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Hydrodynamics, Mass and Heat Transfer in Reactive Distillation
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      The ethyl acetate synthesis via heterogeneous reactive distillation is studied experimentally using ethanol and acetic acid. Three types of cation exchanging resins were used as catalysts: Zerolit 225, Zerolit 226 and Ambylite 400. Experiments were carried out in two units of the same dimensions. Each unit consisted of three sections: rectifying, reactive and stripping sections of heights (60+25+20) cm respectively and 2.5cm column diameter. The first unit (column-A-) was a fractionation type and the second unit (column-B-) was packed column. The packing type was hollow glass cylinders with 10 mm height, and 4, 5 mm inner and outer diameter respectively.

      The experiments were carried out by using two operation modes. The semi-batch and continuous operation mode. In the first part of present investigation, the semi-batch mode was used to evaluate the catalyst type and to evaluate the performance of reactive distillation unit configuration (Fractionation and packed column). Results show that, the column-B- gave higher conversion rates than column-A-. This is attributed to the high surface area available for liquid vapour contact in packed type column, which leads to increasing mass transfer rates.  On the other hand, Ambylite 400 catalyst showed higher activity for esterification reaction than other two types of catalysts.

      The second part of work continued with column -B- only. It is well known that, the esterification process is regarded one of exothermic reactions. Therefore, the monitoring of the temperature distribution along column axial for all three types of catalysts showed that the temperature distribution was essentially the same due to steady state operation in continuous operation mode. On the other hand, the effect of reflux ratio on temperature distribution was clearly noted, that is as the reflux ratio increased the temperature distribution along the column was reduced for each type of catalysts.

      On the other hand, the experimental results point that, as a reflux ratio increases the conversion rates of acetic acid is increased too because such increasing is related to high mass transfer rates between  vapour and liquid along reactive distillation column.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study on Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer Behavior Around Different Geometrical Corrugated Extended Surfaces
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The current study presents numerical investigation of the fluid (air) flow characteristics and convection heat transfer around different corrugated surfaces geometry in the low Reynolds number region (Re<1000). The geometries are included wavy, triangle, and rectangular. The effect of different geometry parameters such as aspect ratio and number of cycles per unit length on flow field characteristics and heat transfer was estimated and compared with each other. The computerized fluid dynamics package (ANSYS 14) is used to simulate the flow field and heat transfer, solve the governing equations, and extract the results. It is found that the turbulence intensity for rectangular extended surface was larg

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Prediction of the Scale Removal Rate in Heat Exchanger Piping System Using the Analogies between Mass and Momentum Transfer
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The possibility of predicting the mass transfer controlled CaCO3 scale removal   rate has been investigated.

Experiments were carried out using chelating agents as a cleaning solution at different time and Reynolds’s number. The results of CaCO3 scale removal or (mass transfer rate) (as it is the controlling process) are compared with proposed model of prandtl’s and Taylor particularly based on the concept of analogy among momentum and mass transfer.

Correlation for the variation of Sherwood number ( or mass transfer rate ) with Reynolds’s number have been obtained .

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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This research adopts the estimation of mass transfer coefficient in batch packed bed distillation column as function of physical properties, liquid to vapour molar rates ratio (L / V), relative volatility (α), ratio of vapour and liquid diffusivities (DV / DL), ratio of vapour and liquid densities (ρV / ρL), ratio of vapour and liquid viscosities (μV/ μL).
The experiments are done using binary systems, (Ethanol Water), (Methanol Water), (Methanol Ethanol), (Benzene Hexane), (Benzene Toluene). Statistical program (multiple regression analysis) is used for estimating the overall mass transfer coefficient of vapour and liquid phases (KOV and KOL) in a correlation which represented the data fairly well.

