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Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's Inaugural Speech
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       Political speeches are represented in different shapes as political forum, events or as inaugural speech. This research critically analyzes the inaugural Speech of the President Donald Trump which was delivered on 20th ,January, 2017 from the site<> retrieved on 10th ,May,2017. The objectives of the study are: First: classifying and discussing well known micro structures (linguistic feature) of the speech, and second: classifying the macro structures i.e. the delivered political inaugural speech  in which he includes social structures. To reach to the objectives of the study, the researcher will adopt Norman Fairclough’s three dimensional Analytical Model(1989). Tracing the model, the speech was submitted to description (text analysis), interpretation (processing/ analysis) and explanation (social practice and analysis). The results of the analysis have shown that Trump uses colourful language devices to address Americans. He uses future tense in his speech more than the other tenses to talk about America's future. He creatively repeats certain expressions to show his point of view. The pronoun 'we' is used to talk about the state of America and to show a mutual correlation between Trump and the hearers. Moreover, Trump relays on active voice to get all the hearers active not passive, which reflects the social relations. However, in some instances, he uses passive voice to assure Americans that he will be with them

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Die Design of Flexible Multi-Point Forming Process
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Multi-point forming (MPF) is an advanced flexible manufacture technology, and the technology results from the idea that the whole die is separated into small punches that can be adjusted height. This idea is applied to the traditional rigid blank-holder, so flexible blank-holder (FBH) idea can be obtained. In this work, the performance of a multi-point die is investigated with pins in square matrix and suitable blank holder. Each pin in the punch holder can be a significant moved according to the die high and at different load that applied with spring with respect to spring stiffness. The results shows the reduction in setting time with respect to traditional single point incremental forming process that lead to (90%). and also show duri

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Jun 17 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Estimation the Safety of Parenteral Resveratrol in Mice
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   Resveratrol is polyphenolic compound has many biochemical and biological effects on several organs. Therefore, resveratrol can be used to treat many diseases. The aim was to evaluate resveratrol safety when used in a parenteral single bolus dose. This study was conducted on 60 mice (30 males and 30 females). Each male and female mice divided into 6 groups (five mice per group). All mice groups given 1% DMSO and five different doses of resveratrol (5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, 0.312) gm/kg intraperitonially given to five groups respectively. The mice were continuously monitored during 14 days. The number of deaths, changes in general behavior, changes in physiological activity, and signs of toxicity were reported. On day 15 blood was

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Scopus (6)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Subjective Objective Conditions for the Possibility of Punishment
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Objective conditions for the possibility of punishment are legal or material facts –positive or negative that depart from the activity of the offender. The legislator comments on their subsequent verification on the formation of some crimes the possibility of.The application of punishment to the offender , but although they are facts of an object nature that approach and overlap with many systems and cases , they are distinguished by a certain subjectivity that differentiates them from each case that may seem similar or approach them. To clarify the ambiguity that may surround these conditions , Which may lead to confusion between them and what be similar to other cases due to the common effect that they have in common , which is the f

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effective Rules for Building and Securing of Blogs
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Blogging is about more than just putting thoughts on a web; it's about connecting with and hearing from anyone who read the work. Many web sites now days help to get a free account to quick post thoughts and photos interact with people, and more. The fastest way to understand blogging is to try it out, but in that case securing the blog is important, by including authentication schemes. In this paper we suggest implications of our research for improving the design and usefulness of blogging systems, and also we divided the blogs depending on the subject and need, which are either to be used in public or only used by small group, so we can suggest different steps for securing the blogs.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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During a survey on the helminthic parasites of three species of turtles in the north part of Iraq, five species of nematodes were recorded for the first time in Iraq. They were all found in the intestine. These are, Camallanus microcephalus (Dujardin, 1845) recorvered from the turtle Clemmys caspica; Spironoura japonensis (Yamaguti, 1935) from Triopyx eup¬hraticus and Angusticaecum holopterum (Rudolphi, 1819), and Tachygonetria nicollei (Seurat, 1918) from the turtle Testudo graeca. All of the localities and hosts are newly recorded in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The rule of leading the boy in prayer
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God Almighty has imposed on us obligations and set limits on us, and among these obligations is the prayer, which is considered a pillar of Islam. And recently on the statement of its importance, and through extensive explanations, they elaborated on the statement of its pillars, its obligations, its Sunnahs, its rituals, and its bodies, and it is known that the imam in prayer is an important part of the parts of prayer. Whoever assumes this responsibility must be aware of these conditions, the most important of which is jurisprudence in religion, and there has been a disagreement between the jurists, especially the owners of the four schools of thought, about who is qualified to lead the imamate, and this is within many and wide details

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of a Proposal Network Firewall
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In today's world, most business, regardless of size, believe that access to Internet is imperative if they are going to complete effectively. Yet connecting a private computer (or a network) to the Internet can expose critical or confidential data to malicious attack from anywhere in the world since unprotected connections to the Internet (or any network topology) leaves the user computer vulnerable to hacker attacks and other Internet threats. Therefore, to provide high degree of protection to the network and network's user, Firewall need to be used.

Firewall provides a barrier between the user computer and the Internet (i.e. it prevents unauthor

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 22 2011
Journal Name
Phonological Adaptation of English Loanwords into Iraqi Arabic
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MR Younus, Alustath, 2011

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation of Effecting Parameters in a Turning Operation
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        In this study multi objective optimization is utilized to optimize a turning operation to reveal the appropriate level of process features. The goal of this work is to evaluate the optimal combination of cutting parameters like feed, spindle speed, inclination angle and workpiece material to have a best surface quality Taguchi technique L9 mixed orthogonal array, has been adopted to optimize the roughness of surface. Three rods of length around (200 mm) for the three metals are used for this work. Each rod is divided into three parts with 50 mm length. For brass the optimum parametric mix for minimum Ra is A1, B1 and C3, i.e., at tool inclination angle (5), feedrate of 0.01, spindle speed of 120

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the monkey in Islamic jurisprudence
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The provisions of the monkey in Islamic jurisprudence

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