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Determanation of Several Biochemical Parameters in Sera of Iraqi Patients with type 2 Diabetes
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Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), and polyphagia (increased hunger). The aim of the study is to measure several biochemical parameters in T2DM patients and the effect of these parameters in development the disease. Laboratory investigations including Ceruloplasmin , fasting blood glucose (FBG) , malondialdehyde (MDA), serum protein, uric acid, and protein electrophoresis have been measured in patients with type 2 diabetes. Blood samples were obtained from the patients and matching group of healthy volunteer subjects were considered as control group who came to the AL-Yarmok hospital for health checkup.There were significant differences in ceruloplasmin , FBG, malondialdehyde (MDA) , total protein, and uric acid,in the patients when compared to control group. There was a negative correlation between MDA [? mol/l] with ceruloplasmin [mg/dl/] (r=0.43, p<0.01), and positive correlation between FBG [mg/dl/] with uric acid [mg/dl/] (r=0.43, p<0.01), in patients group while no correlation was found among control subjects . From these studies we can conclude that antioxidant defense is impaired in type 2 DM patients of increased oxidative stress.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 10 2024
Journal Name
Humanities And Social Sciences Communications
The mediating role of accounting information systems in small and medium enterprise strategies and organizational performance in Iraq
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Abstract<p>This paper examined accounting information systems (AIS) as a mediator between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) strategies, including (finance source, administrative innovation, organizational culture, developing capabilities levels of SMEs, information source, development of business managers, and technological innovation) and organizational performance. In this quantitative study, 450 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the managers and owners of SMEs using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method via SmartPLS3 Software. The study offers empirical findings on the importance of AIS as a mediator, considers various factors, a</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Corporate And Business Strategy Review
The role of governance mechanisms in trust-building strategies: A comparative analytical study in public and private banks
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The study aims to build a model that enhances trust-building for public and private banks to compare and determine the significant differences between public and private banks, by testing the impact of governance mechanisms (transparency, accountability, justice, independence, and social responsibility) (Agere, 2000) on trust-building strategies (trust and trust building, people management, work relations, training and development, leadership practices, and communications) (Ngalo, 2011; Stone et al., 2005), to indicate the level of employees’ awareness of the theoretical contents of the two variables and their importance to banking work, with the aim of improving performance. The main question is the role of governance mechanisms

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Design an Efficient Neural Network to Determine the Rate of Contamination in the Tigris River in Baghdad City
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This article proposes a new technique for determining the rate of contamination. First, a generative adversarial neural network (ANN) parallel processing technique is constructed and trained using real and secret images. Then, after the model is stabilized, the real image is passed to the generator. Finally, the generator creates an image that is visually similar to the secret image, thus achieving the same effect as the secret image transmission. Experimental results show that this technique has a good effect on the security of secret information transmission and increases the capacity of information hiding. The metric signal of noise, a structural similarity index measure, was used to determine the success of colour image-hiding t

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of sedimentation source on the nature occurrence and distribution of the feldspar in some soil of Alluvial plain Iraq
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The current study was conducted to find out the effect of the sediment source (sedimentary of Iraqi-Iranian borderline and Tigris River) on the content and distribution of feldspar minerals and their effect on the optical properties of these minerals in some soils of Wasit and Maysan province. Eight pedons were chosen to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galat), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni). Finally, the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi represented the mixing area of sediments of all the torrents coming from borderline and the sediments of the Tigris River. The diagnostic

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of Protective Effect of Different Doses of Terminalia arjuna Bark Ethanolic Extract on Cisplatin Induced Oxidative Nephrotoxicity in Rats
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Cisplatin (CP), a platinum compound, is one of the most active cytotoxic drugs used for cancer treatment. Nephrotoxicity is severe dose limiting side effect of this drug. Abnormal production of reactive oxygen species (ROSs) leading to oxidative stress has been implicated in kidney toxicity by Cisplatin. Here the study was aimed to evaluate nephroprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Terminalia arjuna bark (EETAB) at the doses (200 & 400 mg/kg, body weight) against Cisplatin (7.5 mg/kg, i.p) induced nephrotoxicity in rats. The evaluation was done by measuring % change in body weight, renal function tests such as Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Serum Creatinine (Cr), Serum Total Protein (TP) and also Kidney SOD (Super

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Contemporary trends for the treatment of the prisoner in the light of the minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners
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The issue of the prisoners' rights and the way of dealing with them is not just a minor or
primary issue according to the contemporary attitudes to deal with criminals, but it is a fatal
issue that goes with the development of life and comprehension of human rights. As the
criminal is considered as a human-being who can be reformed and qualified, according to the
aims of the contemporary social service the prisoner is regarded as an idle human source who
can be reformed, treated and qualified so as to make him participate to improve his family and
society in the end.
This study aims at reconstructing the prisons bases when applying the laws of the lowest
level of treatment through the research of oppositions, atti

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of the Heavy Metals in the Contaminated Soil Zones at College of Education Ibn Al-Haitham -University of Baghdad
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  Soil is a crucial component of environment. Total soil analysis may give information about possible enrichment of the soil with heavy metals. Heavy metals, potentially contaminate soils, may have been dumped on the ground. The concentrations of soil heavy metals (Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn and Cu) were measured in three zones thought to be deeply contaminated at different depths (5, 25, 50 cm) at Ibn Al-Haitham College. The highest concentration of heavy metals Pb (63.3ppm), Cr (90.7ppm), Ni (124ppm) and Cu (75.7ppm) were found in zone (A) location-1, where the highest concentration of Zn (111.7ppm) was found in zone (C). Cd and As were detected in small amounts in all zones.     PH value, organic matters, carbonat

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The possibility of the application of international accounting standards to strengthen the role of oil companies in the region environment
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 The underlying objective of the international standard No. (6) to assist in accounting applications for the extractive industries, taking into consideration the goals and objectives contained in the sixteenth of the private International Accounting Standards criterion accounting for land, machinery and equipment, as well as Standard No. axes (38) relating to intangible assets, and in order to create a vision of a comprehensive development needs oil in order to exact evaluation of policies related to the particular needs and draw a comprehensive frameworks with respect to treatment of expenditures and revenues in the oil production industry, is also interested in Standard No. (6) within the primary objectiv

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Effect of Teaching Competencies in Enhancing Self-Confidence among Students of Department of Art Education during Application: كنعان غضبان حبيب
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The results of previous scientific studies showed that knowledge is something and application is something else, that's why teachers' preparation programs focused, in the present time, on special standards for knowledge and performance, i.e., who has knowledge is not necessary able to apply it in his life or in his field of work, which led to the existence of a gap between knowledge and application. Based on that, those interested in (teachers' preparation) reconsidered their work evaluation, thus the concept of competency appeared at the end of the sixties of the past century to address the negative in teachers' preparation.
The following contains a number of competency features in teachers' preparation programs:
Teachers' effec

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