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The Effects of Vortex Generator Types on Heat Transfer and Flow Structure in a Rectangular Duct Flows
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    In this numerical study a detailed evaluation of the heat transfer characteristics and flow structure in a laminar and turbulent flow through a rectangular channel containing built-in of different type vortex generator has been a accomplished in a range of Reynolds number between 500 and 100,000.A modified version of ESCEAT code has been used to solve Navier-Stokes and energy equations. The purpose of this paper is to present numerical comparisons in terms of temperature, Nusselt number and flow patterns on several configurations of longitudinal vortex generator including new five cases. The structures of heat and flow were studied, using iso-contours of velocity components, vortices, temperature and Nusselt number. This study shows that the predicted structures of fluid flow, temperature fields and Nusselt number variation are strongly affected by the presence of the turbulators. Staggered arrangement gains high Nusselt number, also the lower and upper arrangements have higher Nusselt number than plane duct. High Reynolds number (higher air inlet velocity) will enhance the Nusselt number. Increase in ribs height will enhance the heat transfer as it works as surface area and turbulator at the same time. 


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Texture Analysis Image Processing Technique to Study the Effect of Microwave Plasma on the Living Tissue
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The present study is a hybrid method of studying the effect of plasma on the living tissue by using the image processing technique. This research explains the effect of microwave plasma on the DNA cell using the comet score application, texture analysis image processing and the effect of microwave plasma on the liver using texture analysis image processing. The study was applied on the mice cells. The exposure to the plasma is done by dividing the mice for four groups, each group includes four mice (control group, 20, 50, 90 second exposure to microwave plasma). The exposure to microwave plasma was done with voltage 175v and gas flow on 2 with room temperature; the statistical features are obtained from the comet score images and the textur

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Sensitize the electrical properties of partial substitution on mercury-base superconductor manufactured by the solid reaction method
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Nano-Accounting in the Rationalization of Accounting Performance: بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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The research Reviews the sides of highlight importance of the Nano-Accounting which doing the accounting performance functions fully computerized without the intervention of an accountant, to solve the problem of not keeping up the  rationalization of recording and accounting systems, with the rationalization of production which fully computerized.(be invisible and hidden accounting), resulting by linking or interaction of the accounting, additive production system represented three-dimensional printers, open source and recycling. That which result the rationalizing the facilities of production, organization and self-control which derived nanotechnology idea, which aims to minimize materials and change it properties, then view the a

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
Effect of non-thermal plasma by FE-DBD scheme on lipids in blood in vivo study
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This study illustrates the impact of non-thermal plasma (Cold Atmospheric Plasma CAP) on the lipids blood, the study in vivo. The lipids are (cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol and triglyceride) are tested. (FE-DBD) scheme of probe diameter 4cm is used for this purpose, and the output voltage ranged from (0-20) kV with variable frequency (0-30) kHz. The effect of non-thermal atmospheric plasma on lipids were studied with different exposure durations (20,30) sec. As a result, the longer plasma exposure duration decreases more lipids in blood.

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Developing a Real Time Method for the Arabic Heterogonous DBMS Transformation
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   A common problem facing many Application models is to extract and combine information from multiple, heterogeneous sources and to derive information of a new quality or abstraction level. New approaches for managing consistency, uncertainty or quality of Arabic data and enabling e-client analysis of distributed, heterogeneous sources are still required. This paper presents a new method by combining two algorithms (the partitioning and Grouping) that will be used to transform information in a real time heterogeneous Arabic database environment

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
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This article investigates how an appropriate chaotic map (Logistic, Tent, Henon, Sine...) should be selected taking into consideration its advantages and disadvantages in regard to a picture encipherment. Does the selection of an appropriate map depend on the image properties? The proposed system shows relevant properties of the image influence in the evaluation process of the selected chaotic map. The first chapter discusses the main principles of chaos theory, its applicability to image encryption including various sorts of chaotic maps and their math. Also this research explores the factors that determine security and efficiency of such a map. Hence the approach presents practical standpoint to the extent that certain chaos maps will bec

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
The suggested threshold to reduce data noise for a factorial experiment
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In this research, a factorial experiment (4*4) was studied, applied in a completely random block design, with a size of observations, where the design of experiments is used to study the effect of transactions on experimental units and thus obtain data representing experiment observations that The difference in the application of these transactions under different environmental and experimental conditions It causes noise that affects the observation value and thus an increase in the mean square error of the experiment, and to reduce this noise, multiple wavelet reduction was used as a filter for the observations by suggesting an improved threshold that takes into account the different transformation levels based on the logarithm of the b

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Designing a Secure Software-Defined Radio Transceiver using the Logistic Map
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The need to exchange large amounts of real-time data is constantly increasing in wireless communication. While traditional radio transceivers are not cost-effective and their components should be integrated, software-defined radio (SDR) ones have opened up a new class of wireless technologies with high security.  This study aims to design an  SDR  transceiver was built using one type of modulation, which is 16 QAM, and adding a  security subsystem using one type of chaos map, which is a  logistic map, because it is a very simple nonlinear dynamical equations that generate a random key and  EXCLUSIVE  OR with the originally transmitted data to protect data through the transmission. At th

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Law And Humanities Sciences
Fair compensation for expropriation for the public benefit (A comparative study)
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The right to property is one of the most fundamental rights enjoyed by individuals, and most national constitutions and laws, as well as international conventions, have to be respected and protected only in accordance with the economic and social development of the country (the so-called public benefit) and in return for just compensation. What is fair compensation?

Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Methionine as a Spacer between Poly Acrylic acid and Ampicillin
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In this work a novel drug delivery system through modification of poly acrylic acid with Methionine as a spacer between the poly acrylic acid which was converted to its acyl chloride and reacted with Methionine as spacer unit which has been reacted with Ampicillin drug. In vitro drug release study had been conducted successfully in basic medium in pH 7.4 and acidic medium in pH 1.1 at 37?. Due to many problems associated with drug release and, this modification could decrease the side effect of drug. The prepared prodrug polymer was characterized by spectra method [FTIR and 1H?NMR]. Physical properties and intrinsic viscosity of drug polymer were determined. The good results were obtained in the presence of spacer unit with compar

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