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Impact of omega 3 alone or in combination with irinotecan on bone marrow and spleen of rats: in vivo study
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Objectives: The present study designed to explore the genotoxicity through measurement of Mitotic index in bone marrow and the spleen cells, as possible mechanism of bone marrow and spleen toxicity that induced by irinotecan; and to describe the protective actions of omega 3 against irinotecan induced genotoxicity in bone marrow and the spleen of rats.

Methods: Twenty four (24) rats (Sprague-Dawley) were randomly divided into four groups: Group Ӏ, rats  received single oral daily dose of distilled water (2 ml/kg) for 25 days (negative control group); Group ӀӀ (irinotecan-treated), received single daily oral dose of (2 ml/kg) distilled water for 25 days by the oral gavage and subsequently received irinotecan (50mg/kg) on days: 5, 10, 15 (total dose=150 mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injection; Group ӀӀӀ, received oral dose of Omega-3 fish oil (600mg/kg/day) daily for 25 successive days by oral gavage (Omega-3 fish oil-treated); Group ӀV (Omega-3 fish oil + irinotecan), received oral dose of Omega-3 fish oil (600mg/ kg/ day) given daily for 25 successive days by oral gavage, and received subsequently irinotecan (50mg / kg body weight) on days: 5, 10, 15 (total dose=150 mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injection.

Results: Mitotic index in the Bone Marrow and in the Spleen Cells were shown to be significantly decreased (p<0.05) in rats treated with irinotecan (group ІІ) compared to corresponding levels in the negative control group (Group I) of the rats; Orally administered Omega-3 fish oil with total cumulative dose of irinotecan (Group IV), resulted in significant elevation (P<0.05) of the Mitotic index in bone marrow and the spleen cells compared to corresponding levels in rats treated with irinotecan (group ІІ).

Conclusion: Results of current study suggested that the administration of Omega-3 fish oil could be useful supplements that may alleviate irinotecan induced genotoxicity through the elevation of mitotic indices in bone marrow and the spleen cells of the rats; but, in mild level.


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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Damage Detection and Assessment of Stiffness and Mass Matrices in Curved Simply Supported Beam Using Genetic Algorithm
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In this study, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to detect damage in curved beam model, stiffness as well as mass matrices of the curved beam elements is formulated using Hamilton's principle. Each node of the curved beam element possesses seven degrees of freedom including the warping degree of freedom. The curved beam element had been derived based on the Kang and Yoo’s thin-walled curved beam theory. The identification of damage is formulated as an optimization problem, binary and continuous genetic algorithms
(BGA, CGA) are used to detect and locate the damage using two objective functions (change in natural frequencies, Modal Assurance Criterion MAC). The results show the objective function based on change in natural frequency i

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship between the central government and local governments in the light of the centralized and decentralized administrative
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Gaining the relationship between the central government and local governments is great importance especially after the expanded functions of the central government and became unable to carry out their works without all that delegate or transfer parts of its powers to lower levels.

The aims of the research is  to determine the relationship of the central government with the local government in accordance with the principle of administrative decentralization with the presentation of the competent authorities, the control of local governments, according to the Provincial Council Act No. 21 of 2008 amended.

The research has a problem that has been the relationship of the central

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 22 2018
Journal Name
Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry
Fate, uptake, and distribution of nanoencapsulated pesticides in soil–earthworm systems and implications for environmental risk assessment
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>Nanopesticides are novel plant protection products offering numerous benefits. Because nanoparticles behave differently from dissolved chemicals, the environmental risks of these materials could differ from conventional pesticides. We used soil–earthworm systems to compare the fate and uptake of analytical‐grade bifenthrin to that of bifenthrin in traditional and nanoencapsulated formulations. Apparent sorption coefficients for bifenthrin were up to 3.8 times lower in the nano treatments than in the non‐nano treatments, whereas dissipation half‐lives of the nano treatments were up to 2 times longer. Earthworms in the nano treatments accumulated approximately 50% more b</p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Zubair Formation in Rumaila Oilfields, Southern Iraq: Microfacies and Geochemistry
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In the Rumaila oilfields in southern Iraq, the Zubair Formation was deposited in a shallow environment as three main facies, delta plain, backshore, and delta front depositional conditions indicating a transition from delta front and delta plain to a highstand level due to the finning upward mode. The facies of the Zubair clasts show well-sorted quartz arenite sandstone, poorly sorted quartz arenite sandstone, clayey sandstone that has not been properly sorted, sandy shale, and shale lithofacies. The minor lithofacies were identified using well-logging methods (gamma ray, spontaneous potential and sonic logs) and petrography. The Zubair clasts are of transition environment that appears to be transported from freshwater and deposited

