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The Correlation Between Hyperglycemia and Rheumatoid Factor in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Al- Risafa Area, Baghdad
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Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) formerly called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes is a common disease. Rheumatoid factor is a well-established test used in the diagnosis and follows the prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid factor is sometimes found in serum of patients with other diseases including diabetes mellitus (DM), due to the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF- α which play an important role in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the study is to investigate the associations between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in scope of rheumatoid factor (RF), hyperglycemia and body mass index (BMI), in patients with T2DM lived in Al-Risafa area -Baghdad. One hundred twenty five (125) type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients were selected from the out patients department of the Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes, Baghdad; in addition to (70) apparently healthy non diabetic, non arthritic subjects as control, during the period from Sep. - Dec./2010. The ages of both patients and control subjects were within (35-75) years. This study focus to search for the correlation between T2DM and RF "qualitative and quantitative" in relation to body mass index (BMI) and gender. Out of 125 DM-patients (73 female and 52 male), 44 (35.2 %) showed positive RF when compared with healthy controls (N=3, 4.3%). [P value =0.01 is significant] with female dominance (N=28, 63.6%) in compared to males (N=16, 36.4 %), when these diabetics with RF positive were titered for RF (8, 16, 32 and 64 IU/ml), the following results were obtained. The highest percentage of titer observed with 34.1% in those with RF titer 64 IU/ ml [P value = 0.01] when compared with healthy control.  18.2 % had RF titer of 8 IU/ ml, 20.4 % had RF titer of 16 IU/ ml, 27.3 % had RF titer of 32 IU/ ml and 34.1 % had RF titer of 64 IU/ ml. The highest percentage among the overweight, DM patients (38.9 %) have a mean titer 64 IU/ml, a percentage decrease respectively as below: 38.9 % had RF titer of 64 IU/ ml, 27.8% had RF titer of 32 IU/ ml, 16.6 % had RF titer 16 IU / ml and 16.6% had RF titer 8 IU/ ml. The highest number and percentage of DM with RF positive (N=17, 38.6 %) were located among higher age (50-59), (60-69) & (70 -79) year groups (N=17, 38.6%), (N=13, 29.5%) & (N=8, 18.2%) respectively, [P- Value < 0.01] when compared to the corresponding controls. The effect of fasting plasma glucose level of type 2 DM in patients who have RF positive titer, is found that > 7.2 mmol/l glucose in plasma contribute the highest titer (N=28, 63.6 %), in comparison with group of plasma glucose levels < 7.2 mmol/l patients (N=16, 36.4%). with a highly significant difference, P-value = 0.006.Smokers diabetic patients with RF positive (N=27, 61.4%) dominate over non- smokers with RF positive (N=17, 38.6%). The results of this study indicate that there is a reasonable increased frequency of positive rheumatoid factor (RF) in type 2 diabetic patients. Poor glycemic control is associated with higher RF titer in positive cases. The titer of T2DM smoker patients is associated with positive RF values that exceed the titer of the non- smoker RF positive patients. Thus, smoking might not be correlated significantly to DM, but may contribute to its complications.

Key words: T2DM, RF, BMI, Smoking.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa For Mathematics And Computer
Some Properties Of N-Co probabilistic Normed Space And Co-probabilistic Dual Space Of N-Co probabilistic Normed Space
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The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce the, N-coprobabilistic normed space, coprobabilistic dual space of N-coprobabilistic normed space and give some facts that are related of them.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Object from Two-Dimensional Images by Utilizing Distance Regularized Level Algorithm and Mesh Object Generation
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Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction from images is a most beneficial method of object regeneration by using a photo-realistic way that can be used in many fields. For industrial fields, it can be used to visualize the cracks within alloys or walls. In medical fields, it has been used as 3D scanner to reconstruct some human organs such as internal nose for plastic surgery or to reconstruct ear canal for fabricating a hearing aid device, and others. These applications need high accuracy details and measurement that represent the main issue which should be taken in consideration, also the other issues are cost, movability, and ease of use which should be taken into consideration. This work has presented an approach for design and construc

