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Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in Reducing Preventable Adverse Drug Events
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According to so many previous studies, lack of sufficient information during prescribing steps may lead to medication errors. Thus, the presence of the clinical pharmacist during routine rounding process in the ward with intervention of patient care plan may reduce the probability of adverse drug events (ADEs).This study evaluate role of the clinical pharmacists, as a member of medical team with the physician, on ADEs and report their interventions in the internal medicine unit. This study was designed to compare between two groups of patients, those receiving care from a rounding team (physician, nurse, and clinical pharmacist) (study or intervention group with 51 patient); and those receiving care from a rounding team (physician and nurse, but without any pharmacist) (control group with 49 patient). The primary outcome measure was preventable ADEs and secondary one involves the time of staying in the hospital and onset of response to therapy. Patients were randomly selected, followed a single-blind design, and evaluated by a senior physicians and clinical pharmacists who document their medical interventions.Specialist physicians accepted (60) of (77) recommendations (i.e. do modifications in drug therapy depending on clinical pharmacist interventions). The most common intervention was recommending dosage or frequency of medication (32.4%), followed by addition of medication (19.5%).The rate of preventable ordering ADEs in the study unit was 77% lower than in the control unit (P<0.05). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the cost of drug therapy between patient groups. Patients with ADEs in the control group had an average of 1.5 day longer staying period at the hospital; which was not differ significantly (p>0.05) from the study group.In summary, presence of clinical pharmacist during tour as a full member of the patient care team in internal medicine ward was associated with a substantially lowered rate of ADEs which caused by prescribing errors. Types of errors indicate the need for activation of the clinical pharmacist's interventions.

Key words: adverse drug events (ADEs), clinical pharmacist.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The influence of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) on interpretation: The influence of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) on interpretation
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Through the research, I have briefly discussed the life of Imam Ali and
indicated the interpretation of the Qur'an by language and terminology, the
importance and characteristics of Sahabas', may Allah be pleased with them,
interpretation of the Qur'an. Also, the sayings of Imam Ali, wich included the
explanatory interpretation of the Qur'an by the Qura'n, Sunnah, language, and
correct opinion. I have also indicated the reasons of the Quran's revelation
and the readings of the Qura'n that had been received from him including the
interpretive meaning these readings revealed. Finally, I concluded my
research with the most important results and recommends.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using the Oral Open-Ended Questions on Achievement and Developing Creative Thinking for Third-stage Arabic Department of Education College Students
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The problem of present study is determined by answering the following questions:                                                                   

1) What is the effect of using the oral open- ended questions on Students' achievement in the third-stage of Arabic department in the college of Education? 2) What is the effect of the oral open-ended questions on developing the creative thinking of students in

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Evaluation of Corrosion Pits in Esthetic Coated Stainless Steel Orthodontic Archwires in Dry and Wet Environment at Different Intervals (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: The demand for esthetic orthodontic appliances is increasing; so the esthetic orthodontic archwires were introduced. Among them, Teflon and Epoxy coated stainless steel archwires. The amount of force available from the archwire depends on the structural properties and susceptibility to corrosion. All metallic alloys are changed during immersion in artificial saliva, chlorhexidine mouthwash andtoothpaste, but their behaviors differ from one type to another. They corrode at different rates, which lead to decrease the amount of force applied to the teeth. This in vitro study was designed to evaluate the corrosion pits in stainless steel archwires coated with Teflon and with Epoxy in dry and after immersion in artificial saliva, chl

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Diagnostic value of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio in detection of acute appendicitis
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The diagnosis of acute appendicitis (AA) sometimes is illusive and the accompanying clinical and laboratory manifestations cannot be used for definitive diagnosis. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in detection of AA. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that included a total of 80 adult patients with AA and 62 age- and gender-matched patients with abdominal pain due to causes other than AA. Three milliliter of peripheral blood were collected from each participant. The NLR was calculated by dividing the absolute neutrophil count by the absolute lymphocyte count. Receiver operating characteristic curve was used to assess the diagnostic value of NLR in detection

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Reliability of fine needle aspiration biopsy in diagnosis of breast lump
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Background: breast cancer is commonest cancer globally and the 1st cancer in Iraq among females, its management and prognosis depend on early diagnosis, the traditional method was excisional biopsy which is expensive and invasive leading to delayed diagnosis, FNAB is cheap nom invasive more acceptable to women, Aim of the study: to test the reliability of FNAB in preoperative diagnosis of breast lump.

