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Impact of omega 3 alone or in combination with irinotecan on bone marrow and spleen of rats: in vivo study
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Objectives: The present study designed to explore the genotoxicity through measurement of Mitotic index in bone marrow and the spleen cells, as possible mechanism of bone marrow and spleen toxicity that induced by irinotecan; and to describe the protective actions of omega 3 against irinotecan induced genotoxicity in bone marrow and the spleen of rats.

Methods: Twenty four (24) rats (Sprague-Dawley) were randomly divided into four groups: Group Ӏ, rats  received single oral daily dose of distilled water (2 ml/kg) for 25 days (negative control group); Group ӀӀ (irinotecan-treated), received single daily oral dose of (2 ml/kg) distilled water for 25 days by the oral gavage and subsequently received irinotecan (50mg/kg) on days: 5, 10, 15 (total dose=150 mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injection; Group ӀӀӀ, received oral dose of Omega-3 fish oil (600mg/kg/day) daily for 25 successive days by oral gavage (Omega-3 fish oil-treated); Group ӀV (Omega-3 fish oil + irinotecan), received oral dose of Omega-3 fish oil (600mg/ kg/ day) given daily for 25 successive days by oral gavage, and received subsequently irinotecan (50mg / kg body weight) on days: 5, 10, 15 (total dose=150 mg/kg) by intraperitoneal injection.

Results: Mitotic index in the Bone Marrow and in the Spleen Cells were shown to be significantly decreased (p<0.05) in rats treated with irinotecan (group ІІ) compared to corresponding levels in the negative control group (Group I) of the rats; Orally administered Omega-3 fish oil with total cumulative dose of irinotecan (Group IV), resulted in significant elevation (P<0.05) of the Mitotic index in bone marrow and the spleen cells compared to corresponding levels in rats treated with irinotecan (group ІІ).

Conclusion: Results of current study suggested that the administration of Omega-3 fish oil could be useful supplements that may alleviate irinotecan induced genotoxicity through the elevation of mitotic indices in bone marrow and the spleen cells of the rats; but, in mild level.


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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
‏ Plant Archives 21 (1), 1458-1462‏
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 10 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Application Or Innovation In Engineering & Management (ijaiem)
The Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Optical Properties of CdS and CdS:Al Thin Films
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Cadmium sulfide and Aluminum doped CdS thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique in vacuum on a heated glass substrates at 373K. A comparison between the optical properties of the pure and doped films was made through measuring and analyzing the transmittance curves, and the effect of the annealing temperature on these properties were estimated. All the films were found to exhibit high transmittance in the visible/ near infrared region from 500nm to 1100nm.The optical band gap energy was found to be in the range 2.68-2.60 eV and 2.65-2.44 eV for CdS and CdS:Al respectively , with changing the annealing temperature from room temperature to 423K.Optical constants such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, and complex di

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of fly ash on the volumetric and physical properties of Stone Matrix Asphalt Concrete
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Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) is a gap-graded asphalt concrete hot blend combining high-quality coarse aggregate with a rich asphalt cement content. This blend generates a stable paving combination with a powerful stone-on-stone skeleton that offers excellent durability and routing strength. The objectives of this work are: Studying the durability performance of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixture in terms of moisture damage and temperature susceptibility and Discovering the effect of stabilized additive (Fly Ash ) on the performance of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixture. In this investigation, the durability of stone matrix asphalt concrete was assessed in terms of temperature susceptibility, resistance to moisture damage, and sensitivity t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal For Sciences And Technology
The influence of patient’s age and severity of Pulmonary tuberculosis on serum interlukin-6 levels
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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a proinflammatory cytokine implicated in the immunopathogenesis of tuberculosis (TB). TB is recognized worldwide as an important public health issue. To study the relationship between the age of patients with pulmonary TB and serum IL-6 levels, from the other hand, the severity of this disease with IL-6 levels. This study included 30 patients (16 female and 14 male) with pulmonary TB and 10 healthy persons (5 female and 5 male) as control group for comparison. An ELISA assay was used to quantify IL-6 in the sera. The results showed a significant increase of IL-6 levels with increase of age of patients, in (23-38) year old patients the IL-6 levels (median= 17.9 pg/ml, range 12.3-29.1), while in (50-70) year old patien

