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Simulation Model of Wind Turbine Power Control System with Fuzzy Regulation by Mamdani and Larsen Algorithms


     The aim of this work is to create a power control system for wind turbines based on fuzzy logic. Three power control loop was considered including: changing the pitch angle of  the blade, changing the length of the blade and turning the nacelle. The stochastic law was given for changes and instant inaccurate assessment of wind conditions changes. Two different algorithms were used for fuzzy inference in the control loop, the Mamdani and Larsen algorithms. These two different algorithms are materialized and developed in this study in Matlab-Fuzzy logic toolbox which has been practically implemented using necessary intelligent control system in electrical engineering and renewable energy concepts.

     A comparison was done to access the functionality of  the developed power control system of fuzzy logic and classical control system with PID – control. It can be concluded that the power control system of fuzzy logic allows to accurately maintain production under the control target function for each work area. When switching operation of wind turbines, it has the distinction that from 13.5 m/s  to another wind velocity value, there is no overshoot  and a typical of classical control systems, and when the wind velocity V is less than13.5 m / s, the pitch angle of the blades should be slightly greater than zero, and if it has increased by 5 °, then blade length should be minimal as possible. Simulation program proved the possibility of effective power regulation for the large wind turbines controller fuzzy type on the basis of knowledge production "if - then" rules, which were shown to be effective on these wind turbines control.

 Keywords: Mamdani and Larsen algorithms fuzzy inference, Matlab Fuzzy Logic ,Fuzzy-PID controllers, Wind turbine.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Identification of Lateritic Nickel Deposits Potential in the Kokoe Area, Kabaena Island, Central Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

The study is situated in the Kokoe Region of Central Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, specifically in the southern part of Kabaena Island. Its primary objective is to assess the potential of nickel laterite in the designated area. The research methodology involved microscopic analysis of bedrock using a polarizing microscope, examining the drilling data, including logging descriptions, and utilizing XRF geochemical analysis (Ni, Fe, Al2O3, Co, Mg, and SiO2) from 32 drilling sites. Both elementary grade and laterite profiles were visualized using Strater 5 software to simplify the representation of laterite profiles. Petrographic analysis divided the bedrock into two lithological units: serpentinized lherzolite and serpentinite. Th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect Of Talent Management To Achieve Organizational sac seed Research in The General Company for Dairy Products in Baghdad
The research aims at identifying the extent to which the top management in the organization is interested in managing the talents of its employees, through which it can face the competing organizations, as well as the great challenges faced by all organizations in recent years. The task of attracting and maintaining talented human resources is one of the biggest challenges facing Organizations 
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Al-Bayhaqi’s Preferred Opinions in his Book Al-Khilafiyat-Chapter of Breastfeeding: عذراء حميد فريح , وايمن عبد القادر الهيتي

This research is a comparative jurisprudential study that focuses on Imam Al-Bayhaqi’s preferred opinions in his book Al-Khilafiyat (The Disagreements), the part of Al-Rida’a (Breastfeeding). It is considered one of the most important familial topics that is concerned with organizing the social relations in Islam, strengthens the family ties and that prevents the family disintegration due to the ignorance and lack in comprehending Sharia laws (Islam law) in all aspects. The study follows the inductive and descriptive method. It aims at examining the prohibition of marriage when breastfeeding takes place at the time of woman’s conversion to Islam or during her infidelity period. It further aims at verifying the prohibition

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Oncology And Radiotherapy
The role of breath holding technique on minimizing cardiac dose in left breast cancer irradiation in the adjuvant setting

Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Theoretical estimation of the trapping reaction rate for deuteron-deuteron fusion in nickel metal using Bose-Einstein condensates phenomena

A mathematical model has been introduced to investigate the effect of nuclear reaction constant ( A ), probability of the BEC ground state occupation Ω i, nD is the number density of deuteron (d) and the overall number of nuclei ND on the total nuclear d-d fusion rate (R). Under steady-state of the condensates of Bose-Einstein, the postulate of quantum theory and Bose-Einstein theory were applied to evaluate the total nuclear (d-d) fusion rate trapping in Nickel-metal The total nuclear fusion rate trapping predicts a strong relationship between astrophysical S-factor and masses of Nickel. The reaction rate trapping model was tested on three reaction d(d,p)T, d(d, n)3He and d(d, 4He)Q = 23.8MeV respectively. The reaction rate has described

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 08 2022
Journal Name
Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection
First molecular confirmation of the fungus <i>Leveillula taurica</i> causing powdery mildew disease on sweet pepper in Iraq

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The effectof a proposed strategy according to realistic mathematics theory on the mathematical interrelation of third-grade intermediate students

The current study aimed at (identifying the impact of a proposed strategy based on the realistic mathematics theory in the mathematical interrelation among the third intermediate grade students), two samples from the third intermediate grade were tested in a school affiliated to Rusafa I General education Directorate in Baghdad for the academic year (2022-2021)the experimental group will study according to the proposed strategy and it consisted of (30) female students , the control group will study through the traditional method and the number of its students is (30), thus the study sample consisted of (60) female students, the two groups were equalized in the variables (age in months, intelligence, prior knowledge) and to achieve the study

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of the Opportunity Cost in the Overall Economic Development: Applied Study in The General Company for Leather Industries

This research set to indicate the role of the opportunity cost in the overall economic development (human and social development) by selecting the most appropriate alternative for the growth of the country in exchange for sacrificing profit limits to achieve this growth and development of the country, especially in the present circumstances of the country and after studying the reality of the economic case for him, as the problem lies with don't selecting the best alternative that enhances the gross domestic product, which extends to promote overall economic development and revive the industrial and agricultural sectors, productivity is more like Impotent, versus sacrifice alternative consumption may bring more financially lucrative than

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 21 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A comparative study to evaluate the shear bond strength of different resin sealers to dentin (An in vitro study)

Background: One of the major problems in endodontics is micro-leakage of root canal fillings which might contribute to the failure of endodontic treatment. To avoid this problem, a variety of sealers have been tested. The objective of this, in vitro, study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of four resin based sealers (AH plus, silver free AH26, RealSeal SE and Perma Evolution permanent root canal filling material) to dentin. Materials and Methods: Forty non-carious extracted lower premolars were used. The 2mm of the occlusal surfaces of teeth were sectioned, to expose the dentin surface. The exposed dentin surfaces of teeth were washed with 5ml of 2.5% NaOCl solution followed by 5ml of 17 % EDTA then rinsed by deionized water to remov

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 21 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Study the Effect of Using Google Classroom on the Academic Performance Under the Covid19 Pandemic Using Data Mining Technique

— In light of the pandemic that has swept the world, the use of e-learning in educational institutions has become an urgent necessity for continued knowledge communication with students. Educational institutions can benefit from the free tools that Google provide and from these applications, Google classroom which is characterized by ease of use, but the efficiency of using Google classroom is affected by several variables not studied in previous studies Clearly, this study aimed to identify the use of Google classroom as a system for managing e-learning and the factors affecting the performance of students and lecturer. The data of this study were collected from 219 members of the faculty and students at the College of Administra

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