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Impact of Different Doses of Nicorandil-Induced Ulceration (Oral , Gastrointestinal Tract, and Anal) in Rats: Roles of Leptin and Prostaglandin E2
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Many reports confirm ulcers as an adverse effect of drugs such as nicorandil and aspirin. The exact responsible mechanisms of ulceration have until now not proved. Mucosal ulcers associated with the onset of ulcer are manifested by an increase in proinflammatory cytokine, excessive prostaglandin, and up-regulation of Endothilin-1 level, which directly impacts the release of leptin. These, released locally within mucosal tissues, have played a role in controlling the extent of local inflammatory responses and processes of mucosal repair.
This study was designed to find out the correlation of plasma leptin and prostaglandin levels as a possible mechanism of oral ulcer formation as an adverse effect of nicorandil. The effect of nicorandil for inducing ulceration was assessed. The plasma leptin and prostaglandin E2 for the tested groups in relation to the studied parameters (gender, and daily body weight change) were estimated in albino rats.
Nicorandil causes mucous membrane damage, inflammation, and ulceration. A significant reduction of plasma leptin level, which was dose-dependent, and a non-significant reduction of serum prostaglandin E2 level. The mechanisms of ulcer induction as an adverse effect of nicorandil can be related to dose-dependant leptin and prostaglandin E2 levels, which affects on repair and healing process.
Keywords: Nicorandil, Leptin, Prostaglandin E2, Ulcer.

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Maximum Complete (k,n)-Arcs in the Projective Plane PG(2,4) By Geometric Method
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A (k,n)-arc A in a finite projective plane PG(2,q) over Galois field GF(q), q=pⁿ for same prime number p and some integer n≥2, is a set of k points, no n+1 of which are collinear.  A (k,n)-arc is complete if it is not contained in a(k+1,n)-arc.  In this paper, the maximum complete (k,n)-arcs, n=2,3 in PG(2,4) can be constructed from the equation of the conic.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Applying Decisions’ Theory to choose an Alternative Factor for Spatial Development in Holy Karbala Governorate
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It is very well known in the planning publications that when creating spacing development to a region or sub-region, it can be able to make more than an alternative consisting with the strategic directions overtaken from the actual development of region and the situational and developmental objectives needed. However, the difficulty facing the situational planning is in selecting one of these alternatives to be the best in order to make a balanced situational re-structure, and achieving the economic, social and civil objectives. The developmental situation elements in the regions and governorates, including (Karbala) impose themselves as situational power which implies the process of re-structural arrangement where the situational develo

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Sustainability by recycling palm waste in designing women's belts: وفاء حسن شافعي -مرام زيد الحربي
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This research contributes to environmental sustainability by recycling natural waste resources in making clothing products. The research aims to employ palm trees waste in designing belts suitable for contemporary women's fashion trends. Both descriptive and applied research approaches were used. Therefore, a collection of belts was designed and implemented. Then, a questionnaire was used to assess the extent to which the implemented belts achieved in sustainability standards using Likert scale. The sample size was 60 women. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program to calculate the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. One of the significant results of the research is the high average scores of the criteria for achieving sustainab

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 24 2023
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Humor in The Stand-Up Comedy You Wanna Hear Something Crazy?: A Universal Pragmatic Study
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Humor is an interesting phenomenon that has been studied widely, yet it is considered a universal trait that cannot be an old subject for a study. This study is conducted to investigate humor from a universal pragmatic lens in a stand-up comedy show, namely, You Wanna Hear Something Crazy?. It aims to study humor as a coin with two sides, the production side and the understanding side. To achieve the aim of the study, the researchers use an eclectic contains Grice’s CP model (1975) and Habermas’s UP model (1979, 1984, 1987, 1998). The study has noted that while using the observance and the non-observance of the cooperative maxims to produce humor, the universal validity claims of truth, sincerity, and normative rightness for rea

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
How Impoliteness Is Portrayed in a School Context: The Marva Collins as a Case Study
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The present study attempts to examine verbal/nonverbal impoliteness in the classroom interaction and outside it in one of the movies, namely, The Marva Collins. Impoliteness, which is significantly studied within pragmatics, is a negative attitude towards particular behaviors. It always presumes to have emotional concerns for at least one participant who has caused it. This study is an attempt to examine verbal/nonverbal impoliteness in The Marva Collins movie. The study aims to investigate the different types of impoliteness strategies used in the four selected scenes and find out whether the speaker’s status has anything to do with the types of impoliteness. Besides, the functions performed are also examined by following a qual

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gravity Field Interpretation for Major Fault Depth Detection in a Region Located SW- Qa’im / Iraq
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This research deals with the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of Bouguer gravity anomaly data for a region located to the SW of Qa’im City within Anbar province by using 2D- mapping methods. The gravity residual field obtained graphically by subtracting the Regional Gravity values from the values of the total Bouguer anomaly. The residual gravity field processed in order to reduce noise by applying the gradient operator and 1st directional derivatives filtering. This was helpful in assigning the locations of sudden variation in Gravity values. Such variations may be produced by subsurface faults, fractures, cavities or subsurface facies lateral variations limits. A major fault was predicted to extend with the direction NE-

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Estimation the cancer risk due to ingestion the food spices commonly used in Iraqi kitchen
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Abstract<p>Spices are natural substances taken from special plants and have a different taste when added to food and some of them have great benefits for health and body. These plants vary from country to country depending on the type of soil and how they are grown and this affects their quality. In this study, the specific activity of <sup>40</sup>K, <sup>238</sup>U and <sup>232</sup>Th series and <sup>137</sup>Cs in some selected natural food spices commonly used in Iraq kitchen were determined using gamma spectrometry and the ingested doses via food consumption were also assessed. The average specific activity of <sup>40</sup>K, <sup>238<</sup></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun May 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Transportation
Accident Management System Based on Vehicular Network for an Intelligent Transportation System in Urban Environments
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As cities across the world grow and the mobility of populations increases, there has also been a corresponding increase in the number of vehicles on roads. The result of this has been a proliferation of challenges for authorities with regard to road traffic management. A consequence of this has been congestion of traffic, more accidents, and pollution. Accidents are a still major cause of death, despite the development of sophisticated systems for traffic management and other technologies linked with vehicles. Hence, it is necessary that a common system for accident management is developed. For instance, traffic congestion in most urban areas can be alleviated by the real-time planning of routes. However, the designing of an efficie

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 24 2023
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Enhanced Antifouling in Flat-Sheet Polyphenylsulfone Membranes Incorporating Graphene Oxide–Tungsten Oxide for Ultrafiltration Applications
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In this study tungsten oxide and graphene oxide (GO-WO2.89) were successfully combined using the ultra-sonication method and embedded with polyphenylsulfone (PPSU) to prepare novel low-fouling membranes for ultrafiltration applications. The properties of the modified membranes and performance were investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), contact angle (CA), water permeation flux, and bovine serum albumin (BSA) rejection. It was found that the modified PPSU membrane fabricated from 0.1 wt.% of GO-WO2.89 possessed the best characteristics, with a 40.82° contact angle and 92.94% porosity. The permeation flux of the best membrane was the highest. The pure water permeation f

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Sum Rate Maximization Versus MSE Minimization in FDD Massive MIMO Systems With Short Coherence Time
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