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المستندات الموقع عليها عن طريق الغلط دراسة في القانون الانكليزي
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الغلط في القانون الانجليزي على انواع ثلاثة (غلط مشترك Common mistake ) يقع فيه الطرفان مع علم كل منهما بنية الآخر ويقبلها دون ان يشوب الاتفاق نقص او يعتريه تحفظ ، و(غلط من الجانبين Mutual mistake) يكون كل متعاقد واقعا في غلط فيما يتعلق بما قصده الآخر، فيقدم كل منهما عرضاً مخالفاً للآخر و(غلط من جانب واحدUnliteral mistake ) يقع فيه احد المتعاقدين فقط ويكون المتعاقد الآخر اما عالماً بالغلط او يفترض انه عالم به . فإذا دفع احد المتعاقدين بوجود غلط مشترك فإن هذا يعني اقراراً بوجود اتفاق اي توافر الايجاب والقبول ونية التعاقد ، اما اذا دفع بالغلط من جانب احد المتعاقدين فإن هذا يعني انكار لوجود الاتفاق من الاساس . فليس ثمة تطابق صحيح بين الايجاب والقبول وان تم توقيعه ، ومن ثم لا يوجد عقد، وهذا هو اثر التوقيع بالغلط على المستندات التعاقدية

Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Suggested method for modifying the site parameter
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     Estimating multivariate location and scatter with both affine equivariance and positive break down has always been difficult. Awell-known estimator which satisfies both properties is the Minimum volume Ellipsoid Estimator (MVE) Computing the exact (MVE) is often not feasible, so one usually resorts to an approximate Algorithm. In the regression setup, algorithm for positive-break down estimators like Least Median of squares typically recomputed the intercept at each step, to improve the result. This approach is called intercept adjustment. In this paper we show that a similar technique, called location adjustment, Can be applied to the (MVE). For this purpose we use the Minimum Volume Ball (MVB). In order

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Fuzzy Robust Estimation For Location Parameter
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 In this paper, we introduce three robust fuzzy estimators of a location parameter based on Buckley’s approach, in the presence of outliers. These estimates were compared using the variance of fuzzy numbers criterion, all these estimates were best of Buckley’s estimate. of these, the fuzzy median was the best in the case of small and medium sample size, and in large sample size, the fuzzy trimmed mean was the best.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The general budget and censorship on it in Iraqi legislation
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The main idea of the financial censorship is to submit the states funds to a censorship because they are the funds of the people and because this censorship is a right and role ensured by the constitution for specific devices in the state, thus the role of the financial censor should be launched to achieve this goal in all walks of the state. • The power of this censorship depends basically on the independence of the censorious bodies over a job which is submitted to this censorship and the censor should have a reverence , this censorship is practiced as a precautionary procedure before preparing the budget to avoid mistakes after and during the execution for maintaining the states funds. • The importance of the censorship comes from

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة الحقوق
اثر تنفيذ الالتزام العقدي على حساب المدين في سلطة المحكمة ـ دراسة في القوانين المدنية والقانون الانكليزي
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يتناول البحث دراسة مقارنة بين القوانين المدنية والقانون الانكليزي لسلطة المحكمة في تنفيذ الالتزام العقدي على حساب المدين

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المواد المواد التي يكتب عليها المخطوط
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The research deals with a historical study of the materials written by the manuscript since the beginning of its inception in the Arab era in the pre-Islamic era and the origin of Islamic and the following in successive eras.It is a variety of materials ,including Al-Asab,karanif ,parchment ,leather and many other

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The The Application of Virtual Reality to (Mechatronics Engineering) by Creating an Articulated Robotic Work Cell Using EON Reality V9.22.24.24477
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Virtual reality, VR, offers many benefits to technical education, including the delivery of information through multiple active channels, the addressing of different learning styles, and experiential-based learning. This paper presents work performed by the authors to apply VR to engineering education, in three broad project areas: virtual robotic learning, virtual mechatronics laboratory, and a virtual manufacturing platform. The first area provides guided exploration of domains otherwise inaccessible, such as the robotic cell components, robotic kinematics and work envelope.  The second promotes mechatronics learning and guidance for new mechatronics engineers when dealing with robots in a safe and interactive manner. And the thir

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis of Different Hand and Finger Grip Patterns using Surface Electromyography and Hand Dynamometry
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Recording an Electromyogram (EMG) signal is essential for diagnostic procedures like muscle health assessment and motor neurons control. The EMG signals have been used as a source of control for powered prosthetics to support people to accomplish their activities of daily living (ADLs). This work deals with studying different types of hand grips and finding their relationship with EMG activity. Five subjects carried out four functional movements (fine pinch, tripod grip and grip with the middle and thumb finger, as well as the power grip). Hand dynamometer has been used to record the EMG activity from three muscles namely; Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR), Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS), and Abductor Pollicis Brevis (ABP) with different

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Optimizing the location of banks using the Gis
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the banks are one of the public services that must be available in the city to ensure easy financial dealings between citizens and state departments and between the state departments with each other and between the citizens themselves and to ensure easy access to it, so it is very important to choose the best location for the bank, which can serve the largest number of The population achieves easy access. Due to the difficulty of obtaining accurate information dealing with the exact coordinates and according to the country's specific projection, the researcher will resort to the default work using some of the files available in the arcview program

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical and Structural Properties of a Functionally Graded Material by Adding Alumina Nanoparticles Using A Centrifugal Technique
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In this work, functionally graded materials were synthesized by centrifugal technique at different
volume fractions 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% Vf with a rotation speed of 1200 rpm and a constant rotation time, T
= 6 min . The mechanical properties were characterized to study the graded and non-graded nanocomposites
and the pure epoxy material. The mechanical tests showed that graded and non-graded added alumina
(Al2O3) nanoparticles enhanced the effect more than pure epoxy. The maximum difference in impact strength
occurred at (FGM), which was loaded from the rich side of the nano-alumina where the maximum value was
at 1% Vf by 133.33% of the sample epoxy side. The flexural strength and Young modulus of the fu

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2018
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
الاخلال المسبق واثره في تنفيذ الالتزام العقدي على حساب المدين ـ دراسة مقارنة في القوانين المدنية والقانون الانكليزي
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يتناول البحث الاخلال المسبق واثره في تنفيذ الالتزام العقدي على حساب المدين ـ دراسة مقارنة في القوانين المدنية والقانون الانكليزي