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Guggulusome - A Novel Vesicular Carriers for Enhanced Transdermal Delivery
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The present work describes guggul as a novel carrier for some anti-inflammatory drugs. Guggulusomes containing different concentration of guggul with aceclofenac were prepared by sonication method and characterized for vesicle shape, size, size-distribution, pH, viscosity, spread ability, homogeneity, and accelerated stability in-vitro drug permeation through mouse skin. The vesicles exhibited an entrapment efficiency of 93.2 ± 12%, vesicle size of 0.769 ± 3μm and a zeta potential of - 6.21mV. In vitro drug release was analyzed using Franz’s diffusion cells. The cumulative release of the guggulusomes gel (G2) was 75.8% in 18 hrs, which is greater than that all the gel formulation. The stability profile of prepared system assessed for 45 days. The vesicular suspension was kept in sealed vials (10ml) at 4 ± 2ºC and at room temperature for 45 days no change was showned in entrapment efficiency. The optimized guggulusomes formulation showed transdermal flux 216.1μg/cm²/hr. The result advocates the potential of guggulusomes formulation to treat diseases where facilitated penetration of the drug into muscle and synovial fluid is desirable. In the end of the tests guggulusomes gel G2 with carbopol 934K was the most stable. The paw edema and percentage inhibition of carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats treated with aceclofenac guggulusomes gels and commercial formulation of aceclofenac gel marketed gel. The formulation G2 were devoid of any irritation potential and no edema formation was observed in any case. Irritation score for aceclofenac guggulusomes gels was zero, which indicated its acceptability for topical administration.

Keywords:  Aceclofenac, Gel, Carbopol, Guggulu carrier.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Electronic Customer Trust Building Tools On Excellent Performance An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of individuals in the administrative and leadership positions in the Northern Cement Company
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The current study aims to overcome the conflicts facing the company in its way of staying and continuing to maintain its performance excellent in light of the intense competition, which made it seek to find strong ways and links with its customers through electronic communication using electronic platforms, and this put confidence and safety in The place of suspicion and fear of not fulfilling credibility or violating the privacy, so this research comes to answer about the question:  “Can the company achieve an excellent performance by relying on the customer's electronic confidence?”.

The study followed the descriptive and analytical approaches by providing a virtual model and testing the zero hypotheses, which stipulat

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of ICAM-1 and Cortactin as cell adhesive molecule and invasive markers in Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the head and neck region (A comparative study)
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Background: Lymphomas are a group of diseases caused by malignant lymphocytes that accumulate in lymph nodes and cause the characteristic clinical features of lymphadenopathy. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) (CD54) is a transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules. Cortactin was first identified as one of the major substrates for src kinase. because it localized to Cortical actin structures, The aims of this study was to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical of ICAM-1 expression as cell adhesion molecule marker and Cortactin expression as invasive marker. Material and Methods: This study was performed on (68) formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks, histopathologically diagn

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 04 2923
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainable Studies
Enantiosemy in a Comparative Aspect: On the Material of Modern Russian and Arabic Languages Энантиосемия в сравнительном аспекте: На материале современного русского и арабского языков التضاد - دراسة مقارنة : اللغات الروسية والعربية الحذيثة أنمورجا
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This work is devoted to a comparative study of the phenomenon of enantiosemy in Russian and Arabic.Everyone knows the term antonyms - words of the same part of speech, opposite in meaning, such as: Day and night, white and black, truth and lies. But in Russian, Arabic and other languages there is an interesting phenomenon, which consists in the fact that one word has two opposite meanings. Such a phenomenon in linguistics is called enantiosemy (from the Greek words enantios - "opposite" and sema - "sign")

Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of a Structural Theory- based Training Program in Enhancing Arabic Language Teachers’ Teaching Practices and their Tendencies towards Structural Teaching: مريم بنت حسن البلوشي، ريا بنت سالم المنذري، علي مهدي كاظم
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The study aims to identify the effectiveness of a structural theory-based training program in enhancing the teaching practices of Arabic language teachers teaching grade ten in South Al Batinah in Sultanate of Oman. The study used the quasi-experimental design, and the sample consisted of 40 male and female teachers. To achieve the objectives of the study, a training program, an observation form and a measurement tool of teachers’ tendencies towards a structural teaching were made. The program was implemented with an experimental group of 20 female and male teachers in the first semester of the academic year 2018/2019. The study has found that there is a statistically significant difference between the average grades before and after i

