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This paper deals with the design and implementation of an ECG system. The proposed system gives a new concept of ECG signal manipulation, storing, and editing. It consists mainly of hardware circuits and the related software. The hardware includes the circuits of ECG signals capturing, and system interfaces. The software is written using Visual Basic languages, to perform the task of identification of the ECG signal. The main advantage of the system is to provide a reported ECG recording on a personal computer, so that it can be stored and processed at any time as required. This system was tested for different ECG signals, some of them are abnormal and the other is normal, and the results show that the system has a good quality of diagnosis identification.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Shyness and its relation to feeling of psychological isolation among first intermediate students
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The study attempts to measure the level of shyness; the level of psychological isolation; to identify the relationship between shyness and psychological isolation; and to identify the differences between shyness and psychological isolation among first-intermediate students. To this end, a random sample comprised (187) male and female students was chosen for the academic year (2016-2017) from Baghdad \ Al-Rasafa. To measure the shyness and psychological isolation, the researcher designed two scales: one to measure the shyness composed of (37) items divided into four domains; and the other to measure the psychological isolation made of (56) items divided into three domains. The study concluded that the sample has a medium level of shyness;

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Intellectual Security and Its Relation to Psychological Resilience of Secondary School Students
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The current research aims to determine the intellectual security and the psychological resilience of Secondary school students and how these two variables are related to each other. The study also seeks the extent to which psychological resilience contributes to intellectual security

The research sample consisted of (420) students from the Secondary stage in the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Rusafa III. Two scales were administered to the participants to collect the needed data. As for the analysis of data, Pearson correlation coefficient, T-test, and the Regression analysis were employed, the results revealed:

  1. The members of the sample have an intellectual Security.
  2. The members of the sample have

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Eurasian Chemical Communications
Synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives from 2-furyl methanethiol and study their applications
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In this research, cyclic compounds derived from 2- furfural mercaptan (oxazole, triazoles) were synthesized, and their biological efficacy was measured and compared with standard drugs. Also, their effectiveness as anti-oxidant was measured and compared with ascorbic acid as a standard substance. Some of the synthesized compounds were deduced with good efficacy. © 2021 Sami Publishing Company. All rights reserved

Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Study the synergistic Effect between Nanoparticles and Spiramycin on Immunological Response Against Toxoplasmosis
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Abstract<p>This investigation was carried out to estimate the antiparasitic potential of silver and Chitosan nanoparticles loaded with spiramycin against toxoplasmosis infected. After mice injected intraperitoneal in a dose 10<sup>3</sup>viable tachyzoites for acute infection; then treated with spiramycin, chitosan nanoparticles and silver nanoparticles as a single or combined therapy given for seven days. Peritoneal fluid examination revealed a significant decrease in the number of<italic>T. gondii</italic>tachyzoites in all treated infected mice compared with infected non-treated. The combined therapy presented better results than the single one. The best effect was observed in a group of </p> ... Show More
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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Chemistry
Levels and Distribution of Trace Metals in Surface Soils of Al-Diwaniya, Iraq
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In this work, monitoring of monthly variation (from May 2016 to October 2016) in the concentration of the metals (Co, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni and Fe) from Al-Diwaniya city of Iraq. Investigation about the pollution with these metals was achieved from five selected sites locate in study area by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results showed a wide variation in the levels of heavy metals from site to site and from month to month. A total of 180 surface soil samples were analyzed to detecting the pollution with selected samples. The resultsshowed that the highest concentration with Ni was 6.290 mg kg-1 while the lowest concentration detected with Ni was 0.080 mg kg-1. The results of pollution index (enrichment factor, contamination factor, po

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Renewable energy between limited use and treatment of the electricity crisis in Iraq
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The electric energy is one of the most important renewable energies used in the world as it is the main source for sustainable development and economic development through its use in (production, transport and distribution), and in Iraq, the electric power sector has suffered from many problems and obstacles, as providing electric current is one of the most prominent difficulties and challenges That successive governments and residents have faced since the early nineties of the last century and are still ongoing, and that Iraq has all the climatic conditions for developing the work of the electricity system from renewable energies such as solar and hydroelectric energy, as well as gas fields that have become a Basic pillar of pow

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 15 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removal of Lead and Chromium From Industrial Wastewater by Locally Citrobacter spp. Isolates
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Biosorption is an effective method to remove toxic metals from wastewaters. In this study biosorption of lead and chromium ions from solution was studied using Citrobacter freundii and Citrobacter kosari isolated from industrial wastewater. The experimental results showed that optimum grwoth temperature for both bacteria is 30oC and the optimum pH is 7 &6 for C. freundii and C. kosari respectively. While the optimum incubation period to remove Pb and Cr for C. freundii and C. kosari is 4 days and 3days respectively. Also the biosorption of Pb and Cr in mixed culture of bacteria and mixed culture of Pb and Cr was investigated. Result indicate that uptake of Cr and Pb for C.freundii, C. kosari and in mixes culture of both bacteria is 58%, 53%

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Semantic and stylistic characteristics of the category of the species in modern Russian
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هذه الدراسة مكرسة للخصائص الوظيفية والدلالية المعقدة للفئات اللفظية من التوتر والنوع في اللغة الروسية سيتم الكشف في هذه الدراسة عن السمات الدلالية والأسلوبية للفرق بين الأفعال المكتملة وغير المكتملة، قد تكون الاختلافات مرتبطة بخصائص المعاني المعجمية للكلمات، وكذلك معاني اللواحق المكونة للكلمات) السوابق واللواحق). يعكس استخدام هذه الفئة النحوية في أنماط مختلفة بوضوح تفاصيل كل منها، لأن درجة واقعية ال

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 08 2020
Journal Name
Medical Sciens
COVID-19 clinical characteristics and outcomes in 60 hospitalized Iraqi patients -Case series
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Background: since December 2019, China and in particularly Wuhan, faced an unprecedented an outbreak challenge of coronavirus disease 2019, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Clinical characteristics of Iraqi patients with COVID-19 and risk factors for mortality needed to be shared with the health care providers to improve the overall disease experience. Methods: prospective, single-center study recruited patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who were admitted to Al-Shifaa Isolation Center / Baghdad Medical City between the mid of March and the end of April 2020 until had been discharged or had died. Demographic data, information on clinical signs, symptoms, at presentation, treatment, have been collected

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Adding NPKZn Fertilizer in Growth and Yield of (Vigna raditia L.)
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Experiment was conducted using clay pots at botanical garden of Department of Biology/ College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn –AL- Haitham, University of Baghdad during the growth season of (2013-2014).The experiment aimed to study the effect of NPK Zn fertilizer in (15-15-15-1)% with the levels 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 grams per five kilograms soil based on (80, 120, 240 kg per Hectare)in some of morphological characters and yield of Vigna radiatia. The results showed a significant increase in plant height, dry weight, biological yield, economic yield, weight of 100 seeds, harvest index, absolute growth rate (AGR) were all increased and amount of output compared with control plants.

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