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Dynamics and Analysis of Stage-Structured Predator-Prey Model Involving Disease and Refuge in Prey Population
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Abstract<p>Start your abstract here the objective of this paper is to study the dynamical behaviour of an eco-epidemiological system. A prey-predator model involving infectious disease with refuge for prey population only, the (SI_) infectious disease is transmitted directly, within the prey species from external sources of the environment as well as, through direct contact between susceptible and infected individuals. Linear type of incidence rate is used to describe the transmission of infectious disease. While Holling type II of functional responses are adopted to describe the predation process of the susceptible and infected predator respectively. This model is represented mathematically by </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Molecular identification and Phylogenetic-Tree Analysis of Hard Ticks from wild and domestic cat Felidae in Iraq
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A total of 13 samples of domestic cat Felis cattus (Linnaeus, 1758 ) and 9 samples of wild cat Felis chaus furax (de Winton, 1898) of the Felidae Family were trapped and examined to detect the hard ticks. The areas of the collection were: Baghdad, Al-Rashidiya, Tharthar, Nahrawan, AL-Mahmoudiya (middle of Iraq) and AL-Haretha (south of Iraq), Mosul (north of Iraq). The results of the current study revealed that four species belong to two genera of hard ticks: Haemaphysalis sp. (Koch, 1844), Rhipicephalus turanicus (Morel, 1969), Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Neumann, 1904) and Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Santos, 1955). The rates and the density of infestation were discussed. The current study aimed to clarify the infestation differe

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Studies and Finite Element Modeling of Piles and Pile Groups in Dry Sand under Harmonic Excitation
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Foundations supporting reciprocating engines, radar towers, turbines, large electric motors, and generators, etc. are subject to vibrations caused by unbalanced machine forces as well as the static weight of the machine. If these vibrations are excessive, they may damage the machine or cause it not to function properly. In the case of block foundation, if changes in size and mass of the foundation do not lead to a satisfactory design, a pile foundation may be used. In this study, the dynamic response of piles and pile Groups in dry sand is investigated experimentally. The analysis involves the displacement response under harmonic excitation. In addition, a numerical modeling by using finite element method with a three-dimensional formula

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
RAPD Fingerprinting and Genetic Diversity of Salmonella Spp. Isolated from Broiler and Layer Flocks in Karbala, Iraq
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Salmonellosis in poultry is one of the most significant bacterial infections causing mortality, reduced production, and serious economic losses. This study aimed to study the molecular diversity among Salmonella isolates and investigate the epidemiological spread of these bacteria in broiler and layer chicken flocks in five different farms in Karbala, Iraq, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In total, 217 cloac a swabs were collected from the farms, out of which 129 and 88 swabs were taken from broiler and layer chickens. The samples were screened by PCR for S. enterica subsp. enterica using primers specific for the invA gene. Afterward, RAPD-PCR with uniplex or multiplex octamer primers was appli

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials.
Calibration and analysis of the potable water network in the Al-Yarmouk region employing WaterGEMS and GIS
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Abstract<p>Water supply and distribution networks play an important role in our daily activities. They make a substantial contribution to public health by providing potable water for public consumption and non-potable applications such as firefighters and other purposes such as irrigation. This study used ArcMap 10.8 and WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition update 1 version to create a hydraulic network model to simulate the pipes’ network. Detailed network information, including pipe lengths, layouts, and diameters, was given by the Baghdad Water Department. The TUF-2000H Handheld digital ultrasonic flow meter has been used to measure the water flows in the network’s source nodes. In eight junctions, </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 28 2014
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Co-occurrence of the Cyanotoxins BMAA, DABA and Anatoxin-a in Nebraska Reservoirs, Fish, and Aquatic Plants
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