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The Correlation Between Hyperglycemia and Rheumatoid Factor in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Al- Risafa Area, Baghdad
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Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) formerly called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes is a common disease. Rheumatoid factor is a well-established test used in the diagnosis and follows the prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid factor is sometimes found in serum of patients with other diseases including diabetes mellitus (DM), due to the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF- α which play an important role in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the study is to investigate the associations between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in scope of rheumatoid factor (RF), hyperglycemia and body mass index (BMI), in patients with T2DM lived in Al-Risafa area -Baghdad. One hundred twenty five (125) type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients were selected from the out patients department of the Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes, Baghdad; in addition to (70) apparently healthy non diabetic, non arthritic subjects as control, during the period from Sep. - Dec./2010. The ages of both patients and control subjects were within (35-75) years. This study focus to search for the correlation between T2DM and RF "qualitative and quantitative" in relation to body mass index (BMI) and gender. Out of 125 DM-patients (73 female and 52 male), 44 (35.2 %) showed positive RF when compared with healthy controls (N=3, 4.3%). [P value =0.01 is significant] with female dominance (N=28, 63.6%) in compared to males (N=16, 36.4 %), when these diabetics with RF positive were titered for RF (8, 16, 32 and 64 IU/ml), the following results were obtained. The highest percentage of titer observed with 34.1% in those with RF titer 64 IU/ ml [P value = 0.01] when compared with healthy control.  18.2 % had RF titer of 8 IU/ ml, 20.4 % had RF titer of 16 IU/ ml, 27.3 % had RF titer of 32 IU/ ml and 34.1 % had RF titer of 64 IU/ ml. The highest percentage among the overweight, DM patients (38.9 %) have a mean titer 64 IU/ml, a percentage decrease respectively as below: 38.9 % had RF titer of 64 IU/ ml, 27.8% had RF titer of 32 IU/ ml, 16.6 % had RF titer 16 IU / ml and 16.6% had RF titer 8 IU/ ml. The highest number and percentage of DM with RF positive (N=17, 38.6 %) were located among higher age (50-59), (60-69) & (70 -79) year groups (N=17, 38.6%), (N=13, 29.5%) & (N=8, 18.2%) respectively, [P- Value < 0.01] when compared to the corresponding controls. The effect of fasting plasma glucose level of type 2 DM in patients who have RF positive titer, is found that > 7.2 mmol/l glucose in plasma contribute the highest titer (N=28, 63.6 %), in comparison with group of plasma glucose levels < 7.2 mmol/l patients (N=16, 36.4%). with a highly significant difference, P-value = 0.006.Smokers diabetic patients with RF positive (N=27, 61.4%) dominate over non- smokers with RF positive (N=17, 38.6%). The results of this study indicate that there is a reasonable increased frequency of positive rheumatoid factor (RF) in type 2 diabetic patients. Poor glycemic control is associated with higher RF titer in positive cases. The titer of T2DM smoker patients is associated with positive RF values that exceed the titer of the non- smoker RF positive patients. Thus, smoking might not be correlated significantly to DM, but may contribute to its complications.

Key words: T2DM, RF, BMI, Smoking.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Remedy Efficiency through Paclitaxel on Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Brain Injury and Risk Premium of N- Diethyl nitrosamine (DEN) Injection
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The current study deals with the effect of N-Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) induced traumatic brain injury on male albino rats, as well as the outcome results of treatment with paclitaxel nanoparticles for a period of 8 weeks with two-week intervals is the concern of the present study. Mean body weight, as well as brain weight, was considered as the main parameters whereas a detailed immunohistochemical study on rat brain sections was performed. Astrocytic biomarkers for the diagnosis of astrocytes by fibrillary glial acidic protein (GFAP). Neuronal GFAP staining used for various broke sections were forwarded. Comparison and Contrast of all these parameters in all steps of the experiment had been discussed. The