Methodology: This is a retrospective study of 204 cases, 102 breast cancer cases and 102 benign breast lesions, taken between Jan. 2017 – Nov. 2017. The sample taken from the breast cancer early detection center in  Al-Alwiyaa maternity teaching hospital, during the year 2017

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 04 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ij
Study of Histological Structure of Kidney in Snake Eryx gaculus gaculus
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The purpose of this study was to examine the histological structure of the kidney in snake Eryx gaculus gaculus. In present study, the snakes were collected from the city of Baghdad and transferred to the laboratory where their kidneys were dissected out. The samples were then processed to be prepared for histological examination microscopial observations showed that there is no border between the cortex and medulla regions of kidney. The kidney consists of nephrons which are composed of glomerulus surrounded by Bowman’s capsule; the other segments are proximal tubule, distal tubule and connecting tubule. The epithelial tissue lining of these segments simple cuboidal tissue.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mathematical Modeling of Glucose Regulation System in Term of Perturbed Coefficients
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In this research a recent developed practical modeling technique is applied for the glucose regulation system identification. By using this technique a set of mathematical models is obtained instead of single one to compensate for the  loss of information caused by the optimization technique in curve fitting algorithms, the diversity of members inside the single set is interpreted in term of restricted range of its parameters, also a diagnosis criteria is developed for detecting any disorder in the glucose regulation system by investigating the influence of variation of the parameters on the response of the system, this technique is applied in this research practically  for 20 cases with association of  National Center for

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Survey of Insects Associated with some Species of Cucurbitaceae in Iraq
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Abstract<p>Due to the spread of insect pests that destroys the crops belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family and led to deterioration in crop productivity in Iraq due to various reasons, the most important of which is Climate fluctuation and extreme weather events have a major impact on this problem. So, this paper was proposed to identify those species pests and prevalence. Insects were collected during the period from March 1. 2022 to October 30, 2022 from the several regions of Iraq, including: Baghdad, Babylon, Basra, Karbala, Wasit, Diyala, Saladin, and Duhok Provinces. The results showed 19 important species under 17 genera with 13 families, and five orders. The most common synonyms and dist</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Extraction of Iron from Aqueous Chloride Media in Presence of Aluminum
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The extraction of iron from aqueous chloride media in presence of aluminum was studied at different kinds of extractants(cyclohexanone, tributyl phosphate, diethyl ketone), different values of normality (pH of the feed solution), agitation time, agitation speed, operating temperature, phase ratio (O/A), iron concentration in the feed, and extractant concentration]. The stripping of iron from organic solutions was also studied at different values of normality (pH of the strip solution) and phase ratio (A/O). Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to measure the concentration of iron and aluminum in the aqueous phase throughout the experiments.The best values of extraction coefficient and stripping coefficient are obtained under the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Environmental study of groundwater in southwest of Baghdad, Yusufiyah using GIS
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Ground water hydrochemical study in Yusufiyah depends upon (25) wells where major cations and anions were obtained as well as trace elements. The hydrochemical properties include the study of (pH, EC, TDS, and TH). The groundwater of the study area is odorless and colorless except the wells (13 and 16) with a salty taste due to the elevated (TDS) concentration in it, where the wells depth ranges between 7-20 meters. Depth of water in these wells was about 25-35 meters above sea level. Groundwater generally flows from east to west and from north east to south west. The resource of groundwater depends upon surface water. Physical specifications are measured in the water samples included temperature, color, taste, odor, pH, electrical condu

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