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השורשים השניים בלשון העברית (עיון אנאליטי השוואתי)
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התמצית השניות היא התורה שנזכרת כי המוצאים בלשון הערבית וכך בלשונות השמיות אינם הבטויים בעלי האותיות השלושיות , אלא בעלי שתי אותיות . לפי כך אפשר להשיב השורשים השלושיים לשורשים השניים . וכל אות שנאספה בשורש שׁניוני, יהיה לפי חוק ההתפתחות הלשונית , הוספות תחילית , תוכית , סופית , עם השארת החיבור המשמעתית בין השׁניוני והשׁלשׁי כמו היא ממושכת בין השׁלשׁי והרביעי ומה שרבה ההוספות . השרשים השניים מוצאים הם: אות והגה , השרשים השניים מורכבים משתי אותיות , והרכיבו הדבור מהן שניים , שלשיים , רבעיים וחמשיים . גם בפעלים מגזרות החסרים , הנחים והכפולים , אנו מוצאים את השנָיות הקדמונית של השרשים העבריים , ואפילו בשרשים , שהם בעלי שלוש אותיות הגויות תמיד , יש בהם שרשים דקדוקיים , שנוצרו משתי אותיות היסוד , כלומר , משרשים גנתיים שנָיים . ולפי כך, החקירה הזה מעונין בנושׂא השנָיות , ע''י עיון השרשים השניים עיון אנליטי השוואתי בלשון הערבית ובלשון העברית , גם עיון האותיות היסוד של הפעלים והתוספת שקורה על הפעלים .

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
المركز القانوني لكفيل الكفيل (المصدق) في القانون العراقي: دراسة مقارنة
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Ensure authority, contract whereby a person ensure that the implementation of the commitment to the creditor undertakes to fulfill this obligation if he does not do the original debtor and the guarantor of the debt, which he took to ensure his commitment.z

Valmsedk, the second is the guarantor of the debt after the sponsor, the subject of his commitment

Do not focus on ensuring the religion of the debtor, but the focus is on ensuring the commitment of the sponsor.

It is here to be a creditor of three people responsible for one religion they are all of the debtor - the sponsor - authority

This research deals with the legal status of certified by definition Palmsedk statement and conditions that should be co

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
The Place in the work of artists Nuri Alrawi and Saad Altai (Comparison Study)
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The Transformation of environments surrounding human which called (place), formed an intermediate compresser in forming awareness pictures, human knowledge, culture and thought features, and changing the systems and contexts of human societies, which led to a change the rhythm of life as a whole. So according to that the place will be encodes according to these data for psychological connotations, lead to human sense of harmony with the place in different manner format, here the search problem lies when trying to detect how Iraqi artist deliberating with the place concept, wondering how to investing place in the contemporary Iraqi drawing within its reference dimension, and showing mechanisms from comparative study for the works of two a

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Right of the Head of State to Veto Bills : A Comparative Study
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The legislative authority's approval of a project is not enough, as the state president's approval is crucial. If the president doesn’t approve the project within the period determined by the constitutions, it shall be returned to the parliament for further discussion and voting, Either by an ordinary or strict majority, according to the provisions of the constitutions of the countries. To explain the right of objection, we explained, in the First Topic, the definition and distinction, and we explained, in the Second Topic, the legal nature of the right of objection, its kinds, and its constitutional base. In the Third Topic, we discussed the conditions of the right of objection, its procedures, and its effects. Then, the conclusion th

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Penalty for breach of responsibility for negotiations in government contracts: Comparative Study
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Negotiations in administrative contracts represent an important preparatory stage in which discussions and discussions between the administrative authority and the party wishing to contract with them will be held on one of the issues related to the contract to be concluded whereby the different views of the parties of the contractual relationship are brought together to exchange or achieve common interests.

The importance  of negotiations in administrative contracts and their significant and effective role in protecting state funds. The inadequacy of Iraqi legislation in the development of an integrated legal framework for this important phase, and the many problems that appear in this stage before the conclusion of the cont

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Judge’s Oversight Function on Unreasonableness in Disciplinary Actions : A Comparative Study
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The Administrative agency enjoys certain privileges when issuing disciplinary actions on a public servant. As the only entity conferred with the authority to issue disciplinary action to actualize certain aims, like establishment of, or amendment or repealing of certain legal provisions. Public service is regarded as the most widespread sector due to the employer-employee working relationship between the administrative agency and the public servant. The aim of disciplinary action is to serve deterrent to the employee from committing similar offence in the future and guaranteeing of smooth running of the organization and effective delivery of work. Therefore, the administrative agency must commit to achieving this aim, without being outra

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 09 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
شرط المنع من التصرف في القانون المدني العراقي: دراسة مقارنة
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الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين.

أما بعد

      فلم يعد حق الملكية في العهد الحالي كما كان العهد عليه في العهود السابقة حقاً مطلقاً، بل أصبح حقا مقيداً بقيود متعددة تزداد يوما بعد يوم، وما شرط المنع التصرف الا صورة من هذه القيود.

      وهذا البحث هو محاولة متواضعة لدراسة هذا الشرط في القانون المدني العراقي عقارنا بالقان

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The voluntary declaration in the tax legislation in UAE: A comparative study
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Taxes are   the most important public revenues, especially in the context of state intervention and the transformation of the tax from a mere financial tool only into an economic and social guidance tool. Therefore, all countries are keen to preserve this revenue by creating a clear legal system on tax assignment and collection mechanisms, and controlling cases of tax evasion.

The tax administration applies   several methods to determine the tax base, which differ from one tax to another, and from one tax system to another. The most important of these methods are the tax returns declared by the taxpayers   ,  one of these  methods also  is to determine the tax base directly by the tax

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Evidence of Proof in the Administrative Investigation and Employee Guarantees Towards it : A Comparative Study
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The aim of this research is to identify the guarantees of collecting evidence in the administrative investigation in both the Federal Decree-Law No. (11) of 2008 regarding human resources in the federal government and its amendments, and Ministerial Resolution No.(1) of 2018 regarding the executive regulations of the Human Resources Law in the Federal Government, Compared to the Jordanian Civil Service System No.(9) for the year 2020. In order to find out the guarantees obtained by the employee to whom the job violation is attributed in order to confront the authority of the administration in the event that he is referred to the administrative investigation in the stage of collecting evidence. And to search for the balance between the le

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparative Study for Organic and Inorganic Draw Solutions in Forward Osmosis
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The present work aims to study forward osmosis process using different kinds of draw solutions and membranes. Three types of draw solutions (sodium chloride, sodium formate, and sodium acetate) were used in forward osmosis process to evaluate their effectiveness with respect to water flux and reverse salt flux. Experiments conducted in a laboratory-scale forward osmosis (FO) unit in cross flow flat sheet membrane cell.  Three types of membranes (Thin film composite (TFC), Cellulose acetate (CA), and Cellulose triacetate (CTA)) were used to determine the water flux under osmotic pressure as a driving force. The effect of temperature, draw solution concentration, feed and draw solution flow rate, and membrane types, were studied with

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Jurisdiction in the contract of professional football player ((comparative study))
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Is no longer a football player looks to sport as a means of entertainment and physical development. But become see as part of The economic and is getting in return for the effort of، Through a contract with a club to organize the activity which is called a contract of professional, This contract is similar to the rest of the contracts in terms of problems and dispute that arise during the implementation or after it ends because of the nature of sports to such disputes and privacy being subject to special rules (regulations, national and international professional) required that subject to judicial bodies private mission confined settle sports disputes these entities and is affiliated unions legal committees and the court of arbitration for

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