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Isoscaler and isovector for one body of magnetic dipole transitions of Ba(A=130- 136) isotopes using IBM-1
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Isoscalar   and  isovector   for  one   body  of  magnetic   dipole transitions    of   even even   Ba   (A=l30-136)  isotopes   have   been calculated using IBM-1 . The present calculations are predicted that the maximum   values    of   magnetic    dipole   reduced   matrix   clement (11  II fr.·Hil lll1 


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia
Effect of using insect larvae meal as a complete protein source on quality and productivity characteristics of laying hens
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Effect of Operating Temperature on Performance of Obliquely Deposited Bi, Sb and Bi-Sb Semimetal Thin Film Laser Detectors
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Obliquely deposited (70o) Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloy thin films have been prepared by thermal
resistive technique. Structural properties of these films were studied using XRD. Their resistance and
voltage responsivity for Nd:YAG and CO2 laser pulses have been recorded as function of operating
temperature between 10 oC and 120 oC. It was found that the maximum responsivity for these detectors
can be obtained at 75 oC. On the other hand, the dependence of responsivity on the width of detectors was

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 21 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Control, Automation And Systems
Design and Stability Analysis of a Fractional Order State Feedback Controller for Trajectory Tracking of a Differential Drive Robot
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Medico-legal Update
Cytotoxic Effect of Modified Gutta Percha by Incorporating Bioactive Glass 45S5 and Chitosan Particles As Potential Root Canal Filling
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The study area comprises Injana Formation (Late Miocene), exposed on the hills nearby of Tharthar Lake and about 120 km north of Baghdad city. This study depends on sedimentologic and facies analysis to recognize paleoenvironment and recognize the kinds of vertebrate bone fossils during Late Miocene. Sedimentologic and facies analysis showed many sedimentary facies: facies (Se) of scoured erosional surface, facies of (Sp) cross- bedded sandstones, facies (Fs) of fine sandstone facies, facies of (Fc) claystone, and facies of (C) calcareous clay. Facies analysis referred to the sub environments which are: point bar, over bank and floodplain in addition to fining upward cycles of deposition, which refers to meandering flu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications
Formulation of approximate mathematical model for incoming water to some dams on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers using spline function
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n this paper, we formulate three mathematical models using spline functions, such as linear, quadratic and cubic functions to approximate the mathematical model for incoming water to some dams. We will implement this model on dams of both rivers; dams on the Tigris are Mosul and Amara while dams on the Euphrates are Hadetha and Al-Hindya.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Salivary gland tumors: A review of 171 cases, with particular reference to histological types, site, age and gender distribution
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Background: Salivary tumors are uncommon, being of low incidence worldwide. This study aimed to assess cases collected in this series of salivary gland tumors in regard to histopathological typing, in relation to age, site and gender. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study; cases were collected from public and private laboratories. A total number of 171 cases were collected. The slides were reviewed and reclassified for histopathological typing according to WHO classification 2005. Results: Benign tumors were more common than malignant tumors. The most common histological type was benign mixed tumor, followed by Warthin’s tumor. The most common malignant tumor was adenoid cystic carcinoma. One hundred twenty three cases ou

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Publication Date
Fri May 25 2018
Journal Name
Drug Invention Today
Effect of uricol® and food with different samafurantin® doses on secondary pharmacokinetic parameters by applying urinary data
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Introduction: Nitrofurantoin (NFT) is abroad spectrum bactericidal antibiotic. The bioavailability of NFT is affected by many factors. Samafurantin® tablets containing 50 mg NFT were manufactured by Samarra drug industry. Urinary excretion studies were employed since; the urinary tract is the main site of NFT action and excretion. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of Uricol® and food on secondary pharmacokinetic parameters of Samafurantin® tablets with different doses by applying urinary data. Methods: Twelve healthy male volunteers participated in this study. Urine samples were collected from each volunteer after overnight fasting at a specified time intervals which considered as a blank sample for meas

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