In this paper we introduce a new type of functions called the generalized regular
continuous functions .These functions are weaker than regular continuous functions and
stronger than regular generalized continuous functions. Also, we study some
characterizations and basic properties of generalized regular continuous functions .Moreover
we study another types of generalized regular continuous functions and study the relation
among them
In this research, a new application has been developed for games by using the generalization of the separation axioms in topology, in particular regular, Sg-regular and SSg- regular spaces. The games under study consist of two players and the victory of the second player depends on the strategy and choice of the first player. Many regularity, Sg, SSg regularity theorems have been proven using this type of game, and many results and illustrative examples have been presented
In this paper we introduce a new class of sets called -generalized b- closed (briefly gb closed) sets. We study some of its basic properties. This class of sets is strictly placed between the class of gp- closed sets and the class of gsp- closed sets. Further the notion of b- space is introduced and studied.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A05
Form the series of generalization of the topic of supra topology is the generalization of separation axioms . In this paper we have been introduced (S * - SS *) regular spaces . Most of the properties of both spaces have been investigated and reinforced with examples . In the last part we presented the notations of supra *- -space ( =0,1) and we studied their relationship with (S * - SS *) regular spaces.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the concepts of fuzzy generalized open sets, fuzzy generalized closed sets, generalized continuous fuzzy proper functions and prove results about these concepts.
A space X is named a πp – normal if for each closed set F and each π – closed set F’ in X with F ∩ F’ = ∅, there are p – open sets U and V of X with U ∩ V = ∅ whereas F ⊆ U and F’ ⊆ V. Our work studies and discusses a new kind of normality in generalized topological spaces. We define ϑπp – normal, ϑ–mildly normal, & ϑ–almost normal, ϑp– normal, & ϑ–mildly p–normal, & ϑ–almost p-normal and ϑπ-normal space, and we discuss some of their properties.
This paper introduces some properties of separation axioms called α -feeble regular and α -feeble normal spaces (which are weaker than the usual axioms) by using elements of graph which are the essential parts of our α -topological spaces that we study them. Also, it presents some dependent concepts and studies their properties and some relationships between them.
In this paper, we introduce and study the concept of a new class of generalized closed set which is called generalized b*-closed set in topological spaces ( briefly .g b*-closed) we study also. some of its basic properties and investigate the relations between the associated topology.
In this paper, certain types of regularity of topological spaces have been highlighted, which fall within the study of generalizations of separation axioms. One of the important axioms of separation is what is called regularity, and the spaces that have this property are not few, and the most important of these spaces are Euclidean spaces. Therefore, limiting this important concept to topology is within a narrow framework, which necessitates the use of generalized open sets to obtain more good characteristics and preserve the properties achieved in general topology. Perhaps the reader will realize through the research that our generalization preserved most of the characteristics, the most important of which is the hereditary property. Two t
... Show MoreIn this paper, a new type of supra closed sets is introduced which we called supra β*-closed sets in a supra topological space. A new set of separation axioms is defined, and its many properties are examined. The relationships between supra β*-Ti –spaces (i = 0, 1, 2) are studied and shown with instances. Additionally, new varieties of supra β*-continuous maps have been taken into consideration based on the supra β*-open sets theory.
In this paper, we introduce a new class of sets, namely , s*g-ï¡-open sets and we show that the family of all s*g-ï¡-open subsets of a topological space ) ,X( ï´ from a topology on X which is finer than ï´ . Also , we study the characterizations and basic properties of s*g-ï¡open sets and s*g-ï¡-closed sets . Moreover, we use these sets to define and study a new class of functions, namely , s*g- ï¡ -continuous functions and s*g- ï¡ -irresolute functions in topological spaces . Some properties of these functions have been studied .