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Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in Reducing Preventable Adverse Drug Events
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According to so many previous studies, lack of sufficient information during prescribing steps may lead to medication errors. Thus, the presence of the clinical pharmacist during routine rounding process in the ward with intervention of patient care plan may reduce the probability of adverse drug events (ADEs).This study evaluate role of the clinical pharmacists, as a member of medical team with the physician, on ADEs and report their interventions in the internal medicine unit. This study was designed to compare between two groups of patients, those receiving care from a rounding team (physician, nurse, and clinical pharmacist) (study or intervention group with 51 patient); and those receiving care from a rounding team (physician and nurse, but without any pharmacist) (control group with 49 patient). The primary outcome measure was preventable ADEs and secondary one involves the time of staying in the hospital and onset of response to therapy. Patients were randomly selected, followed a single-blind design, and evaluated by a senior physicians and clinical pharmacists who document their medical interventions.Specialist physicians accepted (60) of (77) recommendations (i.e. do modifications in drug therapy depending on clinical pharmacist interventions). The most common intervention was recommending dosage or frequency of medication (32.4%), followed by addition of medication (19.5%).The rate of preventable ordering ADEs in the study unit was 77% lower than in the control unit (P<0.05). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the cost of drug therapy between patient groups. Patients with ADEs in the control group had an average of 1.5 day longer staying period at the hospital; which was not differ significantly (p>0.05) from the study group.In summary, presence of clinical pharmacist during tour as a full member of the patient care team in internal medicine ward was associated with a substantially lowered rate of ADEs which caused by prescribing errors. Types of errors indicate the need for activation of the clinical pharmacist's interventions.

Key words: adverse drug events (ADEs), clinical pharmacist.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation and Development of the (Hilla – Daghara) Rivers System
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Shatt Al-Hilla branches from the left of Euphrates River, U/S Hindiyah Barrage, Iraq, and extends about 100 km. It branches at the end into Shatt Al-Diwaniya 112 km and Shatt Al-Daghara 64 km. The study aims to evaluate and develop (Hilla-Daghara) rivers system, which is included Shatt Al-Hilla and Shatt Al-Daghara. Fieldwork began from (26 October until December) 2020. M9, S5 devices, and the installed staff gauges were used to measure discharges and water levels, respectively. A one-dimensional model was developed for the study area by HEC-RAS, after calibration and verification by field measurements; the Manning's n of Shatt Al-Daghara is found to be 0.022. Five Scenarios were simulated to study the reach under the cu

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personal Distance and the Feeling of comfort and annoyance
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The aim of the current research is to identify the personal distance between members of society, as well as, to identify the feelings of satisfaction and positivity from respecting the permissible personal distance. The study also aims to identify the feelings of annoyance and comfort from approaching and going beyond personal distance and not respecting it. To achieve these goals, the researchers reviewed previous literature, theories, and studies that dealt with personal distance. The researchers reached a number of results; first, personal distance is not a law but rather a cultural guiding principle for social and professional morals. Second, there are four distances (intimate distance, the distance between friends, social distance,

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
On The Convergence Speediness of K * and D-Iterations
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Abstract<p>In this article, we introduced a new concept of mappings called δZA - Quasi contractive mapping and we study the K*- iteration process for approximation of fixed points, and we proved that this iteration process is faster than the existing leading iteration processes like Noor iteration process, CR -iteration process, SP and Karahan Two- step iteration process for 𝛿𝒵𝒜 − quasi contraction mappings. We supported our analytic proof by a numerical example.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 11 2023
Journal Name
J. Of Kirkuk Univ. For Agri. Sci.
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This article dealt with identifying the importance of heat stress in poultry flocks and the damages resulting from the production of eggs and meat and the spread of pathogens, in addition to that ways to mitigate the harmful effects of heat stress, including physiological, nutritional, engineering and genetics, in order to ensure preservation of the product and reduce damages

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Interpretation of opinion At the rational school Descriptive study
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions until the Day of Judgment.
      The words of God Almighty are for the sake of the greatest and greatest speech, and the scholars, may God have mercy on them, raced.
To dive into knowing the word of God and what he intended, so they wrote in it the literature and collected works in it, and explained it to those after them.
      And when the noble companions, were extremely eloquent and eloquent, because the Holy Qur’an was revealed in the language of the Quraysh, and all the Arabs knew their language, they understood the Holy Qur’an and applied it p

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study the Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes/Polyaniline Nanocomposites
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Several schottky diodes were fabricated from polyaniline/ Carbon nanotube (single and multiwalled) composites. These composites were synthesized with different concentration and two carbon nanotubes types, Single and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT & MWCNT). Aluminum and silver paste were chosen as schottky and ohmic contact respectively. physical and electrical were used to studied these composite by using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and electrical measurements. The Root Mean Square RMS surface roughness of the composite samples was found to be around 4nm. The currentvoltage characteristic were measurements for all samples in the bias range ±15V at room temperature. The results shows the increasing in carbon nanotubes concentration

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Review of the Electrical Submersible Pump Development Chronology
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The electric submersible pump, also known as ESP, is a highly effective artificial lift method widely used in the oil industry due to its ability to deliver higher production rates compared to other artificial lift methods. In principle, ESP is a multistage centrifugal pump that converts kinetic energy into dynamic hydraulic pressure necessary to lift fluids at a higher rate with lower bottomhole pressure, especially in oil wells under certain bottomhole condition fluid, and reservoir characteristics. However, several factors and challenges can complicate the completion and optimum development of ESP deployed wells, which need to be addressed to optimize its performance by maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs and uncertainties. To

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of e-governance on achieving creative performance
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The research aims to investigate the relationship and impact of e-governance as an independent variable in achieving creative performance as a dependent variable. These variables have been studied in the Directorate of Passports Affairs, and seek to come up with a set of recommendations that help in promoting e-governance in the researched organization, and the researcher adopted the descriptive-analytical approach, included The sample (122) of the total (194) individuals distributed in several administrative levels (officers, associates, and administrative staff). By adopting the questionnaire, which included (49) paragraphs as the main tool for the collection of data and information, as well as personal interviews and field obs

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Using CRF Tool for Analyzing the Resilience of Cities
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The new sustainable development goals set by the UN include a goal of making cities inclusive, safe, sustainable, and resilient. Cities are growing at huge rates, and conditions of deteriorating QOL̛s are increasing in the form of poor access to services, and slums are remarkable, especially in the cities of the Middle East; hence, the research problem can arise from a lack of knowledge regarding the in determination of a way to assess the resilience of cities to develop mechanisms that will improve the quality of urban life. In this study, a tool called CRF has been applied for the assessment of the city's resilience principles of health and quality of life, economics and social, infrastructure and environmental systems, and the principle

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of recycling abandoned sites on sustainable development
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In today's cities, it is easy to see large numbers of vacant lands and unused abandoned sites in downtown areas that are not only ugly but also potentially becoming fertile ground for criminal activities that endanger residents and visitors and contribute to the further degradation of neighborhoods,

can provide reuse of spaces Neglected opportunities to reshape the appearance of the city and to improve the city center for its users that the presence of many neglected sites, whether they were abandoned buildings or sites for destroyed buildings in Mosul after the war on ISIS and with large areas amid the urban fabric led to the emergence of the research problem is (lack of urban planning to reactivate abandoned sites within the ci

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