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Crack Growth Behavior through Wall Pipes under Impact Load and Hygrothremal Environment
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This research concerns study the crack growth in the wall of pipes made of low carbon steel under the impact load and using the effect of hygrothermal (rate of moisture 50% and 50℃ temperature). The environmental conditions were controlled using high accuracy digital control with sensors. The pipe have a crack already. The test was performed and on two type of specimens, one have length of 100cm and other have length 50cm. The results were, when the humidity was applied to the pipe, the crack would enhance to growth (i.e. the number of cycles needed to growth the crack will reduce). In addition, when the temperature was increase the number of cycles needed to growth the crack are reduced because the effect of heat on the mechanical properties of the material. In addition, when the test performed on the specimens of length 50cm the number of cycles needed to growth the crack is increase because the effect of bending stress on the pipes.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Identification Pseudomonas aeruginosa by 16s rRNA gene for Differentiation from Other Pseudomonas Species that isolated from Patients and environment
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common and major opportunistic human pathogen, its causes many and dangersinfectious diseases due to death in some timesex: cystic fibrosis , wounds inflammation , burns inflammation , urinary tract infection , other many infections otitis external , Endocarditis , nosocomial infection and also causes other blood infections (Bacteremia). thereforebecomes founding fast and exact identification of P. aeruginosafrom samples culture very important.However, identification of this species may be problematic due to the marked phenotypic variabilitydemonstrated by samples isolates and the presence of other closely related species. To facilitate species identification, we used 16S ribosomal DNA(rRNA) sequence data

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 23 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Barhi dates fruit are one of the most important date palm cultivars which are some of their properties they are mostly eaten and sold at the khalal stage when it has become yellow compared with rutab stage. At this stage the fruit loses its astringency and becomes sweet and best texture, therefore. High moisture content and rapid ripening of Barhi dates shorten their shelf life, as well the Khalal stage lasts for about 4 weeks until the ripening of the fruits begins and transfer to rutab stage. In the present study, Barhi dates packaging in the first by common air - packaging and
second by Modified atmosphere packaging, MAP A (5% O2 + 20% CO2) and MAP B (40%O2+20%CO2) and stored for 30 days at different temperatures 5 and 20 °C, re

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studies on solution – growth thin films of CdS : Zn for photovoltaic application
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Structural, optical, and electrical properties of thin films of CdS : Zn prepared by the solution – growth technique are reported as a function of zinc concentration. CdS are window layers influencing the photovoltaic response of CIS solar cells. The zinc doping concentration was varied from 0.05 to 0.5 wt %, zinc doping apparently increase the band gap and lowers the resistivity. All beneficial optical properties of chemically deposited CdS thin films for application as window material in heterojunction optoelectronic devices are retained. Heat treatment in air at 400 °C for 1h modify crystalline structure, optical, and electrical properties of solution growth deposited CdS : Zn films.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Maximum Size of Aggregate on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Analyzed using Meso Scale Modeling
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In this study, simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) beams were analyzed using the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM). This is a powerful method that is used for the treatment of discontinuities resulting from the fracture process and crack propagation in concrete. The mesoscale is used in modeling concrete as a two-phasic material of coarse aggregate and cement mortar. Air voids in the cement paste will also be modeled. The coarse aggregate used in the casting of these beams is a rounded aggregate consisting of different maximum sizes. The maximum size is 25 mm in the first model, and in the second model, the maximum size is 20 mm. The compressive strength used in these beams is equal to 26 MPa.

The subje

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Specifying Quality of a Tight Oil Reservoir through 3-D Reservoir Modeling
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Increasing hydrocarbon recovery from tight reservoirs is an essential goal of oil industry in the recent years. Building real dynamic simulation models and selecting and designing suitable development strategies for such reservoirs need basically to construct accurate structural static model construction. The uncertainties in building 3-D reservoir models are a real challenge for such micro to nano pore scale structure. Based on data from 24 wells distributed throughout the Sadi tight formation. An application of building a 3-D static model for a tight limestone oil reservoir in Iraq is presented in this study. The most common uncertainties confronted while building the model were illustrated. Such as accurate estimations of cut-off permeab

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the variation of synodic month for the moon through 2000-2100
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In this research study the synodic month for the moon and their
relationship with the mean anomaly for the moon orbit and date A.D
and for long periods of time (100 years), we was design a computer
program that calculates the period of synodic months, and the
coordinates of the moon at the moment of the new moon with high
accuracy. During the 100 year, there are 1236 period of synodic
We found that the when New Moon occurs near perigee (mean
anomaly = 0°), the length of the synodic month at a minimum.
Similarly, when New Moon occurs near apogee (mean anomaly =
180°), the length of the synodic month reaches a maximum. The
shortest synodic month on 2053 /1/ 16 and lasted (29.27436) days.
The lo

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Results In Engineering
Effectiveness of embedded through-section technique in strengthening reinforced concrete spandrel beams
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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential approach Imam Al-Qurtubi through his interpretation Verses of rulings
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There are great figures in our nation, who are famous for their encyclopedia in their sciences, and their fame spreads across the horizons for what they presented to their religion and nation.
So they became torches of guidance, advocates of goodness, and treasuries of knowledge until God inherits the earth and those on it.
Among these imams is Imam al-Qurtubi, who died in the year (671 AH), after whom he left a great legacy of valuable books, including this one, which is the subject of my research, his valuable interpretation (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Qur’an). Taking from him and his approach in interpreting the verses of judgment, following the method of extrapolation, investigation and deduction to know his style, which he used

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 03 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the variation of synodic month for the moon through 2000-2100
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In this research study the synodic month for the moon and theirrelationship with the mean anomaly for the moon orbit and date A.Dand for long periods of time (100 years), we was design a computerprogram that calculates the period of synodic months, and thecoordinates of the moon at the moment of the new moon with highaccuracy. During the 100 year, there are 1236 period of synodicmonths.We found that the when New Moon occurs near perigee (meananomaly = 0°), the length of the synodic month at a minimum.Similarly, when New Moon occurs near apogee (mean anomaly =180°), the length of the synodic month reaches a maximum. Theshortest synodic month on 2053 /1/ 16 and lasted (29.27436) days.The longest synodic month began on 2008 /11/ 27 a

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Specifying Quality of a Tight Oil Reservoir through 3-D Reservoir Modeling
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Increasing hydrocarbon recovery from tight reservoirs is an essential goal of oil industry in the recent years. Building real dynamic simulation models and selecting and designing suitable development strategies for such reservoirs need basically to construct accurate structural static model construction. The uncertainties in building 3-D reservoir models are a real challenge for such micro to nano pore scale structure. Based on data from 24 wells distributed throughout the Sadi tight formation. An application of building a 3-D static model for a tight limestone oil reservoir in Iraq is presented in this study. The most common uncertainties confronted while building the model were illustrated. Such as accurate estimations of cut-off

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