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of serum levels of Proinflammatory Cytokines IL-8, IL-17, and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients
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Gastritis can be defined as histological inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be classified according to the time course of the disease as acute or chronic, histological findings, anatomic location, and pathological mechanisms. The objective of this study was to evaluation of serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, IL-17 and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients. The case-control prospective study consists of 60 patients who attended the Gastrointestinal Tract Center at Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital during the period from December 2019 to April 2020. In addition, the control group included 60 apparently healthy individuals. Bio

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Application of banking institutions' governance variables and their impact on financial performance as measured by (ROA & ROE): an applied study on a sample of local Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research seeks to achieve its goal of demonstrating the impact of applying banking governance variables on the financial performance of Islamic banks, and the independent research variables are represented by (X) by (the number of independent members in the board (X1), the number of directors in the board (X2), the number of committees emanating from the board ( X3), the percentage of shares owned by major shareholders in the board (X4), the number of members of the Sharia supervisory board (X5)), and the dependent variable (Y) is represented by (rate of return on assets (Y1), rate of return on equity (Y2)).

The research sample included (4) Islamic banks, namely (Iraqi Islamic Bank, National Islamic Bank, Jihan Islamic Bank,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم و التكنولوجية للنشاطات البدنية و الرياضية
The effect of the think, pair, and share strategy of using educational movies on learning jumping opened legs and closed legs skills on vault in artistic gymnastics for women
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The research aimed at identifying the effect of the think, pair, and share strategy by using educational movies on learning jumping opened legs and closed legs skills on vault in artistic gymnastics for women. It also aimed at identifying the group that learned better the skills understudy. The researcher used the experimental method on second-grade College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences female students. Twelve female students were selected from each of the two sections to form the subjects of the study. The main program was applied for eight weeks with one learning session per week. The data was collected and treated using SPSS to conclude that the think, pair, and share strategy and the traditional program have positive effects

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2023
Journal Name
Pakistan Heart Jornal
The Effect of the Strategy of Differentiated Education According to the Auditory Learning Style by Using Assistance in Learning the Back Kick (T-Chagi) for the Young Players of …
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 20 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New Approach for Determination of Oxonium Ion in Inorganic Acids by Quenched Fluorescence of Analytically Interested Species via the Liberated Bromine Using Continuous Flow Injection Laser Diode Fluorimeter Analyser
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A new method is characterized by simplicity, accuracy and speed for determination of Oxonuim ion in ionisable inorganic acid such as hydrochloric (0.1 - 10) ,Sulphuric ( 0.1 - 6 ),nitric ( 0.1 - 10 ), perchloric ( 0.1 - 7 ), acetic (0.1 - 100 ) and phosphoric ( 0.1 - 30 ) ( mMol.L-1 )acids. By continuous flow injection analysis. The proposed method was based on generation of bromine from the Bro-3-Br-- H3O+. Bromine reacts with fluorescein to quenches the fluorescence . A sample volume no.1 (31μl) and no.2 (35μl) were used with flow rate of 0.95 mL.min-1 using H2O line no.1as carrier stream and 1.3 mL.min-1 using fluorescein sodium salt line no.2. Linear regression of the concentration ( mMol.L-1 ) Vs quenched fluorescence gives a correla

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of Drinking Waters’ projects in accordance with the standard Malcolm Baldrige Award for Excellence in the framework of total quality management / applied research in Water Department of Baghdad
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The research aims to evaluate the selected projects from the water Department of Baghdad, according to a standard for total quality management and to achieve this goal , adopted the case study method to get to know how close or turn away those projects in the management of Standard Malcolm Baldrige Award for Excellence in Quality Management its comprehensive one scales the world's most famous in this area , in order to draw a general framework to evaluate how project management can benefit from this approach to modern management , input from the entrances of the comprehensive management reform and development.

Be standard Malcolm Baldrige Award of several elements: - leadership , strategic planning , foc

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