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The effect of Sunn bug Eurygaster intgriceps infection of wheat on the Capability of bread making
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The present study aims to identifying the effect of Eurygaster integriceps infection on the quality features of the local wheat varity IBA 99. The result revealed significant decrease in the percentage of protein of infected wheat at (4, 5)% compared to sound wheat values for the sound wheat were (10.9%) whereas those for the infected wheat were(9.0, 8.4 )% also the result revealed significant increased in the percentage of ash in the infected wheat flour. The result showed significant decrease in the percentage of wet and dry gluten in the infected wheat by sun bug at the rate of (2, 3, 4, 5)% compared to sound wheat value (27, 9% and 25, 23, 22, 22, 20%) for wet gluten and (8.2, 7.8, 7, 7.2, 6%) for dry glutin . The value of sedimentation of the infected wheat decreased as of the infection increased it reached 22 ml for sound wheat and (22, 20, 20, 17, 17,)ml for infected wheat at percentage (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)% respectively. The result of falling number test have also shown significant decreased as infection rate increased, it reached(330) for sound wheat and ( 322,307, 282, 260, 250)second for infected wheat at percentage (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)% respectively. There were no significant different between the specific volume value of product loaf of infected wheat flour by sunn bug at percentage (1, 2, 3)% but the different were significant in specific volum value of infected wheat flour at rate (4 and 5)% compared to sound wheat. The sensitive evaluation of bread referred to no significant differences of quality and baking properties for loaf of infected wheat flour at (1, 2, 3,%) compared to sound wheat but the loaf of infected wheat flour at 4 and 5 % have low quality and baking properties compared to the loaf of sound wheat.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection capability Alttafaria for some materials using a bacterial mutagenesis system
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Tested effective Alttafaria some materials used for different purposes, system a bacterial mutagenesis component of three bacterial isolates belonging to different races and materials tested included drug Briaktin

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
The technique of making Super - realism sculptures by Local alternative materials (Applied Study): إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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This research is studying technique sculptures super - realism, search through, how the method of work, and the search for the materials used in their manufacture, and this is the first study in the field of art and the field of academic study in the country.Research consists of an introduction, And four sections, The introduction containing information on: research problem, Importance of research, Goals of the research, Limits of research, research approach, and research tools.The first section contains a technical study sculptures super -realism in contemporary sculpture, while the second section includes a search for alternative materials available in the local markets, for making sculptures super - realism, the third section dedicate

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Aggregate accounting information and its impact on management decision-making ( Case Study )
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The main aim of this paper is to explain the effect of the aggregation accounting information on the financial, investment, and operational, managerial decision-making and the evaluation of the financial statements after aggregate. The problem of this study is represented in administrative decision-making that takes place under differentiated accounting systems operating within a governmental economic unit that seeks at the same time to achieve a unified vision and goals for the organization. This study was conducted at the College of Administration and Economics /University of Baghdad, and it represents a sample from a community of governmental economic units that apply differentiated accounting systems. The study method is repr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 06 2002
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The effect of technology on interior space
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Nitrofurantoin on liver on Albino mice
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the current study Included, evaluation the impact of Nitrofurantoin drug on liver in albino mice, 128 male albino mice have been used . Animals treared with (150,200 Mg/Kg) for 8 weeks . NFI caused histological changes in liver represented by , swelling of hepatocytes, disappearance of radial arrangement , vaculation of liver cells , increasing of kupffer cells and appearance of giant cells. NFT caused Congestion of blood vessels and infiltration of inflammatory cells in liver in all used concentrations.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
the incidence and the clinical significance of gray zone in the clinical phases of chronic hepatitis B infection
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Background: five clinical phases were described in patients with chronic (HBV) infection: HBeAg- positive HBV infection, HBeAg- positive chronic HB, HBeAg negative HBV infection, HBeAg-negative CHB and occult HBV infection. Aim: This study aimed to determine the incidence of the unclassified phase (gray zone) in chronic hepatitis B patients and its significant in the clinical practice. Patients and methods: The study was conducted retrospectively on 109 patients' who have HBsAg positive for more than 6 months. The data recorded include; HbeAg and anti-HBe Ab, ultrasound of the abdomen, HBV DNA load and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), accordingly; we classify the patients to known clinical phases. Patients who were unfit one of these phases

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Study of Grains, Flours and Baking Quality of Wheat Cultivar (Uruq) with Other Wheat Cultivars (Triticumaestivum L.) in Iraq
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The grain hardness, wet and dry gluten contents, protein and ash contents are determined in grains from different cultivars of wheat which are important in food products, either which are present in raw materials or in final products. Wheat is also a very important food raw material, and flour as the final product of milling. The importance of knowing the physical and chemical properties of wheat and flour is due to the determination of quality and kind of flour which is produced after the milling process. In this work, some physical and chemical properties of different wheat cultivars are determined and the comparisons of these characteristics are performed in both wheat and flour. Uruq Wheat sample (W5) has the highest results when compar

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. Andmech.
The effect of external source of disease on the epidemic model
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Doppler Phenomenon on the Speed of Blood Flow
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This research studying the phenomenon of Doppler (frequency Doppler) as a method through which the direction and speed of the blood cells flows in blood vessels wear measured. This Doppler frequency is relied upon in medicine for measuring the speed of blood flow, because the blood flow is an important concept from the concepts of medicine. It represents the function and efficient of the heart and blood vessels in the body so any defect in this function will appear as a change in the speed of blood flow from the normal value assumed. As this speed changes alot in cases of  disease and morbidity  of the heart, so in order to identify the effect of changing the Doppler frequency on the speed of blood flow and the relationship of

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Promoters on the Catalytic Activity of the Iosmerization Catalyst
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The crystalline zeolite, namely faujasite type Y with SiO2/Al2O3 mole ratio of 5 was used as raw material for preparation of isomerization catalysts. A 0.5 wt % Pt/HY-zeolite catalyst was prepared by impregnation of the decationized HY-zeolite with chloroplatinic acid. The dectionized HY-zeolite was treated with HCl, HNO3 and HI promoters using different normalities and with different concentrations of Sn, Ni and Ti promoters by impregnation method to obtain acidic and metallic promoters' catalysts, respectively. A 0.5 wt% of Pt was added to above catalysts using impregnation method. Isomerization of n-hexane was carried out at different prepared catalysts. The isomerization temperature varied from 250–325° C over weight hourly space

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