant. Eighty-four individuals were included in our study, 50 cases as a patient’s group and 34 participants as a control group. All cases were diagnosed based on certain criteria, 30 (60%) of patients had peri-implantitis, 20 (40%) with severe periimplantitis, 36(72%) were generalized, and 15 (30%) as localized peri-implantitis cases. The study has indicated that 44.7% of dental implants were in the anterior maxilla, followed by (27.3%) posterior maxilla, (17.4%) posterior mandible, and (10.4%)

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 08 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment
High Performance Liquid Chromatographic and Areaunder Curve spectrophotometric Methods forEstimation of Cefixime in Pure and MarketedFormulation: A Comparative Study
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Cefixime is an antibiotic useful for treating a variety ofmicroorganism infections. In the present work, tworapid, specific, inexpensive and nontoxic methods wereproposed for cefixime determination. Area under curvespectrophotometric and HPLC methods were depictedfor the micro quantification of Cefixime in highly pureand local market formulation. The area under curve(first technique) used in calculation of the cefiximepeak using a UV-visible spectrophotometer.The HPLC (2nd technique) was depended on thepurification of Cefixime by a C18 separating column250mm (length of column) × 4.6 mm (diameter)andusing methanol 50% (organic modifier) and deionizedwater 50% as a mobile phase. The isocratic flow withrate of 1 mL/min was applied, the temper

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Emergency Medicine, Trauma And Acute Care
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) evaluation of ridge shape and bone density in Iraqi sample pre-dental implant insertion
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One of the critical factors for dental implant success is accurate clinical and radiological assessment. Cone-beam computed tomography systems (CBCT) allow surgeons to determine the quality and quantity before surgery, aiding in treatment planning. This study highlights the importance of such an assessment Materials and Methods A total of 40 patients were referred to CBCT scanning for pre-dental implant assessment in the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology department at Al-Shaheed Gazi Al Hariri Hospital from 2021 to 2022. The patients were between 18 and 50 years old. All data were analyzed with on-demand 3D software (Kavo OP 3D: Cone Beam 3D imaging Germany). Results: Regarding the ridge shape: In the upper anterior and posterior regions, th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The mother of the believers, the mother of Salamah and her narrators of jurisprudence In attaining the goal of the rulings evidence Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852 AH)      (prayer book)
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The Muslim woman actively participated in narrating, preserving, controlling and maintaining the hadith, along with her brother, the man who later became an inexhaustible representative of the effort to preserve, control, and narrate the Sunnah. Undoubtedly, the mothers of the believers, may God be pleased with them, had a great advantage in communicating Islam and spreading the Sunnah of the Prophet Especially among women, all of them heard from him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and lived with him in the details of his life on the disparity between them in memorizing and narrating and publishing them. It narrated (378) recently, and it is considered the second narrator after the mother of the believers Aisha, may God be pl

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Banking Governance According to the principles of the Basel Committee and its impact on the achievement of the strategic objectives of banks Study in a sample of private commercial banks Iraqi
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     This study aims to impact statement played by banking governance according to the decisions of the Basel Committee in achieving the strategic objectives of the banks, But order to achieve the this goal has been the adoption of two hypotheses in addition to the two main hypotheses as sub answered preliminary The study seeks to verify their health and two (no correlation relationship and impact between Banking  governance and achieve strategic objectives), has been tested hypotheses. Study has reached

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Mathematical construct and its relationship with effective mathematical operations in both sides of the brain among students of the Department of Mathematics at the Colleges of Education and Basic Education
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The current research aims to identify: 1. The level of mathematical construct among the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of education and basic education. 2. The level of effective mathematical operations in both sides of the brain at the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of education and basic education. 3. The strength and direction of the correlation between the mathematical construct and effective mathematical operations on both sides of the brain at the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of Education and Basic Education. To investigate the research objectives, the researcher formulated zero-main hypothesis for each aim and from the same hypothesis, three sub-zero hypotheses are deri

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Employing Sisko non-Newtonian model to investigate the thermal behavior of blood flow in a stenosis artery: Effects of heat flux, different severities of stenosis, and different radii of the artery
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