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Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Inclined Open-Ended Square Cavity with Partially Active Side Wall
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This paper reports a numerical study of flow behaviors and natural convection heat transfer characteristics in an inclined open-ended square cavity filled with air. The cavity is formed by adiabatic top and bottom walls and partially heated vertical wall facing the opening. Governing equations in vorticity-stream function form are discretized via finite-difference method and are solved numerically by iterative successive under relaxation (SUR) technique. A computer program to solve mathematical model has been developed and written as a code for MATLAB software. Results in the form of streamlines, isotherms, and average Nusselt number, are obtained for a wide range of Rayleigh numbers 103-106 with Prandtl number 0.71 (air) , inclination angles measured from the horizontal direction 0º-60º , dimensionless lengths of the active part 0.4-1 ,and different locations of the thermally active part at the vertical wall. The Results show that heat transfer rate is high when the length of the active part is increased or the active part is located at middle of vertical wall. Further, the heat transfer rate is poor as inclination angle is increased.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of Free Convection from an Inclined Heated Thin Plate in a Square Enclosure
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Simulation of free convection heat transfer in a square enclosure induced by heated thin plate is represented numerically. All  the enclosure walls have constant temperature lower than the plate’s temperature. The flow is assumed to be two-dimensional. The discretized equations were solved stream function, vorticity, and energy equations by finite difference method using explicit technique and Successive Over- Relaxation method. The study was performed for different values of Rayleigh number ranging from 103 to 105 for different angle position of heated thin plate(0°, 45°, 90°). Air was chosen as a working fluid (Pr = 0.71). Aspect ratio of center of plate to the parallel left wall A2

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Convection in an Inclined Concentric Annular Square Cavities Filled With Porous Medium and Heated By Non-Uniform Temperature
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A numerical study of the two-dimensional steady free convection flow in an inclined annulus between two concentric square cavities filled with a porous medium is presented in this paper for the case when the side outer walls are kept with differentially heated temperature while the horizontal outer walls and the inner walls are insulated. The heated wall is assumed to have spatial sinusoidal temperature variation about a constant mean value. The Darcy model is used and the fluid is assumed to be a standard Boussinesq fluid. For the Cartesian coordinate system, the governing equations which were used in stream function form are discretized by using the finite difference method with successive under – relaxation method (SUR) and are solv

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Natural Convective Heat Transfer in an Inclined Open Porous Cavity with Non-Uniformly Heated Wall
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Theoretical and experimental investigations of free convection through a cubic cavity with sinusoidal heat flux at bottom wall, the top wall is exposed to an outside ambient while the other walls are adiabatic saturated in porous medium had been approved in the present work. The range of Rayleigh number was and Darcy number values were . The theoretical part involved a numerical solution while the experimental part included a set of tests carried out to study the free convection heat transfer in a porous media (glass beads) for sinusoidal heat flux boundary condition. The investigation enclosed values of Rayleigh number (5845.6, 8801, 9456, 15034, 19188 and 22148) and angles of inclinations (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 degree). The numerical an

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Numerical investigation for Natural Convection in a square Enclosure with partially active thermal sides' wall
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Three-dimensional cavity was investigated numerical in the current study filled with porous medium from a saturated fluid. The problem configuration consists of two insulated bottom and right wall and left vertical wall maintained at constant temperatures at variable locations, using two discretized heaters. The porous cavity fluid motion was represented by the momentum equation generalized model. The present investigation thermophysical parameters included the local thermal equilibrium condition. The isotherms and streamlines was used to examine energy transport and momentum. The meaning of changing parameters on the established average Nusselt number, temperature and velocity distribution are highlighted and discussed.

Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Experiments were carried out to investigate natural convection heat transfer in an inclined uniformly heated circular cylinder . The effects of surface heat flux and angle of inclination on the temperature and local Nusselt number variations along the cylinder surface are discussed . The investigation covers heat flux range from 92 W/m² to 487 W/m², and angles of inclination 0° ( horizontal) , 30° , 60° and 90° (vertical) . Results show an increase in the natural convection as heat flux increases and as angle of inclination moves from vertical to horizontal position. An empirical equation of average Nusselt number as a function of Rayliegh number was deduced for each angle of inclination .

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Restriction Shape On Laminar Natural Convection Heat Transfer In A Vertical Circular Tube
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Natural convection heat transfer is experimentally investigated for laminar air flow in a vertical circular tube by using the boundary condition of constant wall heat flux in the ranges of (RaL) from (1.1*109) to (4.7*109). The experimental set-up was designed for determining the effect of different types of restrictions placed at entry of heated tube in bottom position, on the surface temperature distribution and on the local and average heat transfer coefficients. The apparatus was made with an electrically heated cylinder of a length (900mm) and diameter (30mm). The entry restrictions were included a circular tube of same diameter as the heated cylinder but with lengths of (60cm, 120cm), sharp-edge and

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Parametric Study of Mixed Convective Radiative Heat Transfer in an Inclined Annulus
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The steady state laminar mixed convection and radiation through inclined rectangular duct with an interior circular tube is investigated numerically for a thermally and hydrodynamicaly fully developed flow. The two heat transfer mechanisms of convection and radiation are treated independently and simultaneously. The governing equations which used are continuity, momentum and energy equations. These equations are normalized and solved using the Vorticity-Stream function and the Body Fitted Coordinates (B.F.C) methods. The finite difference approach with the Line Successive Over-Relaxation (LSOR) method is used to obtain all the computational results. The (B.F.C) method is used to generate the grid of the problem. A computer program (Fortr

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Mixed Convection in a Square Cavity Filled with Porous Medium with Heated Bottom Wall
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Two-dimensional unsteady mixed convection in a porous cavity with heated bottom wall is numerically studied in the present paper. The forced flow conditions are imposed by providing a hydrostatic pressure head at the inlet port that is located at the bottom of one of the vertical side walls and an open vent at the top of the other vertical side wall. The Darcy model is adopted to model the fluid flow in the porous medium and the combination effects of hydrostatic pressure head and the heat flux quantity parameters are carefully investigated. These governing parameters are varied over wide ranges and their effect on the heat transfer characteristics is studied in detail. It is found that the time required to reach a desired temperature at th

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Natural Convection in Trapezoidal Enclosure Heated Partially from Below
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Natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure with partial heating from below and symmetrical cooling from the sides has been investigated numerically. The heating is simulated by a centrally located heat source on the bottom wall, and four different values of the dimensionless heat source length, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 are considered. The laminar flow field is analyzed numerically by solving the steady, two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes and energy equations. The Cartesian velocity components and pressure on a collocated (non-staggered) grid are used as dependent variables in the momentum equations  discretized by finite volume method; body fitted coordinates are used to represent the trapezoidal enclosure, and grid generatio

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Plane Wall to Thermally Stratified Environment
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The effect of linear thermal stratification in stable stationary ambient fluid on free convective flow of a viscous incompressible fluid along a plane wall is numerically investigated in the present work. The governing equations of continuity, momentum and energy are solved numerically using finite difference method with Alternating Direct implicit Scheme. The velocity, temperature distributions
and the Nusselt number are discussed numerically for various values of physical parameters and presented through graphs. ANSYS program also used to solve the problem. The results show that the effect of stratification parameter is marginalized with the increase in Prandtl number, and the increase in Grashof number does not practically vary the

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