In this paper, method of steganography in Audio is introduced for hiding secret data in audio media file (WAV). Hiding in audio becomes a challenging discipline, since the Human Auditory System is extremely sensitive. The proposed method is to embed the secret text message in frequency domain of audio file. The proposed method contained two stages: the first embedding phase and the second extraction phase. In embedding phase the audio file transformed from time domain to frequency domain using 1-level linear wavelet decomposition technique and only high frequency is used for hiding secreted message. The text message encrypted using Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. Finally; the Least Significant bit (LSB) algorithm used to hide secret message in high frequency. The proposed approach tested in different sizes of audio file and showed the success of hiding according to (PSNR) equation.
Le but de la présente étude est de mettre en lumière la fragilité des personnages dans le roman de "Mme Bovary". En fait, la fragilité n'est pas uniquement propre aux héros de Flaubert. Nous pouvons attribuer cette caractéristique à la plupart des protagonistes du XIXe siècle. Nous pouvons dire qu'aucun auteur n'excelle autant que Flaubert à incarner cette fragilité.
Flaubert présente un personnage frustré de toute force et de toute volonté comme le personnage d'Emme Bovary.
Ce personnage n'a pas de confiance en soi, E
... Show MoreThe technique of integrate complimentary details from two or more input images is known as image fusion. The fusion image is more informational and will be complete more than any of the original input images. This paper Illustrates implementation and evaluation of fusion techniques used on the Satellite images a high-resolution Panchromatic (Pan) and Multispectral (MS). A new algorithm is proposed to fuse a Pan and MS of the lowresolution images based on combining IHS and Haar wavelet transform.Firstly, this paper clarifies the classical fusion by using IHS transform and Haar wavelet transform individually. Secondly proposition new strategy of combining the two methods. Performance of the proposed method is evalua
... Show MoreIn the field of data security, the critical challenge of preserving sensitive information during its transmission through public channels takes centre stage. Steganography, a method employed to conceal data within various carrier objects such as text, can be proposed to address these security challenges. Text, owing to its extensive usage and constrained bandwidth, stands out as an optimal medium for this purpose. Despite the richness of the Arabic language in its linguistic features, only a small number of studies have explored Arabic text steganography. Arabic text, characterized by its distinctive script and linguistic features, has gained notable attention as a promising domain for steganographic ventures. Arabic text steganography harn
... Show MoreThis paper presents a parametric audio compression scheme intended for scalable audio coding applications, and is particularly well suited for operation at low rates, in the vicinity of 5 to 32 Kbps. The model consists of two complementary components: Sines plus Noise (SN). The principal component of the system is an. overlap-add analysis-by-synthesis sinusoidal model based on conjugate matching pursuits. Perceptual information about human hearing is explicitly included into the model by psychoacoustically weighting the pursuit metric. Once analyzed, SN parameters are efficiently quantized and coded. Our informal listening tests demonstrated that our coder gave competitive performance to the-state-of-the- art HelixTM Producer Plus 9 from
... Show MoreMit dem Fall der Berliner Mauer am 9. November 1989 und dem damit
einhergehenden Verschwinden der DDR aus der politischen Bühne im Jahre 1990
„haben sich nicht nur politische Systeme umgewälzt, sondern auch die Menschen
in ihnen haben ihre Maßstäbe und Perspektiven geändert, unter ihnen Kunstrichter
und Leser.“1 Alles, was bis zum Tag der Wiedervereinigung im Bereich der Kultur
galt, fiel über den Haufen.2 Christa Wolf, die in der DDR eine Leitfigur des
öffentlichen und kulturellen Lebens war und an der Spitze der einflussreichen
Schriftsteller stand, landete im vereinigten Deutschland „immerhin noch auf Platz
25, ein erstaunliches Resultat nach all den Vorwürfen“3, die gegen ihr Werk und
ihre m
La Peste, paru en 1947 et qui reçoit le prix des critiques acquiert a Camus une notoriété universelle, il reçoit en 1957 le prix Nobel pour une œuvre qui, selon les termes de l’Académie suédoise : « met en lumière les problèmes se posant de nos jours à la conscience des hommes ». A Oran où il n’arrive jamais rien, quelque chose va arriver. On découvre un rat mort, couvert de sang. Deux jours après on en trouve des centaines, puis des milliers. Deux semaines plus tard, un homme meurt d’une maladie, décrite avec précision, mais sans recherche de l’horreur. Après cet événement, on signale une dizaine, puis une vingtaine de cas de fiè
... Show More