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Estimation of Extract Yield and Mass Transfer Coefficient in Solvent Extraction of Lubricating Oil
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An investigation was conducted to suggest relations for estimating yield and properties of the improved light lubricating oil fraction produced from furfural extraction process by using specified regression.

Mass transfer in mixer-settler has been studied. Mass transfer coefficient of continuous phase, mass transfer coefficient of dispersed phase and the overall mass transfer coefficient extraction of light lubes oil distillate fraction by furfural are calculated in addition to all physical properties of individual components and the extraction mixtures.

The effect of extraction variables were studied such as extraction temperature which ranges from 70 to 110°C and solvent to oil ratio which ranges from 1:1 to 4:1 (wt/wt) were studied.

The results of this investigation show that the extract yield E decreased with decreasing solvent to oil ratio in extract layer and increased with increasing temperature. The fraction of total solvent in the raffinate phase decreased with increasing oil to solvent ratio in raffinate layer and increased with increasing temperature. Solvent to oil ratio in extract layer decreased with increasing temperature and increased with increasing solvent to charge oil ratio at constant temperature. Oil to solvent ratio in raffinate decreased with increasing temperature and increased with increasing solvent to charge oil ratio at constant temperature.

Estimated functions are the best modeling function for prediction extraction data at various operating conditions.

 Mass transfer coefficient of continuous phase kc and  mass transfer coefficient of dispersed phase kd are increased with increasing temperature and solvent charge to oil ratio at constant temperature. The over all mass transfer coefficient  Kod  is increased with increasing temperature and solvent to charge oil ratio; while Kod a is increased with temperature and decreased with solvent to charge oil ratio.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extraction and Estimation of β-carotene Pigment from Some Species of The Genus Rhodotorula and Study The Ability to Increas Their Production By Mutagenesis
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Beta-carotene pigment was extracted from 6 strains collected from different sources related to some species of the genus Rhodotorula sp. The maximum productivity was in the strain Rhodotorula  mucilaginosa BA61 with amount 10.25 gm/l. The minimum productivity was from the strain R. minuta BA78 with amount 5.39 gm/l. The effects of the chemical mutagen (MNNG) and the physical mutagen (UVC) on the viability of the strains was studied. The results revealed that the chemical mutagen (MNNG) with the concentration 0.2 mg/ml has the clear effect on the viability of the strains , which killing percentage reached to 65.91% in the strain R. minuta BA78. Results of the study of mutagenesis with UVC showed that increase in killing percentage fo

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Different Nitrogen Management on Yield and Some of the Yield Components of Rice (Shiroudi cultivar)
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Nitrogen (N) is a key growth and yield-limiting factor in cultivated rice areas. This study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of different conditions of N application on rice yield and yield components (Shiroudi cultivar) in Babol (Mazandaran, Iran) during the 2015- 2016 season. A factorial experiment executed of a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) used in three iterations. In the first factor, treatments were four N amounts (including 50, 90, 130, and 170 kg N ha-1), while in the second factor, the treatments consisted of four different fertilizer splitting methods, including T1:70 % at the basal stage + 30 % at the maximum tillering stage, T2:1/3 at the basal stage + 1/3 at the maximum ti

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 03 2024
Journal Name
Functional Foods In Health And Disease
A comparative study of the effect of extracts extracted from Ocimum basilicum leaves using organic extract and essential oil
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Background: Medicinal plants that possess antimicrobial and antioxidant properties have garnered significant attention for their role in maintaining food quality, improving safety, and impeding spoilage. They also can aid in controlling food contamination risks and augmenting the nutritional value of foods. Objective: The study aimed to obtain botanical extracts possessing antimicrobial capabilities and use them to inhibit the growth of molds and yeasts. Additionally, these extracts are aimed at prolonging product shelf life by harnessing their antioxidant attributes. Methods: Several microorganisms, including E. coli and Pseudomonas, were subjected to testing. Ethanolic alcohol, chloroform, and essential oil extracts were prepared;

