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Community Structure of Benthic Algae in a Lotic Ecosystem, Karbala Province-Iraq
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This study focused on benthic algae (epipelic and attached algae on concrete lining stream) in Bani-Hassan stream in Holly Karbala, Iraq. The qualitative and quantitative studies of benthic algae were done by collecting 240 samples from five sites in the study area for the period from December 2012 to November 2013. Also, the environmental variables of the stream were examined in term of temporary and spatial. The results showed that the stream was alkaline, hard, oligohaline and a well aerated. The total nitrogen to the total phosphorus (TN: TP) ratio indicates nitrogen limitation. 129 species of benthic algae belonging to 57 genera were identified. Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) was the predominant taxon (95 species) followed by Chlorophyceae (16 species), Cyanophyceae (14 species), Euglenophyceae (3 species) and Pyrophyceae (one species). Some genera were found throughout the study period: Nitzschia, Navicula, Cymbella, Gomphonema, Surirella, Cocconeis, Aulacoseira, Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Spirulina, and ? Scenedesmus. Site 3 recorded the highest total number of algae in spring 2013, and the lowest total number was at site 5 in Autumn 2013. The chlorophyll-a concentration did not match the total number of algae.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 18 2021
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Catalysis of Chlorovirus Production by the Foraging of Bursaria truncatella on Paramecia bursaria Containing Endosymbiotic Algae
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Chloroviruses are large viruses that replicate in chlorella-like green algae and normally exist as mutualistic endosymbionts (referred to as zoochlorellae) in protists such as Paramecium bursaria. Chlorovirus populations rise and fall in indigenous waters through time; however, the factors involved in these virus fluctuations are still under investigation. Chloroviruses attach to the surface of P. bursaria but cannot infect their zoochlorellae hosts because the viruses cannot reach the zoochlorellae as long as they are in the symbiotic phase. Predators of P. bursaria, such as copepods and didinia, can bring chloroviruses into contact with zoochlorellae by disrupting the paramecia, which results in an increase in virus titers in micr

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
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Role of immobilised Chlorophyta algae in form of calcium alginate beads for the removal of phenol: isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic study
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The reality of administrative creativity of secondary schools' managers in Al-zarqaa province
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The study focuses on identifying the reality of administrative creativity of secondary schools' managers in Al-zarqaa province. The descriptive approach was adopted to conduct this study. To achieve the study objective, the author designed a questionnaire composed of (24) items included (4) domains applied on (80) male and female school managers were selected randomly. The results showed that the administrative creativity level of secondary school's managers over all domains were too high which ranked as school management domain followed by public community domain then teacher domain and finally, school environment domain. Additionally, each of male, private sector, and experience over 10 years revealed significant differences.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Atmospheric Mixing on Spectral Reflectivity in Sentinel Images of Baghdad Province
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The lowest layer of the atmosphere is called the atmospheric mixed layer, characterized by small-scale, irregular air motions defined by winds that change in speed and direction. Aerosol radiative effects impact the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), which holds most aerosols in the lower atmosphere. Aerosol absorption and scattering both lower the quantity of solar energy that reaches the ground, which has an impact on the spectral signature of the land coverings. In this study, 51 locations in downtown Baghdad were chosen for four different types of land cover (water bodies, farms, open areas, and residential areas) for Sentinel 2 satellite imagery, and the time the pictures were taken was 8:00 am ( 22 March, 22 June, 20 September,

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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A collection of 118 specimens of Iraqi phasianid birds belong to four species was examined
for haematozoa. Results show that 21.2% of them were infected with one or more of four
species of blood parasites; Haemoproteus danilewskyi, H. santosdiasi, Plasmodium sp. and
microfilaria. Haemoproteus danilewskyi is reported here for the first time in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Structured Educational Program on Nurses’ Practices Concerning Therapeutic Communication at Cardiac Care Units in Holy Karbala Governorate Hospitals
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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program on nurses' practices concerning therapeutic communication.
Methodology: A quasi experimental design was carried out at Karbala Center for Cardiac Diseases and Surgery, Imam Hussein Medical City and Al-Handia General Hospital for period 10th June 2017 to the 15th of August 2018.
The program and instruments were constructed and developed by the researcher to measure the purpose of the study. Purposive sample comprised of (57) nurses were divided into two groups, study and control groups. The questionnaire consisted from two parts, first part is related to nurses' demographic characteristics and second part which include practices checkl

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Effect of Irrigation Systems, Bio-Fertilizers and Polymers on some Growth Characteristics and Potato Production in Desert Soils, Karbala Governorate
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Two field experiments were conducted during the spring season 2020 in Karbala governorate to study the effect of irrigation systems, irrigation intervals, biofertilizers and polymers on some characteristics of vegetative growth and potato production. The results showed that there were significant differences in the values of the average plant height due to the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the improvers, The height of potato plant under any irrigation system was superior when adding conditioners compared to the control treatment, as it reached 48.56, 58.00 and 64.33cm when adding polymer, biofertilizer, and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively compared with the control treatment of 44.64cm in the surf

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A Statistical Analysis of the Effects of Afforestation on the Environment in Iraq (Northern Iraq)
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Abstract<p>The significance of the research conducted in northern Iraq comes despite the expansion of afforestation projects; yet, the suffering of the forests has increased due to their lack of scientific study, unpredictability of the climate, and adverse effects on the spread and growth of plant species Therefore, the goal of the study is to understand the effects of afforestation through a statistical analysis of plant diversity in northern Iraq and its distinctivenessThe analysis revealed that natural groupings had improved qualitatively more than other groups, particularly some dwindling species that are able to compete and occupy new areas. drought-prone vegetation, vegetation, and climat</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the Effect of annealing temperature on the Structure of a-Se and Electrical Properties of a-Se/c-Si Heterojunction
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In this work Study effect of annealing temperature on the Structure
of a-Se and electrical properties of a-Se/c-Si hetrojunction have been
studied.The hetrojunction fabricated by deposition of a-Se film on c-
Si using thermal evaporation.
Electrical properties of a-Se/ c-Si heterojunction include I-V
characteristics, in dark at different annealing temperature and C-V
characteristics are considered in the present work.
C-V characteristics suggested that the fabricated diode was
abrupt type, built in potential determined by extrapolation from
1/C2-V curve. The built - in potential (Vbi) for the Se/ Si System
was found to be increase from 1.21 to 1.62eV with increasing of
annealing temperature

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Credit Structure Patterns And Their Reflection In The Value Bank Applied Research on a Sample of the Iraqi Private Banks
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The study seeks to determine the levels of credit structure (independent variable) depending on its components (loans, credit disseminate, other facilities) To get the eight patterns of the structure of bank credit for the purpose of assessing the relationship between changes in levels of each style of structure credit (increase or decrease) and reflected in maximizing the value of the Bank(The adopted a measured variable depending on the approximate equation of simple Tobin's Q) to determine the style that achieves the highest value of the Bank, to take advantage of it in management, planning and control by knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the historical distribution of the facilities . the sample of the

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