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Modeling of Mass Transfer Coefficient in Rotating Biological Contactor with Perforated Discs (RPBC)
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 In order to make an improvement associated with rotating biological contactor (RBC), a new design of biofilm reactor called as Rotating perforated disc biological contactor (RPBC) was developed in which the rotating discs are perforated. The transfer of oxygen from air to wastewater was investigated. Mass-transfer coefficient (KLa)  in the liquid phase was determined by measuring  the rate transfer of oxygen.  A   laboratory scale of (RPBC) consisted of a semicircular trough was used with a working capacity of 40 liters capacity of liquid. Synthetic wastewater was used as a liquid phase, while air was used as a gas phase.

The effects of many parameters on the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient (KLa) were investigated. These parameters are; the disc rotational speed (N), the pore diameter (d) and clearance between the discs(C). It was found that the value of KLa was increased as the rotation speed (N) increased, and as  the diameter of the pores in  the disc  (d) increased. While the values of (KLa) was decreased continuously with increasing the clearance(C). Suitable correlation was developed for estimating mass transfer coefficient (KLa) in this type of bioreactor.

 Keywords: Rotating biological contactor, Mass transfer coefficient, Wastewater treatment.


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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Acoustics Australia
Absorption Coefficient of a Double-Layer Inhomogeneous Micro-perforated Panel Backed with Multiple Cavity Depths
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Double-layer micro-perforated panels (MPPs) have been studied extensively as sound absorption systems to increase the absorption performance of single-layer MPPs. However, existing proposed models indicate that there is still room for improvement regarding the frequency bands of absorption for the double-layer MPP. This study presents a double-layer MPP formed with two single MPPs with inhomogeneous perforation backed by multiple cavities of varying depths. The theoretical formulation is developed using the electrical equivalent circuit method to calculate the absorption coefficient under a normal incident sound. The simulation results show that the proposed model can produce absorption coefficient with wider absorption bandwidth compared w

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 04 2013
Journal Name
1st Post – Graduate Students Conference, Alnahrain University / College Of Engineering
Convection Heat Transfer in Horizontal Annulus Porous Media with Rotating Outer Cylinder
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A numerical investigation of mixed convection in a horizontal annulus filled with auniform fluid-saturated porous medium in the presence of internal heat generation is carried out.The inner cylinder is heated while the outer cylinder is cooled. The forced flow is induced by thecold outer cylinder rotating at a constant angular velocity. The flow field is modeled using ageneralized form of the momentum equation that accounts for the presence of porous mediumviscous, Darcian and inertial effects. Discretization of the governing equations is achieved usinga finite difference method. Comparisons with previous works are performed and the results showgood agreement. The effects of pertinent parameters such as the Richardson number and internalRay

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling The Power Grid Network Of Iraq
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Recently, the theory of Complex Networks gives a modern insight into a variety of applications in our life. Complex Networks are used to form complex phenomena into graph-based models that include nodes and edges connecting them. This representation can be analyzed by using network metrics such as node degree, clustering coefficient, path length, closeness, betweenness, density, and diameter, to mention a few. The topology of the complex interconnections of power grids is considered one of the challenges that can be faced in terms of understanding and analyzing them. Therefore, some countries use Complex Networks concepts to model their power grid networks. In this work, the Iraqi Power Grid network (IPG) has been modeled, visua

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Performance Evaluation of Emulsion Liquid Membrane on Chlorpyrifos Pesticide Removal: Stability, Mass Transfer Coefficient, and Extraction Efficiency Studies
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Emulsion Liquid Membrane (ELM) is an emerging technology that removes contaminants from water and industrial wastewater. This study investigated the stability and extraction efficiency of ELM for the removal of Chlorpyrifos Pesticide (CP) from wastewater. The stability was studied in terms of emulsion breakage. The proposed ELM included n-hexane as a diluent, span-80 as a surfactant, and hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a stripping agent. Parameters such as mixing speed, aqueous feed solution pH, internal-to-organic membrane volume ratio, and external-to-emulsion volume ratio were investigated. A minimum emulsion breakage of 0.66% coupled with a maximum chlorpyrifos extraction and stripping efficiency were achieved at 96.1% and 95.7% at b

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Magnetic Field with Nanofluid on Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Pipe
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This work presents an experimental study of heat transfer and flow of distilled water and metal oxide nanofluid Fe3O4-distilled water at concentrations of (φ = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 %) by volume in a horizontal pipe with constant magnetic field. All the tests are carried out with Reynolds number range (2900-9820) and uniform heat flux (11262-19562 W/m2). The results show that, the nanofluid concentration and magnetic intensity increase, the Nusselt number increases. The maximum enhancement in Nusselt number with magnetic nanofluid is (5.4 %, 26.4 %, 42.7 %) for volume concentration (0.3, 0.6, 0.9 %) respectively. The enhancement is maximized with magnetic intensity (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 tesla) respectively to (43.9, 44

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi/ Journal Of Thermal Science And Technology,
Enhancement of natural convection heat transfer of pin fin having perforated with inclination angle
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Modeling sequential preparation with rheumatoid tonsils in Nineveh for the period 2004-2009
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             In this research will be treated with a healthy phenomenon has a significant impact on different age groups in the community, but a phenomenon tonsillitis where they will be first Tawfiq model slope self moving averages seasonal ARMA Seasonal through systematic Xbox Cengnzla counter with rheumatoid tonsils in the city of Mosul, and for the period 2004-2009 with prediction of these numbers coming twelve months, has found that the specimen is the best representation of the data model is the phenomenon SARMA (1,1) * (2,1) 12  from the other side and explanatory variables using a maximum temperature and minimum temperature, sol

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study on the Impact of External Geometrical Shape on Free and Forced Convection Time Dependent Average Heat Transfer Coefficient during Cooling Process
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In this research, an experimental study was conducted to high light the impact of the exterior shape of a cylindrical body on the forced and free convection heat transfer coefficients when the body is hold in the entrance of an air duct. The impact of changing the body location within the air duct and the air speed are also demonstrated. The cylinders were manufactured with circular, triangular and square sections of copper for its high thermal conductivity with appropriate dimensions, while maintaining the surface area of all shapes to be the same. Each cylinder was heated to a certain temperature and put inside the duct at certain locations. The temperature of the cylinder was then monitored. The heat transfer coefficient were then cal

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Hydrodynamics, Mass and Heat Transfer in Reactive Distillation
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      The ethyl acetate synthesis via heterogeneous reactive distillation is studied experimentally using ethanol and acetic acid. Three types of cation exchanging resins were used as catalysts: Zerolit 225, Zerolit 226 and Ambylite 400. Experiments were carried out in two units of the same dimensions. Each unit consisted of three sections: rectifying, reactive and stripping sections of heights (60+25+20) cm respectively and 2.5cm column diameter. The first unit (column-A-) was a fractionation type and the second unit (column-B-) was packed column. The packing type was hollow glass cylinders with 10 mm height, and 4, 5 mm inner and outer diameter respectively.

      The experiment

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Refractive Index on Photon Natural Mass and Wavelength
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In this article it is proved experimentally that the photon is a particle that has mass and constant wavelength by explaining the effect of refractive index on the wavelength and the natural mass of photon. It is very difficult to measure the mass of photon, a simple and easy process was proposed in this paper to calculate the mass length of photon in vacuum (Y) and in medium (Y*), by measuring the length of laser beam in air (Lair) and in medium (Lmed). A new method was postulated to calculate refractive index by using these relations (n = Y*/Y), and (n = Lmed / Lair) which supposed a new theory of light.

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