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Development of 5-FU Loaded poly lactic-co-glycolic acid Nanoparticles for Treatment of Lung Cancer

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) accounts for about 84% of all lung cancer types diagnosed so far. Every year, regardless of gender, the NSCLC targets many communities worldwide. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a uracil-analog anticancer compound. This drug tends to annihilate multiple tumour cells. But 5-FU's most significant obstacle is that it gets very easily metabolized in the blood, which eventually leads to lower anticancer activity. Therfore a perfect drug delivery system is needed to overcome all the associated challenges.

In this experiment, an attempt was made to prepare 5-FU loaded poly lactic-co-glycolic acid  nanoparticles using solvent evaporation method and subsequently observed the effect of molecular weight of poly lactic-co-glycolic acid, loading of poly lactic-co-glycolic acid, sonication period on the cytotoxic effect of 10 % w/w 5-FU loaded PLGA nanoparticles against human A549 Isogenic cell line.

In this experiment, two points are more evident: first, poly lactic-co-glycolic acid has a major impact on 5-FU release due to higher degradation and rate of diffusion in nanoparticle solution; and second, nanoparticles with a larger surface area and smaller particle size have a lower half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value. The IC50 of all nanoparticles was significantly higher (p=0.0145) than that of the free 5-FU controlled group (8.34Nm). The cytotoxicity would be greater if the IC50 value was lower. Nanoparticles with an 18-minute sonication time was found to  be more cytotoxic than those with PLGA nanoparticles containing 12% polyvinyl alcohol.

 In this experiment 10% w/w 5-FU loaded poly lactic-co-glycolic acid nanoparticles was prepared for laboratory research to translational research for the treatment of lung cancer.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Techniques of family guidance in the face of marital and marital problems

Summary First: The importance of the study and the need for it: The society is composed of an integrated unit of groups and institutions that seek to achieve a specific goal within a system of salary, and the family remains the most influential institutions on the individual and the unity of society, with the roles and responsibilities of the individual and society, and through the continuation and strength of other social organizations derive their ability On the other hand, any break-up in the institution of the family is reflected negatively on the cohesion of society and its interdependence, and the causes of this disintegration vary from society to another, but family problems remain the main factor in obtaining it. Second: Study Ob

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The typical path of compliance control in the verification of tax revenues

The research aims to contribute to the consolidation of scientific knowledge of compliance control and its role in verifying the proper disposal of funds to manage the wheel of the economy towards achieving targeted development and preserving public money, as well as clarifying the role of tax revenues in strengthening the public treasury and achieving social justice. The analytical descriptive approach was adopted in the process of analyzing The quantitative data collected through personal interviews, and the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the contribution of compliance control according to its three principles. (Transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness) on the availability

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The reflection of environmental quality costs on the evaluation of environmental performance


               The research aims to achieve defining the concept of environmental quality and associated costs. Studying the impact of environmental quality costs on the performance of economic units. Measuring the relationship between environmental quality and environmental performance of the units. Where the research problem is represented in the weak awareness of some economic units of the importance of environmental quality costs and their impact on evaluating environmental performance, and this leads to neglecting environmental considerations and not improving environmental performance effectively, which negatively affects the en

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of thickness on the optical properties of Cu2S thin films

In this work, the optical properties of Cu2S with different thickness
(1400, 2400, 4400) Ǻ have been prepared by chemical spray pyrolys
is method onto clean glass substrate heated at 283 oC ±2. The effect
of thickness on the optical properties of Cu2S has been studied. It
was found that the optical properties of the electronic transitions on
fundamental absorption edge were direct allowed and the value of the
optical energy gap of Cu2S (Eg) for direct transition decreased from
(2.4-2.1) eV with increasing of the thickness from (1400 - 4400)Ǻ
respectively. Also it was found that the absorption coefficient is
increased with increasing of thicknesses. The optical constants such<

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Efficient of Government Organization to attain the Ten Recommendation of social Responsibility

   In this study, the researcher aimed to define and measure the relevance and effect of the governmental organizations in complying with Iraqi Ministry of Transportation's requirements towards achieving the social responsibility, embodied in the ten commandments of the United Nations Findings displayed the availability of realization regarding organization managers towards social responsibility with their various capabilities and tendencies in relation with the representing entries of those Ten Commandments.The study showed the relation between the effectiveness of those organizations and dimensions of the ten commandments of social responsibility, with the existence of a significant effect for the said effectiveness on achiev

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Water Quality of Koi Sanjaq Basin, Erbil Governorate Northern Iraq

Thirty water sample of wells, and three samples of springs from the upper most aquifer, as well as four samples from Lesser Zab River in Koi Sanjaq Basin, Erbil governorate of northern Iraq was collected and physically and chemically were analyzed. Physical analysis includes temperature, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), and Turbidity, whereas the geochemical analysis included concentration determines of the major, minor and trace elements. Chemical classification of the present samples using of chadha diagram explain that ( 95% ) of them located within field 5 and 6 whereas the rest (5%) are located in the field 8. According to Iraqi [9] and WHO [10] standers, most of the samples

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and Evaluation of Oral Disintegrating Tablets of Ketoprofen by Dirct Compression

Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects. It is widely used in the treatment of inflammation and pain associated with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and in soft tissue injury. The purpose of this study was to prepare an  oral disintegrating tablets of ketoprofen by simple method. The tablets were prepared by direct compression method and different ratios of various subliming agents or superdisintegrants were incorporated. Then these tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability, weight variation, water absorption ratio, disintegrating time and dissolution time. The results showed that Formula F11 batch had short disint

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Internal Sulfate Attack on Some Properties of Self Compacted Concrete

      Self-compacted concrete (SCC) is a highly flowable concrete, with no segregation which can be spread into place by filling the structures framework and permeate the reinforcement without any compaction or mechanical consolidation ACI 237R-14. One of the most important problems faced by concrete industry in Iraq and Gulf Arab land is deterioration due to internal sulfate attack (ISA) that causes damage of concrete and consequently reduces its compressive strength, increases expansion and may lead to its cracking and destruction. The experimental program was focused to study two ordinary Portland cements with different chemical composition with (5, 10 and 15) % percentage of high reactivity metakaoline (HRM)

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Evaluation of the Anti-inflammatory of Leucaena leucocephala extracts in Experimental Rats.

A lot of previous studies are concerned with the evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of medicinal plants because it considered cheap and are believed to possess minimal side effects. Leucaena leucocephala didn’t evaluate globally for its anti-inflammatory effect yet though some of it’s already separated and identified secondary metabolites were studied and proved to exert many pharmacological activities besides their effect on lowering the pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-α and IL-6. So, there was an interest to evaluate the biological effect of Leucaena leucocephala as a novel anti-inflammatory agent was the first motivation to start an in vivo study using a rat population. The N-butanol and ethyl acetate extracts were cho

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Magnesium Addition on Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum -17%Silicon Alloy

The electrochemical behavior of Al-17%Si alloy is investigated in 3.5wt% NaCl solution. Many alloys with addition of the different wt% magnesium metal of  1wt%, 2%, 3wt% ,4.5wt% ,and 9wt% were prepared by gravity die casting . The microstructures of prepared alloys were examined by optical and SEM microscopes. Corrosion behavior was investigated by using potentiostat instrument under static potentials test and corrosion current was recorded to determine corrosion resistance of all prepared samples. It was found that the addition of Mg metal improves the corrosion resistance of Al-17%Si alloy in 3.5%NaCl solution. The alloy containing 1%Mg shows less corrosion rate than the others while the alloys containing 4.5%Mg, 9%Mg content have

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