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Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in Reducing Preventable Adverse Drug Events
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According to so many previous studies, lack of sufficient information during prescribing steps may lead to medication errors. Thus, the presence of the clinical pharmacist during routine rounding process in the ward with intervention of patient care plan may reduce the probability of adverse drug events (ADEs).This study evaluate role of the clinical pharmacists, as a member of medical team with the physician, on ADEs and report their interventions in the internal medicine unit. This study was designed to compare between two groups of patients, those receiving care from a rounding team (physician, nurse, and clinical pharmacist) (study or intervention group with 51 patient); and those receiving care from a rounding team (physician and nurse, but without any pharmacist) (control group with 49 patient). The primary outcome measure was preventable ADEs and secondary one involves the time of staying in the hospital and onset of response to therapy. Patients were randomly selected, followed a single-blind design, and evaluated by a senior physicians and clinical pharmacists who document their medical interventions.Specialist physicians accepted (60) of (77) recommendations (i.e. do modifications in drug therapy depending on clinical pharmacist interventions). The most common intervention was recommending dosage or frequency of medication (32.4%), followed by addition of medication (19.5%).The rate of preventable ordering ADEs in the study unit was 77% lower than in the control unit (P<0.05). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the cost of drug therapy between patient groups. Patients with ADEs in the control group had an average of 1.5 day longer staying period at the hospital; which was not differ significantly (p>0.05) from the study group.In summary, presence of clinical pharmacist during tour as a full member of the patient care team in internal medicine ward was associated with a substantially lowered rate of ADEs which caused by prescribing errors. Types of errors indicate the need for activation of the clinical pharmacist's interventions.

Key words: adverse drug events (ADEs), clinical pharmacist.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Pharmacy Practice
Physician-pharmacist agreement about off-label use of medications in private clinical settings in Baghdad, Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 13 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Reproductive Biomedicine (ijrm)
Differences in perinatal outcomes in teenage mothers with their first and third pregnancies and predictors of adverse neonatal events: A cross-sectional study
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Background: Repeated teenage pregnancy is a major burden on the healthcare system worldwide. Objective: We aimed to compare teenagers with their first and third pregnancies and to evaluate the likelihood of neonatal complications. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on female teenagers (aged ≤ 19 yr) with singleton pregnancies. The subjects (n = 298) were screened over 12 months. Ninety-six women were excluded, based on the exclusion criteria. The remaining subjects (n = 202) were divided into two groups: teenagers with first pregnancy (n = 96) and teenagers with third pregnancy (n = 47). The subjects were observed throughout pregnancy and delivery. The final sample size of the first and thi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
The Role of Labor Relations in Reducing the Cases of Job Withdrawal
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he current research aims to analyze the relationship and the level of influence of labor relations in reducing the cases of job withdrawal in private colleges in Baghdad. (265) individuals from department heads, university professors, and teaching staff in (7) private colleges located in the capital, Baghdad, and based on the Stephen Thompson equation for small samples, the sample size was determined by (157) teachers, and the questionnaire was adopted as a main tool for collecting data and information After ensuring the validity and reliability of its contents, and to test the relationship of influence, correlation and interaction between the research variables, two main hypotheses were formulated from which (5) sub-hypotheses eman

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The role of quality costs in reducing the cost of industrial" products
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Abstract :-

The aim of the research is to explain the role of quality costs their  importance and their classification, and to clarify the most important tools that help to reduce costs.

In order to achieve the objective of the research and test hypotheses adopted the descriptive approach, as well as the adoption of the analytical approach in the study of applied data has been relied upon in providing data on the financial and production reports of the research sample company, the data were used to study and analyze financial and productivity reports . A number of conclusions have been reached the most important being the following

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of housing finance policies in reducing the housing crisis in Iraq
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Finance is considered as an important and essential element when developing any housing policy which has a basic role creation of channels and effective means of saving money for individuals and institutions involved in the construction of housing units , and in particular that there is a deficit of residential dramatically in Iraq offset by a significant decline in the rates of construction housing and the accumulation of housing need in the coming years , the importance lies of the subject in creating mechanism for financing this sector and the impact of such a mechanism in solving the problem of the deficit number of housing units, through studying the experiences of some countries in the policies of housing finance to take advantage

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The evaluation of the role of the information system in reducing tax evasion
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This research attempts to evaluate the role of the information system by highlighting its importance in providing date and information to the tax administration the process of tax accounting for those who are subject to income tax whether they are individuals or companies where the effective information system provides accurate and reliable information in a timely manner.

At the theoretical part of the research, the research approaches the problem of the research represented in that whether the information system, applied in the General Commission for Taxes, is capable of achieving its role in reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion. The existence of a set of things which in the Commission may lead to increase tax evasion by taxpa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Understanding the Experience of Hospital Pharmacists with the Effectiveness, Safety, Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting and Interchangeability of Biopharmaceutical Medicines
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The study objectives were to 1) explore the real-world experience of hospital pharmacists with the differences in effectiveness safety, and interchangeability between biosimilar medicines and their reference biological counterparts, 2) reveal pharmacist recommendations to enhance the safety of biopharmaceutical medicines in public hospitals.

The study has a mixed-method design where the core component was qualitative (interviews) and the supplemental component was quantitative (adverse drug reaction, ADR, reports). This qualitative component included semi-structured (mostly face-to-face) interviews involving hospital pharmacists from different hospitals with experience with biological or biosimilar medicines. The interviews were c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Analysis of Docetaxel Adverse Drug Reactions: A Retrospective Study Based on Iraqi Pharmacovigilance Center Database
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Docetaxel is an effective treatment approved for many types of cancers, but its effectiveness in clinical practice can be compromised by significant occurrence of adverse drug reactions. The aim of the current study was to measure the distribution of adverse drug reactions of docetaxel reported in Iraq and to assess the causality, severity, seriousness, preventability, expectedness and outcome of these adverse reactions. A retrospective study conducted on individual case safety reports from the Iraqi Pharmacovigilance Center / Ministry of Health. The study included 118 individual case safety report containing 236 adverse drug reactions.
Most of the adverse drug reactions were related to skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders(26.7%), f

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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It is not long time since globalization has started along with knowledge economy and, communication media and technical information control on the world. As a result serious events appeared like failure in businesses, financial corruption and shortage of administration and control.

In spite of the great efforts held by international organizations and foundations to find organizational frames that adopt independence, que

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Impact of Clinical Pharmacist Intervention on Chemotherapy Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Breast Cancer Women
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الخلفية: إن سمية الدواء والآثار الجانبية للعلاج الكيميائي تؤثر سلبا على مرضى سرطان الثدي. الأهداف: لتقييم فعالية التدخلات الصيدلانية في تحسين معرفة مرضى سرطان الثدي ومواقفهم وممارساتهم فيما يتعلق بالعلاج الكيميائي لسرطان الثدي.

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