In this article we study the variance estimator for the normal distribution when the mean is un known depend of the cumulative function between unbiased estimator and Bays estimator for the variance of normal distribution which is used include Double Stage Shrunken estimator to obtain higher efficiency for the variance estimator of normal distribution when the mean is unknown by using small volume equal volume of two sample .
The present paper concern with minimax shrinkage estimator technique in order to estimate Burr X distribution shape parameter, when prior information about the real shape obtainable as original estimate while known scale parameter.
Derivation for Bias Ratio, Mean squared error and the Relative Efficiency equations.
Numerical results and conclusions for the expressions mentioned above were displayed. Comparisons for proposed estimator with most recent works were made.
This article co;nsiders a shrunken estimator ·Of Al-Hermyari· and
AI Gobuii (.1) to estimate the mean (8) of a normal clistributicm N (8 cr4) with known variance (cr+), when <:I guess value (So) av11il ble about the mean (B) as· an initial estrmate. This estimator is shown to be
more efficient tl1an the class-ical estimators especially when 8 is close to 8•. General expressions .for bias and MSE -of considered estitnator are gi 'en, witeh some examples. Nut.nerical cresdlts, comparisons and
conclusions ate reported.
في هذا البحث , استعملنا طرائق مختلفة لتقدير معلمة القياس للتوزيع الاسي كمقدر الإمكان الأعظم ومقدر العزوم ومقدر بيز في ستة أنواع مختلفة عندما يكون التوزيع الأولي لمعلمة القياس : توزيع لافي (Levy) وتوزيع كامبل من النوع الثاني وتوزيع معكوس مربع كاي وتوزيع معكوس كاما وتوزيع غير الملائم (Improper) وتوزيع
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The Expression for the Bias, Mean squared error [MSE] and Relative Efficiency [R.Eff(×)] for the proposed estimator are derived. Numerical results about beha
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A non-parametric kernel method with Bootstrap technology was used to estimate the confidence intervals of the system failure function of the log-normal distribution trace data. These are the times of failure of the machines of the spinning department of the weaving company in Wasit Governorate. Estimating the failure function in a parametric way represented by the method of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). The comparison between the parametric and non-parametric methods was done by using the average of Squares Error (MES) criterion. It has been noted the efficiency of the nonparametric methods based on Bootstrap compared to the parametric method. It was also noted that the curve estimation is more realistic and appropriate for the re
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We produced a study in Estimation for Reliability of the Exponential distribution based on the Bayesian approach. These estimates are derived using Bayesian approaches. In the Bayesian approach, the parameter of the Exponential distribution is assumed to be random variable .we derived bayes estimators of reliability under four types when the prior distribution for the scale parameter of the Exponential distribution is: Inverse Chi-squar
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