KOV = 3.3 * 10-10

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation Study of Mass Transfer Coefficient in Slurry Bubble Column Reactor Using Neural Network
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The objective of this study was to develop neural network algorithm, (Multilayer Perceptron), based correlations for the prediction overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (kLa), in slurry bubble column for gas-liquid-solid systems. The Multilayer Perceptron is a novel technique based on the feature generation approach using back propagation neural network. Measurements of overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient were made with the air - Water, air - Glycerin and air - Alcohol systems as the liquid phase in bubble column of 0.15 m diameter. For operation with gas velocity in the range 0-20 cm/sec, the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient was found to decrease w

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Extraction and mass transfer study of Cupressus sempervirens L. oil by hydro-distillation method
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The extraction of Cupressus sempervirens L. or cypress essential oil was studied in this paper. This cypress oil was extracted by using the hydro-distillation method, using a clevenger apparatus. Cupressus sempervirens L. leaves were collected from Hit city in Al-Anbar province – Iraq. The influences of three important parameters on the process of oil extraction; water which used as a solvent to the solid ratio (5:1 and 14:1 (ml solvent/g plant), temperature (30 to 100 °C) and processing time, were examined to obtain the best processing conditions to achieve the maximum yield of the essential oil. Also, the mathematical model was described to calculate the mass transfer coefficient. Therefore, the best conditions, that were obtained in

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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Mass Transfer Correlations for a Rotating Cylinder Electrode under lsothermal and Controlled Heat Transfer Condition
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Mass transfer correlations for iron rotating cylinder electrode in chloride/sulphate solution, under isothermal and
controlled heat transfer conditions, were derived. Limiting current density values for the oxygen reduction reaction from
potentiostatic experiments at different bulk temperatures and various turbulent flow rates, under isothermal and heat
transfer conditions, were used for such derivation. The corelations were analogous to that obtained by Eisenberg et all
and other workers.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Adding Alcohols and Gas Velocity on Gas Hold up and Mass Transfer Coefficient in Bubble Columns with Draught Tube
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     The bubble columns are widely used as a two or three phase reactor in industrial chemical process such as absorption, biochemical reactions, coal liquefaction, etc. To design such a column, two main parameters should be taken in consideration, the gas hold-up (), and the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient KLa. The study includes the effect of gas velocity and the addition of alcohols on gas hold-up and mass transfer coefficient in bubble column with draught tube when the length of the column is 1.5m and the ratio of the draught tube diameter to the column diameter equals 0.5 and the air dispersion into the base of the draught tube using a multi hole tuyere is equivalent to a diameter of 0.15 mm and

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation into the Heat and Mass Transfer in an Indirect Contact Closed Circuit Cooling Tower
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The heat and mass transfer coefficients of the indirect contact closed circuit cooling tower, ICCCCT, were investigated experimentally. Different experiments were conducted involving the controlling parameters such as air velocity, spray water to air mass flow rate ratio, spray water flow rate, ambient air wet bulb temperature and the provided heat load to investigate their effects on the performance of the ICCCCT. Also the effect of using packing on the performance of the ICCCCT was investigated. It was noticed that these parameters affect the tower performance and the use of packing materials is a good approach to enhance the performance for different operational conditions. Correlations for mass and heat transfer coefficients are pres

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 21 2021
Journal Name
Recent Innovations In Chemical Engineering (formerly Recent Patents On Chemical Engineering)
Soap Production Using Vacuum Reactive Distillation: Batch Model
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Introduction: Although soap industry is known from hundreds of years, the development accompanied with this industry was little. The development implied the mechanical equipment and the additive materials necessary to produce soap with the best specifications of shape, physical and chemical properties. Objectives: This research studies the use of vacuum reactive distillation VRD technique for soap production. Methods: Olein and Palmitin in the ratio of 3 to 1 were mixed in a flask with NaOH solution in stoichiometric amount under different vacuum pressures from -0.35 to -0.5 bar. Total conversion was reached by using the VRD technique. The soap produced by the VRD method was compared with soap prepared by the reaction - only method which

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Augmentation of Nanofluids Heat transfer in a Circular Tube with Baffled Winged Twisted Swirl Generator
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This article introduces a numerical study on heat exchange and corrosion coefficients of Zinc–water nanofluid stream in a circular tube fitted with swirl generator utilizing CFD emulation. Different  forms of swirl generator which have the following properties of plain twisted tape (PTT) and baffle wings twisted tape (BTT) embeds with various ratio of twisting (y = 2.93, 3.91 and 4.89), baffle inclination angles (β = 0°, - 30° and 30) joined with 1%, 1.5% and 2% volume fraction of ZnO nanofluid were utilized for simulation. The results demonstrated that the heat and friction coefficients conducted by these two forms of vortex generator raised with Reynolds number, twist ratio and baffle inclination angles decreases. Likewise, t

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