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An Optimum Design of Cam Mechanisms with Roller Follower for Combined Effect of Impact and High Contact Loads
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     The problem in the design of a cam is the analyzing of the mechanisms and dynamic forces that effect on the family of parametric polynomials for describing the motion curve. In present method, two ways have been taken for optimization of the cam size, first the high dynamic loading (such that impact and elastic stress waves propagation) from marine machine tool which translate by the roller follower to the cam surface and varies with time causes large contact loads and second it must include the factors of kinematics features including the acceleration, velocity, boundary condition and the unsymmetrical curvature of the cam profile for the motion curve.

     In the theoretical solution the unidirectional impact stress waves with the Mushkelishvilis inverse of the singular integral equation for contact stress have been used for analytical solution and a numerical solution have bean solved using F.E.M (ANSYS 10) for stress analysis in a cam surface at condition of rise-dwell-return (R-D-R) motion of the follower, also to compare the analytical and numerical results that have been used different pressure angles in the rise and return of the motion curves in unsymmetrical cam profile for optimum design.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The architectural design of the holy shrines
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As an architectural philosophical concept, Islamic architecture cannot be considered arches, doors, domes and lighthouses, since Islamic architecture is based on a structural system of religious, mental, philosophical and logical origins and beliefs shared by the arts, technology and the requirements of the surrounding environment. Rather, the architectural designer's distance from it becomes as if it is for people not from this world, and Islamic architecture is not abbreviated on the heritage side as much as it is a renewed "modern" state, dealing with the concepts of Islam that are valid for every time and place. This can be seen through the mechanisms that produced heritage architecture and what was built on it, which is not a simula

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Theoretical Prediction of Optimum Chilled Water Distribution Configuration in Air Conditioning Terminal Unit
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 The distribution of chilled water flow rate in terminal unit is a major factor used to evaluate the performance of central air conditioning unit. In this work, a theoretical chilled water distribution in the terminal units has been studied to predict the optimum heat performance of terminal unit. The central Air-conditioning unit model consists of cooling/ heating coil (three units), chilled water source (chiller), three-way and two-way valve with bypass, piping network, and pump. The term of optimization in terminal unit ingredient has two categories, the first is the uniform of the water flow rate representing in statically permanents standard deviation (minimum value) and the second category is the maximum heat transfer rate fro

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Computer-Aided-Design of low aberration electrostatic Immersion lens
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A computerized investigation has been carried out to design an immersion lens
with low aberration operating under zero magnification condition using inverse problem.
The aberration is highly dependent on the shape of electrodes, for a preassigned electron
beam trajectory the paraxial-ray-equation is solved to determine the electrostatic potential
and field distribution.
From the knowledge of the potential and its first and second derivative the
electron optical properties were computed, the electrode geometry was determined from
the solution of Laplace equation.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Crack Growth Behavior through Wall Pipes under Impact Load and Hygrothremal Environment
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This research concerns study the crack growth in the wall of pipes made of low carbon steel under the impact load and using the effect of hygrothermal (rate of moisture 50% and 50℃ temperature). The environmental conditions were controlled using high accuracy digital control with sensors. The pipe have a crack already. The test was performed and on two type of specimens, one have length of 100cm and other have length 50cm. The results were, when the humidity was applied to the pipe, the crack would enhance to growth (i.e. the number of cycles needed to growth the crack will reduce). In addition, when the temperature was increase the number of cycles needed to growth the crack are reduced because the effect of heat on the mechanical pro

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Compact MIMO Slots Antenna Design with Different Bands and High Isolation for 5G Smartphone Applications
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 In this paper, two elements of the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antenna had been used to study the five (3.1-3.55GHz and 3.7-4.2GHz), (3.4-4.7 GHz), (3.4-3.8GHz) and (3.6-4.2GHz) 5G bands of smartphone applications that is to be introduced to the respective US, Korea, (Europe and China) and Japan markets. With a proposed dimension of 26 × 46 × 0.8 mm3, the medium-structured and small-sized MIMO antenna was not only found to have demonstrated a high degree of isolation and efficiency, it had also exhibited a lower level of envelope correlation coefficient and return loss, which are well-suited for the 5G bands application. From the fabrication of an inexpensive FR4 substrate with a 0.8 mm thickness level, a loss tang

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Scopus (10)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Visual Appeal and Reflection in the Design of the Advertising
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Advertising is an important and influential tool in various commercial operations, as it represents a means of communication that depends on influencing individuals or society as a whole, working on a link between the producer and the consumer, so the importance of advertising appears in two dimensions, the first is economic represented in its role in achieving economic growth for the facility, while the social dimension lies in its role By influencing the behaviors and ideas of individuals, and from here it appears to us the importance of formulating, organizing and designing the advertising message that advertising agencies resort to in their advertising campaigns. Orientation, definition, and raising the level of the advertising messa

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigation the Optimum Combined Dosages of Date Seeds Powder as Natural Coagulant with Chemical Coagulants in Domestic Wastewater Pretreatment
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The pretreatment process can be considered one of the important processes in wastewater treatment, especially coagulation process to decrease the strength of many pollutants. This paper focused on using powdered date seeds as natural coagulant in addition to chemical coagulants (alum and ferric chloride) to find the optimum dosage of each coagulant that makes efficient removal of turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from domestic wastewater as a pretreatment process, then finding the optimum combined dosages of date seeds with alum, date seeds with ferric chloride that make efficient removal for both pollutants. Concerning turbidity, the optimum dosage for date seeds, alum and ferric chloride were 40 mg/l (79%), 70

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Combined Effect of Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser (532 Nm) and Safranin O on the Growth of Pseudomonas Aeruginosaand its Susceptibilityto Antibiotics and Pyocyanin Production
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Twenty five samples out of sixty wound swabs taken from burn patients were identified as P. aeruginosabacteria by conventional methods. Antibiotics susceptibility tests were performed against thirteen antibiotics. P. aeruginosa samples were treated with 0.5 mg/ml of Safranin O solution then irradiated with 532nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at four energy densities (0.324, 0.704, 1.380, and 1.831 J/cm2) for different times of 5, 8 and 11 minutes with 5Hz repetition rate. The viability, susceptibility to antibiotic and production of pyocyanin were determined before and after irradiation. The results showed that the number of CFU/ml of P. aeruginosa decreased with increasing the dose of irradiation. Complete killing of cells was observed at 1.8

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis and Optimum Design of Self Supporting Steel Communication Tower
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The present study deals with the optimum design of self supporting steel communication towers. A special technique is used to represent the tower as an equivalent hollow tapered beam with variable cross section. Then this method is employed to find the best layout of the tower among prespecified configurations. The formulation of the problem is applied to four types of tower layout
with K and X brace, with equal and unequal panels. The objective function is the total weight of the tower. The variables are the base and the top dimensions, the number of panels for the tower and member's cross section areas. The formulations of design constraints are based on the requirements of EIA and ANSI codes for allowable stresses in the members

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
The Role of Context in Graphic Design
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The need for an intellectual understanding of the context from many aspects' dictates understanding the ways through which the graphic designer walks in simulating the intent of the design process and elevating it to levels of communicative perception that leads to communicating the idea to the recipient, and it is thus a need closely related to the context, if it is historical. Culturally or socially, and between the mechanisms of selecting and operating the elements and units of the graphic and design achievement. On this basis, the role of context in graphic design can be studied.

The research included four chapters, the first chapter of the research problem and the need for it, and the aim of the research was (discovering the

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