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Desalination of Highly Saline Water Using Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD)
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In this work, laboratory experiments were carried out to verify direct contact membrane distillation system’s performance in highly saline water desalination. The study included the investigation of various operating conditions, like feed flow rate, temperature and concentration of NaCl solution and their impact on the permeation flux were discussed. 16 cm2 of a flat sheet membrane module with commercial poly-tetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane, which has 0.22 μm pore size, 96 µm thickness and 78% average porosity, was used. A high salt rejection factor was obtained greater than 99.9%, and the permeation flux up to 17.27 kg/m2.h was achieved at 65°C for hot feed side and 20°C for cold side stream.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
Broad‐ranging review: configurations, membrane types, governing equations, and influencing factors on microbial desalination cell technology
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Abstract<p>Seawater might serve as a fresh‐water supply for future generations to help meet the growing need for clean drinking water. Desalination and waste management using newer and more energy intensive processes are not viable options in the long term. Thus, an integrated and sustainable strategy is required to accomplish cost‐effective desalination via wastewater treatment. A microbial desalination cell (MDC) is a new technology that can treat wastewater, desalinate saltwater, and produce green energy simultaneously. Bio‐electrochemical oxidation of wastewater organics creates power using this method. Desalination and the creation of value‐added by‐products are expected because of this ionic mov</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Senserless Speed and Position of Direct Field Orientation Control Induction Motor Drive
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Direct field-orientation Control (DFOC) of induction motor drives without mechanical speed sensors at the motor shaft has the attractions of low cost and high reliability. To replace the sensor, information on the rotor speed and position are extracted from measured stator currents and from voltages at motor terminals. In this paper presents direct field-orientation control (DFOC) with two type of kalman filter (complete order and reduced order extended kalman filter) to estimate flux, speed, torque and position. Simulated results show how good performance for reduced order extended kalman filter over that of complete  order extended kalman filter in tracking performance and reduced time of state estimation.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Science Of The Total Environment
Sustainable application of tubular photosynthesis microbial desalination cell for simultaneous desalination of seawater for potable water supply associated with sewage treatment and energy recovery
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of direct foreign investment on development of Iraqi oil industry for the period (2003-3010)
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Oil industry played a major role in delineating the course and type o development in both imported and exported Arabic countries alike where its revenues has perform an essential role in forming programs and plans of development on both national and international level in addition to anticipation of future consuming.

Iraq, as an oil producer country with a revenues –based economy depends on oil in building its economy totally including its infrastructure having a the greatest conformed reservoir which make the government budget depends largely on oil revenues where its strategic importance lies in funding all aspects of expenders as it is considered the prime source of foreign currency.  The chall

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Fabrication of PAN:Cellulose Membrane for Oil/Water Separation
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In this study, we fabricated nanofiltration membranes using the electrospinning technique, employing pure PAN and a mixed matrix of PAN/HPMC. The PAN nanofibrous membranes with a concentration of 13wt% were prepared and blended with different concentrations of HPMC in the solvent N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF). We conducted a comprehensive analysis of these membranes' surface morphology, chemical composition, wettability, and porosity and compared the results. The findings indicated that the inclusion of HPMC in the PAN membranes led to a reduction in surface porosity and fiber size. The contact angle decreased, indicating increased surface hydrophilicity, which can enhance flux and reduce fouling tendencies. Subsequently, we evaluated the e

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Cathodic protection system of copper–zinc–saline water in presence of bacteria
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Rate of zinc consumption during the cathodic protection of copper pipeline which carries saline water was measured by weight loss technique in the absence and presence of bacteria. Variables studied were solution flow rate, temperature, time and NaCl concentration. It was found that within the present range of variables; the rate of zinc consumption increases with the increase of all operating conditions. The presence of bacteria increases the zinc consumption. Fourth order multi-term model and one-term model were suggested to represent the consumption data. Nonlinear regression analysis was used to estimate the coefficients of these models, while statistical analysis was used to determine the effect of each coefficient. Both models were re

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Crossref (32)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Iraq after 2003(reality and ambition)
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Foreign direct investment is considered one of important bases to blind economy for many. Countries as if the main stage for developing national economy ,so for this ,many of countries give great prominence to the role of drivel foreign investment due to its importance as one of economic growth pillars in the developing countries. They offer a support for modern technology, organizational and managerial skills.        

  Dneto the importance of direct foreign investment on the economic growth, today, we discover that Iraq in need to rebnlid the in frastructuve and renew what has been destroyed during was in many production and export institutions . as wel

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Extraction of Essential Oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis Leaves by Water Distillation Methods
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The extraction of Eucalyptus oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis leaves was studded using water distillation methods. The amount of Eucalyptus oil has been determined in a variety of extraction temperature and agitation speed. The effect of water to Eucalyptus leaves (solvent to solid) ratio and particle size of Eucalyptus leaves has been studied in order to evaluate the amount of Eucalyptus oil. The optimum experimental condition for the Eucalyptus oil extraction was established as follows: 100 C extraction temperature, 200 rpm agitation speed; 0.5 cm leave particle size and 6: 1 ml: g amount of water to eucalyptus leaves Ratio.

Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Econometrics analysis of the impact of external shocks on foreign direct investment in Iraq for the period (1995-2016)
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The external shocks are one of the phenomena that the Iraqi economy is exposed to over a period of time. It is referred to as changes and events that come from outside the economic system and extends to many economic variables. However, foreign direct investment may be severely affected due to the extreme sensitivity to changes and local and international developments. This type of trauma and its characteristics to help manage and cope with external shocks, and in order to avoid the standard problems experienced by some models of simple linear regression, multi-linear regression models were used with variables Scientific and other dummy variables .

        The study foun

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the effects of foreign direct investment in financial account of the balance of payments iraqi for 2003-2015
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The study aims to make an in-depth  analysis and the financial account components in the Iraqi balance of payments because it reflects the economic center of the country towards outside world, it also helps in making decision about monetary and financial policies, finance and foreign Trade the importance of FDI for Iraq lies as an important sources as wells provides advanced technology  and job chances, It also avoids the country negative effects of borrowing processes from abroad . for analyzing direct and indirect foreign investment on the balance of payments and financial account in a period between (2003 to 2015), a community and research sample have been selected, presented in CBI/ Balance of payments. Department,

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