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Best Level of Parameters for a Critical Buckling Load for Circular Thin- Walled Structure Subjected to Bending
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Circular thin walled structures have wide range of applications. This type of structure is generally exposed to different types of loads, but one of the most important types is a buckling. In this work, the phenomena of buckling was studied by using finite element analysis. The circular thin walled structure in this study is constructed from; cylindrical thin shell strengthen by longitudinal stringers, subjected to pure bending in one plane. In addition, Taguchi method was used to identify the optimum combination set of parameters for enhancement of the critical buckling load value, as well as to investigate the most effective parameter. The parameters that have been analyzed were; cylinder shell thickness, shape of stiffeners section and the number of stiffeners. Furthermore, to verify the contribution of parameters on buckling response, the analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) method was implemented, which gave the contribution weight as percentages. The analysis of results by these two methods showed that the more effective parameter on the critical buckling load was the thickness of cylinder’s shell and the lowest effective was the number of stiffeners The values of parameters that gave the best critical buckling load combination were: 1) the ratio of cylinder’s diameter to thickness of its shell was 133, 2) the ratio of the depth to thickness of stiffeners was1.6, and 3) the number of stiffeners was 12.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Relationship between screen watching and overweight or obesity in a Sample of Iraqi adolescents
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Background: Obesity represents a clear and
present danger to the health of children and
adolescents. Its prevalence among American
youth has doubled in the past 3 decades, and
there are now more overweight and obese
adults in the United States than adults of
normal weight.
Objectives of the study:
1- Finding whether screen watching among
adolescents has an effect on increasing
prevalence overweight and obesity.
2- The effect of other variables like physical
activity, eating in front of screen, eating under
stress on obesity and overweight among the
subjects sample.
Patients &Methods: During 3 months period a
cross sectional survey was conducted on 4
high schools at Baghdad with total

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The performance of a passively Q-switched Cr:YAG4+ in an end- pumped laser system
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A characteristic study of a passively Q-switched diode pumped solid state laser system is presented in this work. For laser a comparison study for the theoretically calculated results with a simulation results using a software which calculates the Q-switched solid state laser parameters was such as energy, peak power and pulse width were performed. There was a good agreement between our theoretical calculations and the simulation values.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The Effect of a Training Program in Introducing Saudi Traditional Fashion in Local Museums
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Museum education is of great importance to an appropriate representation of museums’ collections and exhibits, including traditional fashion. Therefore, museum educators/curators need to be equipped with the most essential skills in their profession in order to adequately present the museum’s history and holdings. This could be achieved through specialized training programs. However, Arab countries are still behind in terms of museum education. Therefore, this article aims to shed light on this issue by assessing the knowledge and skills possessed by museum educators/curators and how training programs could affect them

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Non-traded Tales in Imami and Hanafi Doctrines (A Comparative Study of Religion Fundamentals)
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The present study is about tales attributed to certain people and are not traded. Such a study has a great importance for religion scholars and conveyors of hadiths since it is considered as one of the important sources of Islamic legislation that represent the Holy Sunna, and the majority of the recent study is concerned with non-traded tales of religion scholars. The research starts with the definition of such type of tales and then its types, conditions, legality, exceptions, and the benefit from studying such matter. It is mainly concerned with the opinions of the Imami and Hanafi region scholars respectively, and with comparing between the two doctrines i.e. Imami and Hanafi at the end of each

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Molecular Investigation of Phytoplasma (Candidatus Phytoplasma) Infecting Arabic Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) in Iraq
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This study was conducted to investigate phytoplasma causing a virescence disease on Arabic jasmine Jasminum sambac based on microscopy and molecular approaches. Samples were collected from symptomatic Arabic jasmine plants grown in nurseries in Baghdad-Iraq. Specimens from infected plants were prepared and Dienes stained for light microscopy examination. Phytoplasma were detected in infected plants by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using P1/P7 and SecAfor1/SecArev3 Candidatus Phytoplasma specific primer sets. Light microscopy test showed symptomatic Arabic jasmine plants were phytoplasms infected when phloem tissues were stained with a dark blue color. PCR test confirmed the symptomatic plants were phytoplasms infected when SecAfor1/Sec

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Natural Convection into a Horizontal Annular Tube with Porous Medium Effects
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In this work, an experimental investigation has been done for heat transfer by natural-convection through a horizontal concentric annulus with porous media effects. The porous structure in gap spacing consists of a glass balls and replaced by plastic (PVC) balls with different sizes. The outer surface of outer tube is isothermally cooled while the outer surface of inner tube is heated with constant heat flux condition. The inner tube is heated with different supplied electrical power levels. Four different radius ratios of annulus are used. The effects of porous media material, particles size and annulus radius ratio on heat dissipation in terms of average Nusselt number have been analyzed.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Zanco Journal Of Medical Sciences
Epidemiology of viral hepatitis B and C in Iraq: a national survey 2005-2006
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Background and objective: Viral Hepatitis Type B&C is serious public health challenge throughout the world.Hepatitis B and C viruses still remain to be the major causes of chronic hepatitis.It is estimated that around 350-400 million people in the world are chronic carriers of HBV, which represents approximately 7% of the total populationwhereas infection with HCV is found in approximately 3% of the world population, which represents 160 million people. Hepatitis B infection has a wide range of seroprevalence in the Mediterranean countries ranging from intermediate (=>2% ) to high prevalence ( =>7%). World Health Organization estimated a prevalence rate for HCV infection of about 4.6% in Eastern Mediterranean in 1999. During the eightieths

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences 318, 03002 (2021)
A Comparative Study on Behavior of RC Columns Strengthened by CFRP and Steel Jacket
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This paper studies the behavior of axially loaded RC columns which are confined with carbon fiber reinforced polymers’ sheet (CFRP) and steel jackets (SJ). The study is based on twelve axially loaded RC columns tested up to failure. It is divided into three schemes based on its strengthening type; each scheme has four columns. The main parameters in this study were the compressive strength of the concrete and steel reinforcement ratio. Furthermore, the results of the experimental test showed a substantial enhancement in the column's load-carrying capacity. When compared to the original columns, the CFRP sheet had a significant effect on improving the ductility of the column by increasing the axial deformation by about 59.2 to 95.7

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Studying and Analyzing Operating Conditions of Hollow Fiber Membrane Preparation Process: A Review Paper
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Polymeric hollow fiber membrane is produced by a physical process called wet or dry/wet phase inversion; a technique includes many steps and depends on different factors (starting from selecting materials, end with post-treatment of hollow fiber membrane locally manufactured). This review highlights the most significant factors that affect and control the characterization and structure of ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes used in different applications.    

   Three different types of polymers (polysulfone PSF, polyethersulfone PES or polyvinyl chloride PVC) were considered to study morphology change and structure of hollow fiber membranes in this review. These hollow fiber membranes were manufactured with different pro

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effective M3Y Residual Interaction In 41Ca As a Nuclear Diffraction Grating of Electrons
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The total and individual multipole moments of  magnetic electron scattering form factors in 41Ca  have been investigated using a widely successful model which is the nuclear shell model configurations keeping in mind of 1f7/2 subshell as an L-S shell and Millinar, Baymann, Zamick as L-S shell (F7MBZ) to give the model space  wave vector. Also, harmonic oscillator wave functions have been used as wave function of a single particle in 1f7/2  shell. Nucleus 40Ca as core closed and Core polarization effects have been used as a corrective with first order correction concept to basic computation of L-S shell and the excitement energy has been implemented with 2ћω. The

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