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of disinfectant agents on certain physical and mechanical properties of type IV dental stone
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Background: Dental stone casts come into contact with impression materials and becomes susceptible to cross contamination from saliva and blood. This study was done to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of dental stone type IV after treatments with various disinfecting agents and regimes (methods). Materials and Methods: Type IV dental stone and different types of disinfecting agents were used and divided into seven groups: G1: dental stone without disinfection (control group), G2: dental stone mixed with silver nitrate powder 0.5% , G3: dental stone mixed with silver nitrate powder 1%, G4: dental stone mixed with copper sulfate powder 0.5%, G5: dental stone mixed with copper sulfate powder 1% ,G6: dental stone immersed in prop

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 06 2023
Journal Name
Research On Crops
Effect of fertilizers starter solutions on growth and production of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) 
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The seedlings of vegetables are exposed to stress states, especially through the first period, due to injuring their roots by transplanting or heavy rain , so it is necessary to provide an available nutrient to recover the growth and increase their early yield, which means more income for farmers. In this regard, an experiment was conducted in the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Agriculture Faculty, University of Baghdad, Iraq to study the effect of different types and concentrations of mineral fertilizers as starter solutions by using high nitrogen (N), high phosphorus (P) and neutral fertilizers (Q) at three levels which were 4 g/l (S1), 8 g/l (S2) and 12 g/l (S3) on broccoli growth and yield. The results showed tha

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 06 2023
Journal Name
Research On Crops
Effect of fertilizers starter solutions on growth and production of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italicaa) 
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The seedlings of vegetables are exposed to stress states, especially through the first period, due to injuring their roots by transplanting or heavy rain , so it is necessary to provide an available nutrient to recover the growth and increase their early yield, which means more income for farmers. In this regard, an experiment was conducted in the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Agriculture Faculty, University of Baghdad, Iraq to study the effect of different types and concentrations of mineral fertilizers as starter solutions by using high nitrogen (N), high phosphorus (P) and neutral fertilizers (Q) at three levels which were 4 g/l (S1), 8 g/l (S2) and 12 g/l (S3) on broccoli growth and yield. The results showed tha

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Science And Technology
Encryption of Medical Image Based on Cascaded Design of AES Block Algorithm and Chaotic Map
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Security concerns in the transfer of medical images have drawn a lot of attention to the topic of medical picture encryption as of late. Furthermore, recent events have brought attention to the fact that medical photographs are constantly being produced and circulated online, necessitating safeguards against their inappropriate use. To improve the design of the AES algorithm standard for medical picture encryption, this research presents several new criteria. It was created so that needs for higher levels of safety and higher levels of performance could be met. First, the pixels in the image are diffused to randomly mix them up and disperse them all over the screen. Rather than using rounds, the suggested technique utilizes a cascad

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effects of Sodium Chloride and Sodium Sulphate Solutions on the Output of the Electrochemical Machining
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Electrochemical Machining is a term given to one of nontraditional machining that uses a chemical reaction associated with electric current to remove the material. The process is depending on the principle of anodic dissolution theory for evaluating material removal during electrochemical process. In this study, the electrochemical machining was used to remove 1 mm from the length of the a workpiece (stainless steel 316 H) by immersing it in to electrolyte (10, 20 and 30 g) of NaCl and Na2SO4 to every (1 litter of filtered water).  The tool used was made from copper. Gap size between the workpiece and electrode is (0.5) mm. This study focuses on the effect of the changing the type and concentration of electroly

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of thermal annealing and laser radiation on the optical properties of AgAlS2 thin films
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Effect of the thermal annealing at 400oC for 2 hours and Argon laser radiation for half hour on the optical properties of AgAlS2 thin films, prepared on glass slides by chemical spray pyrolysis at 360oC with (0.18±0.05) μm thickness .The optical characteristics of the prepared thin films have been investigated by UV/Vis spectrophotometer in the wavelength range (300 – 1100)nm .The films have a direct allow electronic transition with optical energy (Eg) values decreased from (2.25) eV for untreated thin films to (2.10) eV for the annealed films and to (2.00) eV for the radiated films. The maximum value of the refractive index (n) for all thin films are given about (2.6). Also the extinction coefficient (K) and the real and imaginary d

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