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The effect of different doses levels of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the kidney and liver in Albino male Rat. Histopathological study
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Objective: In this study ,the effects of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs)were investigated on the liver and kidney tissues. Methodology: The produced nanoparticles have an average particle size of about 30 nm. Eighteen male albino rats were used by dividing them into three groups, each group comprise 6 rats. First group(control group) given food and water like other groups by liberty. Second group was tail injected by (AgNPs) at dose of (0.4 mg/kg. body weight/day). Third group was injected by (AgNPs) at dose of (0.6 mg/kg. body weight/day) for 15 days. All animals were sacrified at the end of experiment. The liver and kidney tissues specimens were fixed in 10% formalin and histological preparations were carried out then stained with H&E. Pathological changes in liver and kidney tissues were showed. Results: Histopathological studies revealed the harmful effect of the silver nanoparticles uses on the liver and kidney rats, second group that treated with Ag NPs (0.4 mg/kg.body.weight/day), kidney sections showed enlargement of collecting tubules, increase in interstitial tissue medulla, necrosis and enlargement in proximal and distal convoluted tubules. Liver showed enlargement of the central vein and degeneration of hepatic cells. Third group that treated with Ag NPs (0.6 mg/kg. body weight/day); kidney sections showed hyperplasia of the interstitial connective tissue of renal medulla with hemorrhages, renal cortex showed, degenerative changes and necrosis of proximal and distal convoluted tubules. Liver section showed congestion and necrosis of hepatic cells. Conclusion: Silver nanoparticles cause damage in liver and kidney tissues. Recommendation: Further study is needed for the effect of Ag NPs on the other tissues.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Vitamin A on Testis Weight and Sexual Glands on Albino Male Mice Treated with Hexavalent Chromium
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This study was conducted to determine the effect of vitamin A ( 10 mg/kg ) on avearage testis weight and sexual glands ( Prostate and Seminal Vesicle ) for albino male mice treated with Hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) .The current study 40 mice were divided into fife groups : 1st group treated with distilled water and considered an control group (C) / the 2nd group treated with sesame oil ( T1) / 3rd group was givin hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T2) / 4th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg / kg ) and exposed to hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T3) / 5th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg kg ) (T4) . The expermint lasted 35 day . the results showed a significant ( P ? 0.05 ) decrease in avearage testis weight and sexual glan

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Levels of Serum Lipid profile and Kidney Function Tests in Iraqi Hypertensive Patients: Duration Effect Study
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Hypertension is one of the leading causes of the global burden of disease, which causes serious health problems. The aim of this study is to investigate the lipid profile levels in sera of Iraqi hypertensive patients by measuring Total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) and kidney function levels by measuring uric acid, urea and creatinine. Seventy five individuals of Iraqi adults (Males) were divided into three groups: 25 hypertensive patients with duration of disease (1-10) year (group 1), 25 hypertensive patients with duration of disease (11-30) year (group 2) and 25 normal individuals as control group (group3). The findings indicate that serum (TC, TG and LDL) levels were significantly elevated (

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Study Medicinal and Nutritional Effects of Thyme on Hematological Changes in Male Albino Rats
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the effect of a new nikel (II) Complex and anticancer drug (cp) on Liver enzyme activity (GPT,GOT) and Creatinine level in Kidney of femal mice
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This study involved the effect of anew nickel (II) complexs with formla [NiL2(H2O)2].2.5ETOH where L=Bis[5-(p-nitrophenyL)-4-phenyL-1,2,4-traizole-3-dithocarbamato hydrazide] diaqua. nickel(II). Ethanol(2.5).and anti-cancer drug cyclophosphamide on specific actifity of two Liver enzymes (GOT,GPT) in the (Liver,kidney) tissues and on the creatinine Level in the kidney byUtilizing an invivosystem in femalmice.The result showed that inhibition in the activity of GPT and GOT enzymes in theLiver and in both nickel (II) complex and cyclophosphamide drug (CP) . mice weretreated with three doses (90,180,320) µg/mouse for three days for each group.The Liver show's the highest rate of GPT inhibition was about 97.43% at180µg/mouse regarding the ki

