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Sand Sampling for Testing
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Abstract<p>Fine aggregate (Sand) is a necessary material used in concrete construction purposes, it’s naturally available and it’s widely used around the world for different parts of construction in any building mainly for filling the voids between gravel. Sand gradation is important for different composite materials, and it gives good cohesion when compared with coarse sand that provides strength for the building. Therefore, sand is necessary to be tested before it is used and mixed with other building materials in construction and the specimen must be selected carefully to represent the real material in the field. The specimen weight must be larger than the required weight for test. When the weight of the sand sample increases the approximate precision desired increases. In this study, an approximated multilinear function for Fuller’s curve on the logarithmic scale was used to simulate the fine aggregate (sand) numerically. In order to get the effect of different samples, a stochastic analysis was done by employing 100 realizations of specimens, has been conducted to study the effect of sampling on sieve analysis and the root mean square error (RMSE) for the variation between desired and sampled curves. Then the results were compared with available specifications recommendations.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Materials Science And Engineering
Gravel Sampling for Testing
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Abstract<p>Sampling is the selection of a representative portion of a material, and it’s as important as testing. The minimum weight of gravel field or lab sample depends on the nominal maximum particle size. The weight of the sample will always be greater than that portion required for testing. The approximate precision desired for the testing will control the weight of the gravel sample. In this study, gravel sample has been simulated by using multilinear approximated function for Fuller’s curve on the logarithmic scale. Gravel particles are divided into classes according to their medium diameter and each class was simulated separately. A stochastic analysis, by using 100 realizations in s</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 15 2020
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Adaptation Proposed Methods for Handling Imbalanced Datasets based on Over-Sampling Technique
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Classification of imbalanced data is an important issue. Many algorithms have been developed for classification, such as Back Propagation (BP) neural networks, decision tree, Bayesian networks etc., and have been used repeatedly in many fields. These algorithms speak of the problem of imbalanced data, where there are situations that belong to more classes than others. Imbalanced data result in poor performance and bias to a class without other classes. In this paper, we proposed three techniques based on the Over-Sampling (O.S.) technique for processing imbalanced dataset and redistributing it and converting it into balanced dataset. These techniques are (Improved Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (Improved SMOTE),  Border

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Model Estimated Building in Finite Population Sampling
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The population is sets of vocabulary common in character or characters and it’s study subject or research . statistically , this sets is called study population (or abridgement population ) such as set of person or trees of special kind of fruits or animals or product  any country for any commodity through infinite temporal period term ... etc.

The population maybe finite if we can enclose the number of its members such as the students of finite school grade . and maybe infinite if we can not enclose the number of it is members such as stars or aquatic creatures in the sea . when we study any character for population the statistical data is concentrate by two metho

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 05 2021
Journal Name
Research In Intelligent And Computing In Engineering
Implementing Web Testing System Depending on Performance Testing Using Load Testing Method.
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Web testing is very important method for users and developers because it gives the ability to detect errors in applications and check their quality to perform services to users performance abilities, user interface, security and other different types of web testing that may occur in web application. This paper focuses on a major branch of the performance testing, which is called the load testing. Load testing depends on an important elements called request time and response time. From these elements, it can be decided if the performance time of a web application is good or not. In the experimental results, the load testing applied on the website ( the main home page and all the science departments pages. In t

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2016
Journal Name
Sociological Methods &amp; Research
Mean Monte Carlo Finite Difference Method for Random Sampling of a Nonlinear Epidemic System
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In this article, a numerical method integrated with statistical data simulation technique is introduced to solve a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations with multiple random variable coefficients. The utilization of Monte Carlo simulation with central divided difference formula of finite difference (FD) method is repeated n times to simulate values of the variable coefficients as random sampling instead being limited as real values with respect to time. The mean of the n final solutions via this integrated technique, named in short as mean Monte Carlo finite difference (MMCFD) method, represents the final solution of the system. This method is proposed for the first time to calculate the numerical solution obtained fo

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Sampling Period on Process Computer Control
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 21 2022
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Nondestructive Testing Technologies for Rail Inspection: A Review
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Alongside the development of high-speed rail, rail flaw detection is of great importance to ensure railway safety, especially for improving the speed and load of the train. Several conventional inspection methods such as visual, acoustic, and electromagnetic inspection have been introduced in the past. However, these methods have several challenges in terms of detection speed and accuracy. Combined inspection methods have emerged as a promising approach to overcome these limitations. Nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques in conjunction with artificial intelligence approaches have tremendous potential and viability because it is highly possible to improve the detection accuracy which has been proven in various conventional nondestr

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Design Sampling Plan when Life Time Follows Logistic Distribution
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Design sampling plan was and still one of most importance subjects because it give lowest cost  comparing with others, time live statistical distribution should be known to give best estimators for  parameters of sampling plan and get best sampling plan.

Research dell with design sampling plan when live time distribution follow Logistic distribution with () as location and shape parameters, using these information can help us getting (number of groups, sample size) associated with reject or accept the Lot

Experimental results for simulated data shows the least number of groups and sample size needs to reject or accept the Lot with certain probability of

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Testing the MODIS Thermal Modes for Dust Storms Monitoring
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Climate change is one of the global issues that is receiving wide attention due to its clear impact on all living organisms. This is essential for Iraq since it was classified as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change. One of the manifestations of these changes in Iraq is the increasing frequency and severity of dust storms. In this study, the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) spectral index for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor bands was used to measure and track the dust storm that occurred on May 16, 2022, as well as to test the validity of one of the daily products of this sensor, MOD11A1, to measure surface temperature and emissivity before and after the storm. It was found that the MOD0

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Software Engineering And Computer Systems
Practical Adoptions of T-Way Strategies for Interaction Testing
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