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Tamsulosin hudrochloride (flomax) effects on fertility of albino male mice
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Aim: To evaluate the side effects of Tamsulosin hydrochloride in fertility of experimental rats. Materials and methods: three groups of mice were used. First and second groups were injected [intraperitoneal (I.P.)] daily for 42 with 8 and 16 µg /kg mouse body weight (kg.b.wt) of Tamsulosin hydrochloride, respectively. Third group was injected with PBS (control). Several biological and histopathological studies were conducted on rat groups. Results: Significant decrease in number, motility and viability of epididymal sperm post injection with 16 µg /kg.b.wt, while injection with 8 µg /kg.b.wt reduced significantly, percentage of viability of sperm as compared with the control group. High percentage of abnormal sperm was observed in mice that injected (I.P.) with 8 and 16 µg /kg.b.wt versus control group. The injection with both concentrations (8 and 16 µg /kg.b.wt) of Tamsulosin hydrochloride reduced the levels of testosterone (P <0.05), body weight, testes weight, diameter of seminiferous tubules (DST), diameter of primary spermatocyte (DPS), diameter of spermatids and number of Leydig's cells cluster significantly. However, same concentrations of Tamsulosin hydrochloride increased the interstitial space and number of abnormal Leydig's cells cluster (P<0.05). Necrosis and edema was observed clearly in testes of mice that injected with Tamsulosin hydrochloride. Conclusion: Current study proved clearly, the negative effect of Tamsulosin hydrochloride on sperm activity and number. Moreover, both studied concentrations of Tamsulosin hydrochloride affect negatively on testes structure and testosterone level.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Scienc
Histological and cytogenetic effects of Acetamiprid on male albino mice
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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of the Zinc on Activity of Immune System in Male Albino Mice
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   Effect of zinc chloride on the immune  functions was studied in male albino mice aged 6-7 weeks. It was administrated orally (1ml) in three concentrations (0.5ppm, 1ppm, 2ppm) for 9 days.         The results showed that the first concentration was not effective comparing with control while the second concentration increased the enhancement of immune system and the cell third one killed the mice 6 hours post administration, so we can conclude that the high dose of ZnCl2 could be harmful for all metabolism.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Toxicological and Immunological Effects o·f th.e Insecticide Diazinon in Male Albino Mice
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This st4dy  has been ccil'nd·ucted· to Â·shed a1ight 00: the

tox:icologital ®d irmm.J,nological effects.of the insectiCide Diaziuon

on male albino mice.

In order to determine the dose   whiCh should be ut\lized in he

chrqn:ic exposure  study, the LD:so valubas established  which rea.ched

58 mg l kg  of b0dy weight . Various parameters were· utHizea in

  • evaluatitig'the effects of tb:e.·ins.ecticide in fo.ut Weeks ami ig}1t weeks

..p,ost  ora.l - e.xposure l'lsing the concentrations 5, lb-  l.5 · mg I kg  body

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of crude extract of menthaspicata on fertility in Albino female mice
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The crude aqueous extract of menthespicata , the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of this extraction , on the histological changes of the ovares and levels of sex hormone , ( FSH , LH , Estradiol ) in albino female mice . the extract was given orally for( 45 ) days . fourty mature female mice were used in this study , the animals divided into four major groups . each group was include ten mice . the first three groups was given different concentration )) (21 , 14 , 7 %) . While the fourth group considered as control group which had been administrated tab water . For ( 45 ) days each group had been killed for hormonal assay in blood

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Aqueous Crude Extract of Carrot Seeds ( Daucus carota L.) and it Role in Fertility of Male Albino Mice
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This study was designed to test the effect of the treatment with aqueous extract of carrot seeds( Daucus carota) on fertility of male albino mice by effected on Body weight , testis weight ,secondary sex organs (prostate , seminal vesicle) and sperms properties .This experiment used (24) albino male mice aged(8-10)weeks. these animals were randomly divided into three groups contain two doses (200,400mgkg) were used from both extracts ,they were daily and orally given for (35)days ,and control group was given physiological saline. After the end of the experiment the animals were sacrificed after taken their body weights. The results were show: 1. A significant (p<0.05) increase in body weight and reproductive organs. 2

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of alcoholic extract crude fenugreek seeds on fertility in male mice eggs
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These dust designed to identify the extent of the impact of alcohol Almstkhalss saponin from fenugreek seeds on fertility in male mice eggs by tracking some physiological changes and tela that may occur to some members of the device Altcatherthe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of alcoholic extract crude fenugreek seeds on fertility in male mice eggs
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Histologic changes were studied and physiological dosage crude alcoholic extract of seeds of the fenugreek plant for male mice eggs in different concentrations after oral to study testicular tissue and culverts where reason Abstract significant decrease

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect glucosamine sulfate drug on liver tissue of male Albino mice
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The current study designed to determine the effect of Glucosamine sulfate on the liver tissue of Albino mice .the study included (40)mice divided in to 4 groups(control group had distilled water orally ).The other groups treated with(1000,2000,3000)ml/k .respectively for 8 week .the liver have been taken from dissected animal for microscopic preparation to study the histological changes .Frequently histopathologicale changes appeared in the liver tissue of the exposure groups during (4-8)week .This changes depends on (Dose and Time ). The effects were Congestion ,Infiltration ,Swelling ,Vaculation ,Hyalinization , Amyloid and Necrosis.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Copper Nanoparticles on Seminal Vesicles and Testosterone Hormone in Male Albino Mice
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The study conducted to demonstrate the effect of copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) on the seminal vesicle and testosterone hormone of males' albino mice. Twenty mice were used and divided into four groups control group and three groups that orally administrated with 100 mg/kg Cu-NPs for 7, 14 and 21 days and each group have 5 animals. Then, the blood was withdrawn from the animals to measure the level of the hormone testosterone in the next day after all the dosages period and then the animal was sacrificed. Seminal vesicles isolated from each animal and measured weight then histological sections were prepared to observe the changes of seminal vesicles sections. Then the morphometric was carried out to the lining cells and their nucleus and

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of crude alcoholic celery (Apium graveolens) leaves extract on fertility in albino female mice
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Sixty albino female mice were used in this experiment to study the possible effect of the crude alcoholic extract of the celery leaves on their fertility. These animals were randomly and equally divided into three experimental groups (20 females/group). The first and second groups were orally given a daily dose of 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight, respectively, of the crude alcoholic extract, while the third group (control) was similarly treated, at the same time, with 0.1 ml/gm body weight of physiological saline for comparison. The treatment, however, lasted for 25 consecutive days. On day 26, after treatment was stopped, the life body weight of all animals was recorded before sacrificing the animals. Thereafter blood

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