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Manganese Chloride in Histological Testes of Male Albino Mice
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The present study was conducted to determine the effect of Manganese on Histopathological changes in testes. Manganese Chloride was given to white mice with oral containing 150_200 and 250 mg/kg for periods of 15_30 and 45 days. The present study recorded the existence of histopathological symptoms in the testes, such as degeneration and necrosis in the tubules, congestion inside blood vessels and Edema in the interstitial tissue, as well as the appearance of giant cells inside the seminiferous tubules.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of The Effect of Fisetin against Cyclophosphamide-Induced Myelosuppression and Oxidative Stress in Male Albino Rats
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Myelosuppression is a serious disease that is related to the malfunction of blood cells production that leads to cytopenia which is the most serious hematologic toxicity of cancer chemotherapies including cyclophosphamide, which is a strong oxazaphosphorine [a nitrogen mustard alkylating agent] that can be used alone or combined with other chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of different malignant diseases. It induces severe bone marrow suppression by damaging hematopoietic stem cells through the generation of oxidative stress. Fisetin is a hydrophobic polyphenolic compound with a wide range of pharmacological properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, osteoprotective, antidiabetic, and anti-carcinogenic activit

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of The Effect of Fisetin against Cyclophosphamide-Induced Myelosuppression and Oxidative Stress in Male Albino Rats
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Myelosuppression is a serious disease that is related to the malfunction of blood cells production that leads to cytopenia which is the most serious hematologic toxicity of cancer chemotherapies including cyclophosphamide, which is a strong oxazaphosphorine [a nitrogen mustard alkylating agent] that can be used alone or combined with other chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of different malignant diseases. It induces severe bone marrow suppression by damaging hematopoietic stem cells through the generation of oxidative stress. Fisetin is a hydrophobic polyphenolic compound with a wide range of pharmacological properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, osteoprotective, antidiabetic, and anti-carcinogenic

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterization of Proteolytic Enzyme Loaded on Silver Nanoparticles
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Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme rich in cysteine proteases, extracted from the stem and fruit of pineapple (Ananas comosus). There are several therapeutic applications of the bromelain enzyme, where it has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antimicrobial activity, reduces joint pain, and accelerates wound healing. In the current study, bromelain enzyme was loaded on silver nanoparticles (Br-AgNPs) prepared using the citrate-reduction Turkevich method. Different characterization analyses were performed, including UV-Vis spectrophotometers, FTIR, SEM, and XRD analyses. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of prepared Br-AgNPs was evaluated by DPPH assay. The results of UV-Vis showed a peak at 434 nm, which referred to the AgNPs f

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Sodium Selenite and Vitamin A on FSH and LH Level in Albino Male Mice treated with Hexavalent Chromium
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The present expermint was designed to determine the effect of Sodium Selenite (0.5 mg/kg) and Vitamin A (10 mg/kg) in FSH and LH level in Albino Male Mice treated with Hexavalent Chromium (1000 ppm). `This study included 48 mice divided into six groups (1st group treated with distilled water and the 2nd group treated with Sesame Oil were considered as control group, 3th group exposed to Hexavalent chromium , 4th group treated with Sodium Selenite and exposed to Hexavalent Chromium , 5th group treated with Vitamin A and exposed to Hexavalent Chromium and 6th group treated with Sodium Selenite and Vitamin A and exposed to Hexavalent Chromium ) . The treatment lasted for 35 days. The results showed a significant (P ? 0.05) decrease in FSH an

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 14 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Comparing the histological effect of Thymol from multiple sources with blood lipids profile and liver enzymes in Albino Mice
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The therapeutic value of the phenolic component and pure thymol was well known; this study comprised the extraction of crude phenol from two plants (Thymus vulgaris and Artemisia annua) which contain thymol with pure thymol and evaluate their effect on hematological and histological by using three different concentrations of each plant extract and pure thymol to tested them on lab mice. All the mice were allowed free access to water and feed for 21 days in laboratory conditions; orally, pure water was administered to the control mice (group I), while groups II, III, and IV were given orally with T. vulgaris, A. annua, combination of last two crude phenol plant extract 50:50 and pure thymol respectively. The levels of CHO, TRI, and HDL were

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