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Combined DWT and DCT Image Compression Using Sliding RLE Technique
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A number of compression schemes were put forward to achieve high compression factors with high image quality at a low computational time. In this paper, a combined transform coding scheme is proposed which is based on discrete wavelet (DWT) and discrete cosine (DCT) transforms with an added new enhancement method, which is the sliding run length encoding (SRLE) technique, to further improve compression. The advantages of the wavelet and the discrete cosine transforms were utilized to encode the image. This first step involves transforming the color components of the image from RGB to YUV planes to acquire the advantage of the existing spectral correlation and consequently gaining more compression. DWT is then applied to the Y, U and V color space information giving the approximate and the detail coefficients. The detail coefficients are quantized, coded using run length encoding (RLE) and SRLE. The approximate coefficients were coded using DCT, since DCT has superior compression performance when image information has poor power concentration in high frequency areas. This output is also quantized, coded using RLE and SRLE. Test results showed that the proposed DWT DCT SRLE system proved to have encouraging results in terms of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Compression Factor (CF) and execution time when compared with some DWT based image compressions.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Secured Mechanism Towards Integrity of Digital Images Using DWT, DCT, LSB and Watermarking Integrations
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"Watermarking" is one method in which digital information is buried in a carrier signal;
the hidden information should be related to the carrier signal. There are many different types of
digital watermarking, including traditional watermarking that uses visible media (such as snaps,
images, or video), and a signal may be carrying many watermarks. Any signal that can tolerate
noise, such as audio, video, or picture data, can have a digital watermark implanted in it. A digital
watermark must be able to withstand changes that can be made to the carrier signal in order to
protect copyright information in media files. The goal of digital watermarking is to ensure the
integrity of data, whereas stegano

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Merge Operation Effect On Image Compression Using Fractal Technique
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Fractal image compression gives some desirable properties like fast decoding image, and very good rate-distortion curves, but suffers from a high encoding time. In fractal image compression a partitioning of the image into ranges is required. In this work, we introduced good partitioning process by means of merge approach, since some ranges are connected to the others. This paper presents a method to reduce the encoding time of this technique by reducing the number of range blocks based on the computing the statistical measures between them . Experimental results on standard images show that the proposed method yields minimize (decrease) the encoding time and remain the quality results passable visually.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fractal Image Compression Using Block Indexing Technique: A Review
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Fractal image compression depends on representing an image using affine transformations. The main concern for researches in the discipline of fractal image compression (FIC) algorithm is to decrease encoding time needed to compress image data. The basic technique is that each portion of the image is similar to other portions of the same image. In this process, there are many models that were developed. The presence of fractals was initially noticed and handled using Iterated Function System (IFS); that is used for encoding images. In this paper, a review of fractal image compression is discussed with its variants along with other techniques. A summarized review of contributions is achieved to determine the fulfillment of fractal ima

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
New Combined Technique for Fingerprint Image Enhancement
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This paper presents a combination of enhancement techniques for fingerprint images affected by different type of noise. These techniques were applied to improve image quality and come up with an acceptable image contrast. The proposed method included five different enhancement techniques: Normalization, Histogram Equalization, Binarization, Skeletonization and Fusion. The Normalization process standardized the pixel intensity which facilitated the processing of subsequent image enhancement stages. Subsequently, the Histogram Equalization technique increased the contrast of the images. Furthermore, the Binarization and Skeletonization techniques were implemented to differentiate between the ridge and valley structures and to obtain one

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Image Compression Using 3-D Two-Level Techniques
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In this paper three techniques for image compression are implemented. The proposed techniques consist of three dimension (3-D) two level discrete wavelet transform (DWT), 3-D two level discrete multi-wavelet transform (DMWT) and 3-D two level hybrid (wavelet-multiwavelet transform) technique. Daubechies and Haar are used in discrete wavelet transform and Critically Sampled preprocessing is used in discrete multi-wavelet transform. The aim is to maintain to increase the compression ratio (CR) with respect to increase the level of the transformation in case of 3-D transformation, so, the compression ratio is measured for each level. To get a good compression, the image data properties, were measured, such as, image entropy (He), percent root-

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Image Compression Using Proposed Enhanced Run Length Encoding Algorithm
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In this paper, we will present proposed enhance process of image compression by using RLE algorithm. This proposed yield to decrease the size of compressing image, but the original method used primarily for compressing a binary images [1].Which will yield increasing the size of an original image mostly when used for color images. The test of an enhanced algorithm is performed on sample consists of ten BMP 24-bit true color images, building an application by using visual basic 6.0 to show the size after and before compression process and computing the compression ratio for RLE and for the enhanced RLE algorithm

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Research And Advanced Technology
. Medical Image Compression using Hybrid Technique of Wavelet Transformation and Seed Selective Predictive Method
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Image Compression Using Tap 9/7 Wavelet Transform and Quadtree Coding Scheme
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This paper is concerned with the design and implementation of an image compression method based on biorthogonal tap-9/7 discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and quadtree coding method. As a first step the color correlation is handled using YUV color representation instead of RGB. Then, the chromatic sub-bands are downsampled, and the data of each color band is transformed using wavelet transform. The produced wavelet sub-bands are quantized using hierarchal scalar quantization method. The detail quantized coefficient is coded using quadtree coding followed by Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) encoding. While the approximation coefficients are coded using delta coding followed by LZW encoding. The test results indicated that the compression results are com

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Research And Sciences
Images Compression using Combined Scheme of Transform Coding
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Some problems want to be solved in image compression to make the process workable and more efficient. Much work had been done in the field of lossy image compression based on wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). In this paper, an efficient image compression scheme is proposed, based on a common encoding transform scheme; It consists of the following steps: 1) bi-orthogonal (tab 9/7) wavelet transform to split the image data into sub-bands, 2) DCT to de-correlate the data, 3) the combined transform stage's output is subjected to scalar quantization before being mapped to positive, 4) and LZW encoding to produce the compressed data. The peak signal-to-noise (PSNR), compression ratio (CR), and compression gain (CG) measures were used t

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics
Image Hiding Using Magnitude Modulation on the DCT Coefficients
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In this paper, we introduce a DCT based steganographic method for gray scale images. The embedding approach is designed to reach efficient tradeoff among the three conflicting goals; maximizing the amount of hidden message, minimizing distortion between the cover image and stego-image,and maximizing the robustness of embedding. The main idea of the method is to create a safe embedding area in the middle and high frequency region of the DCT domain using a magnitude modulation technique. The magnitude modulation is applied using uniform quantization with magnitude Adder/Subtractor modules. The conducted test results indicated that the proposed method satisfy high capacity, high preservation of perceptual and statistical properties of the steg

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