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השורשים השניים בלשון העברית (עיון אנאליטי השוואתי)
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התמצית השניות היא התורה שנזכרת כי המוצאים בלשון הערבית וכך בלשונות השמיות אינם הבטויים בעלי האותיות השלושיות , אלא בעלי שתי אותיות . לפי כך אפשר להשיב השורשים השלושיים לשורשים השניים . וכל אות שנאספה בשורש שׁניוני, יהיה לפי חוק ההתפתחות הלשונית , הוספות תחילית , תוכית , סופית , עם השארת החיבור המשמעתית בין השׁניוני והשׁלשׁי כמו היא ממושכת בין השׁלשׁי והרביעי ומה שרבה ההוספות . השרשים השניים מוצאים הם: אות והגה , השרשים השניים מורכבים משתי אותיות , והרכיבו הדבור מהן שניים , שלשיים , רבעיים וחמשיים . גם בפעלים מגזרות החסרים , הנחים והכפולים , אנו מוצאים את השנָיות הקדמונית של השרשים העבריים , ואפילו בשרשים , שהם בעלי שלוש אותיות הגויות תמיד , יש בהם שרשים דקדוקיים , שנוצרו משתי אותיות היסוד , כלומר , משרשים גנתיים שנָיים . ולפי כך, החקירה הזה מעונין בנושׂא השנָיות , ע''י עיון השרשים השניים עיון אנליטי השוואתי בלשון הערבית ובלשון העברית , גם עיון האותיות היסוד של הפעלים והתוספת שקורה על הפעלים .

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Human Right to Citizenship in International Conventions and Omani Legislation: Comparative Study
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The idea of citizenship is one of the old political and legal ideas that have long occupied a wide area of thinking in most countries of the world because the right of citizenship is linked to the identity and cultural reference of human persons of different origins and ethnicities. Citizenship is the equality of citizens irrespective of religious, sectarian, tribal, ethnic, or sexual tinctures. Countries sought to enshrine this right through international conventions, affirmed through the constitutions, statutes, laws, and media of States, to increase the association of individuals affiliated with the State with their national identity and to grant these individuals all their rights under international conventions, constitutions, or dom

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Interlanguage Pragmatics of Non-Institutional Criticism: A Study of Native and Non-Native Speakers of English
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Criticism is inherently impolite and a face-threatening act generally leading to conflicts among interlocutors. It is equally challenging for both native and non-native speakers, and needs pre-planning before performing it. The current research examines the production of non-institutional criticism by Iraqi EFL university learners and American native speakers. More specifically, it explores to what extent Iraqi EFL learners and American native speakers vary in (i) performing criticism, (ii) mitigating criticism, and (iii) their pragmatic choices according to the contextual variables of power and distance. To collect data, a discourse-completion task was used to elicit written data from 20 Iraqi EFL learners and 20 American native speaker

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Learning English through Scaffolded Assistance in Iraqi EFL Classroom
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Learning a foreign language is a highly interactive process, and a belief that communicative activities foster a great amount of linguistic production provides language practice and opportunities for negotiation of meaning during communicative exchanges. Thus, this study examines what benefits learner-centered classroom setting offers compared with that of teacher–centered classroom, and how less proficient learners accomplish their tasks and activities with scaffolded help during interaction with the help of proficient classmates and under the guidance of a skilful person, i.e., the teacher. The subjects participating in this study are 30 Iraqi 4th year college students in the Department of English, College of Arts , Univer

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Traducción de los dos verbos auxiliares ser y estar del español al árabe en la frase nominal
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       La traducción de los dos verbos ser y estar no es una tarea tan simple como piensan muchas personas, sino es una de las complicadas y difíciles tareas, ya que el traductor tiene que saber y perfeccionar los correctos casos gramaticales relacionados con esos dos verbos auxiliares  tanto el verbo ser como el verbo estar, especialmente en la frase nominal para que pueda dar una clara y correcta traducción. Usados con el mismo adjetivo, "ser" comunicará una cualidad que es parte de la identidad o naturaleza del sujeto, mientras que "estar" comunicará un estado o circunstancia del mismo. Este e

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study : Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study
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The great expansion of teaching skills requires finding ways and methods to help teachers acquire experiences of all kinds. The researcher found in the subject of the teaching skills for teachers in public and private schools a fertile field for conducting a study that enables the measurement of these skills. Thus, the study aims to identify the skills of teaching lessons for teachers, the difference in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the years of service, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the specialized teachers and non-specialized teachers, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the public and private school. The

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
كلية التربية للبنات
The rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study
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Allah Almighty has aggrandized the position of orphans and elevated their status in the society and has given the graces for those who sponsor the orphan and care for and protecting them, even those who rub their heads. The divine care is manifested in the verses of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. Therefore, the whole world cared for the orphan, and called for the rights of the orphans in the conferences and the channels. But all that was little effort that does not meet what the orphan need and some were only ink on paper that were not applied. All that mentioned above is necessary in dealing with the study (the rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study). The study was divided into a Preface and four inquirie

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 02 2919
Journal Name
دار الكتب القانونية
مضمون العقد-دراسة مقارنة مع القانونين الفرنسي والانجليزي
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ان العقد – في تكوينه – عبارة عن اتفاق ارادتين من اجل احداث اثر قانوني معين ، بيد ان العقد نفسه – في آثاره – يخضع لمجموع الالتزامات التي تشكلت طبقاً لما انصرفت اليه ارادة طرفيه ، فضلاً عمّا تيسّر من احكام اخرى فرضها المشرع او العرف او العدالة او مبادئ حسن النية .

Publication Date
Mon Sep 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The impact of exceptional circumstances on personal freedoms: دراسة مقارنة
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The safety of state may be threatened by the exceptional circumstances such as the wars and normal disasters. Those circumstances make the state unable to protect the general system by using public rules. So the authority of control organization should expand to control such circumstances. Those authorities should report hasty and definitive steps to encounter such issues. The exceptional circumstances may directly affect the personal rights and freedom that were warranted by the constitution. So the legislator should determine the constraints that were adopted upon them and showed the guarantees of those liberties in order to avoid the unfair decisions and orders. 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Financial compensation contracts related to Hajj: دراسة فقهية مقارنة
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Financial compensation contracts related to Hajj

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legislative Framework of Public Utility Concessions Award : A Comparative Study
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      Public constructions contracts and concession, have been a link between the public and private sector for decades and we may find serious  international efforts to consider it as an effective economic and legal means of providing public services(legislative framework), in the same time prevents states from drowning in loans, regrettably that Iraqi and Arab jurisprudence is still influenced by  old version of oil concession agreements,  in its research writings about the partnership between public sector and private sector. We have studied in detail the legal mechanism of concession award especially in France, We also studied the position of Egyptian legislation and focused on constitutional l

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