The purpose of the present work is to calculate the expectation value of potential energy for different spin states (??? ? ???,??? ? ???) and compared it with spin states (??? , ??? ) for lithium excited state (1s2s3s) and Li- like ions (Be+,B+2) using Hartree-Fock wave function by partitioning techanique .The result of inter particle expectation value shows linear behaviour with atomic number and for each atom and ion the shows the trend ??? < ??? < ??? < ???
The development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the underwater environment leads to underwater WSN (UWSN). It has severe impact over the research field due to its extensive and real-time applications. However effective execution of underwater WSNs undergoes several problems. The main concern in the UWSN is sensor nodes’ energy depletion issue. Energy saving and maintaining quality of service (QoS) becomes highly essential for UWASN because of necessity of QoS application and confined sensor nodes (SNs). To overcome this problem, numerous prevailing methods like adaptive data forwarding techniques, QoS-based congestion control approaches, and various methods have been devised with maximum throughput and minimum network lifesp
... Show MoreThe development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the underwater environment leads to underwater WSN (UWSN). It has severe impact over the research field due to its extensive and real-time applications. However effective execution of underwater WSNs undergoes several problems. The main concern in the UWSN is sensor nodes’ energy depletion issue. Energy saving and maintaining quality of service (QoS) becomes highly essential for UWASN because of necessity of QoS application and confined sensor nodes (SNs). To overcome this problem, numerous prevailing methods like adaptive data forwarding techniques, QoS-based congestion control approaches, and various methods have been devised with maximum throughput and minimum network lifesp
... Show MoreIn this study, different methods were used for estimating location parameter and scale parameter for extreme value distribution, such as maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) , method of moment estimation (ME),and approximation estimators based on percentiles which is called white method in estimation, as the extreme value distribution is one of exponential distributions. Least squares estimation (OLS) was used, weighted least squares estimation (WLS), ridge regression estimation (Rig), and adjusted ridge regression estimation (ARig) were used. Two parameters for expected value to the percentile as estimation for distribution f
... Show MoreIn this research the Inter-Particle Expectation Values have been studied for atomics Helium (He) and Beryllium (Be) also for He-like ions, Be-like ions (Li-1, B+1? Li+1, Be+2, B+3) by using Hartree-Fock wave functions, We compared the results to some ions which have the same atomic number from each group with atomic number, We compared the results with published calculations to the last studied .
Crop coefficient for cherries was evaluated by measure the water consumption in Michigan State to find its variation with time as the plant growth. Crop coefficients value (Kc) for cherries were predicated by Michigan State University (MSU) and also by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) according to consume of water through the season. In this paper crop coefficients for cherries are modified accordingly to the actual measurements of soil moisture content. Actual evapotranspiration (consumptive use) were measured by the soil moisture readings using Time Domain Reflectometers (TDR), and compared with the actual potential evapotranspiration that calculated by using modified Penman-Monteith equation which depends on metrological statio
... Show MoreStripping is one of the major distresses within asphalt concrete pavements caused due to penetration of water within the interface of asphalt-aggregate matrix. In this work, one grade of asphalt cement (40-50) was mixed with variable percentages of three types of additives (fly ash, fumed silica, and phosphogypsum) to obtained an modified asphalt cement to resist the effect of stripping phenomena .The specimens have been tested for physical properties according to AASHTO. The surface free energy has been measured by using two methods namely, the wilhelmy technique and the Sessile drop method according to NCHRP-104
procedures. Samples of asphalt concrete using different asphalt cement and modified asphalt cement percentages(4.1,4.6 an
In this study, the four tests employed for non-linear dependence which is Engle (1982), McLeod &Li (1983), Tsay (1986), and Hinich & Patterson (1995). To test the null hypothesis that the time series is a serially independent and identical distribution process .The linear structure is removed from the data which is represent the sales of State Company for Electrical Industries, through a pre-whitening model, AR (p) model .From The results for tests to the data is not so clear.
Construction and operation of (2 m) parabolic solar dish for hot water application were illustrated. The heater was designed to supply hot water up to 100 oC using the clean solar thermal energy. The system includes the design and construction of solar tracking unit in order to increase system performance. Experimental test results, which obtained from clear and sunny day, refer to highly energy-conversion efficiency and promising a well-performed water heating system.
This study was designed to look for certain biochemical markers(serum uric acid and serum peroxynitrite) in women presented with obesity and to compare the level of these markers with non-obese women. A total number of 63 women were recruited from outpatients and private clinics to admit in this study. The patients were grouped into non obese women (Group I) and obese women (Group II). The anthropometric and blood pressure were determined and venous blood was obtained from each patient for determination of C-reactive protein, uric acid and peroxynitrite. The results showed that there were no significant differences in age or in concomitant or associated diseases in both groups except rheumatoid arthritis which account 80% of group I and 25%
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