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Al- Nahrain University-science
Correlation between Levels of Serum Prolactin and Total Sialic Acids Concentrations in Fertile and Infertile Women
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The aim of this study was investigating the correlation between elevation of Prolactin levels and the increase of the concentrations of total sialic acids. The study was performed on 149 women consisted of 93 infertile hyperprolactinimic women (patients), age ranged16-38 years old, and 56 normoprolactinemic women as a control group, 18-37 years old. Serum prolactin (PRL) and gonadotroph hormones (Follicle stimulating hormone FSH and Luteinizing hormone LH) were measured using enzymatic immunoassay (EIA) method, resorcinol method for serum total sialic acids (SIA). Patients were divided into four groups, each group represented the level of prolactin of infertile women as follow: G1= (21-30), G2= (31-40), G3= (41-50), and G4= (51-60) ng/mL. S

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation of rock strength from sonic log for Buzurgan oil field: A Comparison study
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It is very difficult to obtain the value of a rock strength along the wellbore.  The value of Rock strength utilizing to perform different analysis, for example, preventing failure of the wellbore, deciding a completion design and, control the production of sand.  In this study, utilizing sonic log data from (Bu-50) and (BU-47) wells at Buzurgan oil field.  Five formations have been studied (Mishrif, Sadia, Middle lower Kirkuk, Upper Kirkuk, and Jaddala) Firstly, calculated unconfined compressive strength (UCS) for each formation, using a sonic log method.  Then, the derived confined compressive rock strengthens from (UCS) by entering the effect of bore and hydrostatic pressure for each formation.  Evaluations th

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المادة المادة السابعة في معاهدة باريس لعام 1856 وموقف الدول الأوربية الكبرى منها
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            The issue of the survival of the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century, a controversial topic in European diplomacy, was what was called the "Eastern Question" containing the fate of this country and its regions sprawling one of the hottest topics in the diplomatic major European powers of that century

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Inclined Open-Ended Square Cavity with Partially Active Side Wall
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This paper reports a numerical study of flow behaviors and natural convection heat transfer characteristics in an inclined open-ended square cavity filled with air. The cavity is formed by adiabatic top and bottom walls and partially heated vertical wall facing the opening. Governing equations in vorticity-stream function form are discretized via finite-difference method and are solved numerically by iterative successive under relaxation (SUR) technique. A computer program to solve mathematical model has been developed and written as a code for MATLAB software. Results in the form of streamlines, isotherms, and average Nusselt number, are obtained for a wide range of Rayleigh numbers 103-106 with Prandtl number 0.71

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives J.
Effect of planting distance on yield and yield components of four introduced upland rice varieties underaerobic conditions
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Extraction of Bovine Serum Albumin by Aqueous Two-Phase System Using PEG4000/Sodium Citrate and PEG8000/Sodium Phosphate
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Aqueous Two Phase System (ATPS) or liquid-liquid extraction is used in biotechnology to recover valuable compounds from raw sources. In Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, many factors influence the Partition coefficient, K, (which is the ratio of protein concentration in the top phase to that in the bottom phase) and the Recovery percentage (Rec%). In this research, two systems of ATPS were used: first, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000/Sodium citrate (SC), and the second, PEG8000/ Sodium phosphate (SPH), for the extraction of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). The behavior of Rec% and K of pure (BSA) in ATPS has been investigated throughout the study by the effects of five parameters: temperature, concentration of polyethylene glycol (P

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Some Genetic Parameters and Path Coefficient of Three-Way Crosses in Maize
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Abstract<p>Correlation and path coefficient analysis were worked out for ten morphological traits in 30 three-way crosses of maize. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation analysis indicated that ear length; row numbers per ear, grain numbers per row, leaf area and leaves numbers had a positive significant correlation with grain yield per plant. Further partitioning of correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects showed that traits days to silking, row numbers per row and leaves numbers had a positive direct effect on grain yield per plant. The traits ear length, grain numbers per row and leaf area had a maximum total effect on grain yield. Furthermore, PCA analysis has gave interested</p> ... Show More
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