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis of New Bismaleimide Homopolymer and Copolymers Derived from 4, 4ˉ-Bis[4-(N-maleimidyl) Phenyl Schiff Base] Tolidine
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Polyimides are widely used in high-temperature plastics, adhesives, dielectrics, photoresists, nonlinear optical materials, separation membrane materials, and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. They are commonly regarded as the most heat-resistant polymers. This work involved the synthesis of a new bismaleimide homopolymer and copolymer by performing many steps. The synthesis of compound (1) (bis [4-(amino phenyl) Schiff base] tolidine) via condensation of o-tolidine with two moles of 4-aminoacetophenone. Secondly, compound (1) was combined with maleic anhydride to form compound (2) (4, 4ˉ-bis[4-(N-maleamic acid) phenyl Schiff base] toluidine). Thirdly, a dehydration reaction was carried out affording compound (3) (4,4ˉ-bis [4-(N-maleimidyl

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Evaluation of Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized by Precipitation Method against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
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A novel technique for nanoparticles with a chemical method and impact for resistance bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), UV-visible analysis confirmed the by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Energy dispersive X-Ray (EDX), Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction pattern estimation antimicrobial excellent antibacterial activity against MRSA (with zone of inhibition of 11 ± 02 mm , 9 ± 01 mm,8 ± 03 mm and 7.5 ± 02 mm and 6.5 ± 02 mm) at different concentrations (0.5 ,0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03125) mg/ml while good activity was 16 ± 03 mm at 17 ± 02 mm zone at 0.25, 0.125 mg/mL, respectively. The increase in microorganism resistance to antibiotics a couple of have caused

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2024
Journal Name
Internet Technology Letters
Using <scp>5G</scp> Standards for Smart Healthcare Applications and Designing an Artificial Intelligence‐Based Industry 4.0 Communication System
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ABSTRACT<p>The introduction of Industry 4.0, to improve Internet of Things (IoT) standards, has sparked the creation of 5G, or highly sophisticated wireless networks. There are several barriers standing in the way of 5G green communication systems satisfying the expectations for faster networks, more user capacity, lower resource consumption, and cost‐effectiveness. 5G standards implementation would speed up data transmission and increase the reliability of connected devices for Industry 4.0 applications. The demand for intelligent healthcare systems has increased globally as a result of the introduction of the novel COVID‐19. Designing 5G communication systems presents research problems such as optimizing </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Macro controlling of copper oxide deposition processes and spray mode by using home-made fully computerized spray pyrolysis system
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Huazhong University Of Science And Technology [medical Sciences]
New mini dental implant attachments versus O-ring attachment after cyclic aging: Analysis of retention strength and gap space
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Permeable Reactive Barrier of Coated Sand by Iron Oxide for Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with Cadmium and Copper Ions
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ان تصنيع رمال مطلية بأوكسيد الحديد من خلال ترسيب الجزيئات النانوية لذلك الاوكسيد على سطوح الرمال واستخدامها في الحاجز التفاعلي النفاذ لإزالة ايونات الكادميوم والنحاس من المياه الجوفية الملوثة الهدف الرئيسي للدراسة الحالية. تم توصيف بيانات الامتزاز نتيجة تفاعل المادة المازة مع المادة الممتزة قيد الدراسة بشكل جيد من خلال نموذج لانكمير والذي كان أفضل من نموذج فراندلش. لقد وجد ان اعلى قيم لقابلية الامتزاز با

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Allowable Vertical Load and Length/Diameter Ratio (L/D) on Behavior of Pile Group Subjected to Torsion
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Some structures such as tall buildings, offshore platforms, and bridge bents are subjected to lateral loads of considerable magnitude due to wind and wave actions, ship impacts, or high-speed vehicles. Significant torsional forces can be transferred to the foundation piles by virtue of eccentric lateral loading. The testing program of this study includes one group consists of 3 piles, four percentages of allowable vertical load were used (0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%) with two L/D ratios 20 and 30, vertical allowable load 110 N for L/D = 20 and 156 N for L/D = 30. The results obtained indicate that the torsional capacity for pile group increases with increasing the percentage of allowable vertical load, when the percentage of allowable vertica

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Cytotoxic Activity of CuO NPs Prepared by PLAL Against Liver Cancer (Hep-G2) Cell Line and HdFn Cell Lines
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A simple physical technique was used in this study to create stable and cost-effective copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles from pure copper metal using the pulsed laser ablation technique. The synthesis of crystalline CuO nanoparticles was confirmed by various analytical techniques such as particle concentration measurement using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine the crystal size and identify of the crystal structure of the prepared particles. The main characteristic diffraction peaks of the three samples were consistent. The corresponding 2θ is also consistent, and the cytotoxicity of the nanoparticles was

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