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Integral Sliding Mode Control Design for Electronic Throttle Valve System
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 One of the major components in an automobile engine is the throttle valve part. It is used to keep up with emissions and fuel efficiency low. Design a control system to the throttle valve is newly common requirement trend in automotive technology. The non-smoothness nonlinearity in throttle valve model are due to the friction model and the nonlinear spring, the uncertainty in system parameters and non-satisfying the matching condition are the main obstacles when designing a throttle plate controller.

In this work, the theory of the Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) is utilized to design a robust controller for the Electronic Throttle Valve (ETV) system. From the first instant, the electronic throttle valve dynamics is represented by the nominal system model, this model is not affected by system parameters uncertainty and the non-smooth nonlinearities. This is a consequence of applying the integral sliding mode control. The ISMC consists of two part; the first is the nominal control which is used to control the nominal system, while the second is a discontinuous part which is used to eliminate the effects of the parameters uncertainty and the non-smooth nonlinearities from system model. These features for the ISMC are proved mathematically and demonstrated numerically via seven numerical simulations and for different desired trajectories.  The simulation results clarify that for different system parameters, the ETV behaves as a nominal system. This enables to freely and precisely select the system response characteristics and the time required for the throttle angle to reach the desired value. Moreover the ability to deal with the chattering problem is demonstrated through the worked  simulation tests, where the chattering is eliminated via approximating the signum function by arc tan function.

 Keywords: Electronic throttle valve, Nonlinear spring model, Integral sliding mode control, Non-smooth model.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 20 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Simulation of Closed Loop Proportional Integral (PI) Controlled Boost Converter and 3-phase Inverter for Photovoltaic (PV) Applications
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This research deals with the design and simulation of a solar power system consisting of a KC200GT solar panel, a closed loop boost converter and a three phase inverter by using Matlab / Simulink. The mathematical equations of the solar panel design are presented. The electrical characteristics of the panel are tested at the values ​​of 1000  for light radiation and 25 °C for temperature environment. The Proportional Integral (PI) controller is connected   as feedback with the Boost converter to obtain a stable output voltage by reducing the oscillations in the voltage to charge a battery connected to the output of the converter. Two methods (Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Zeigler- Nichols) are used for tuning

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 19 2022
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Practically Robust Fixed-Time Convergent Sliding Mode Control for Underactuated Aerial Flexible JointRobots Manipulators
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The control of an aerial flexible joint robot (FJR) manipulator system with underactuation is a difficult task due to unavoidable factors, including, coupling, underactuation, nonlinearities, unmodeled uncertainties, and unpredictable external disturbances. To mitigate those issues, a new robust fixed-time sliding mode control (FxTSMC) is proposed by using a fixed-time sliding mode observer (FxTSMO) for the trajectory tracking problem of the FJR attached to the drones system. First, the underactuated FJR is comprehensively modeled and converted to a canonical model by employing two state transformations for ease of the control design. Then, based on the availability of the measured states, a cascaded FxTSMO (CFxTSMO) is constructed to estim

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2011
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mechanical And Materials Engineering
Simulation and design optimization of magneto rheological control valve
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Magneto-rheological (MR) Valve is one of the devices generally used to control the speed of Hydraulic actuator using MR fluid. The performance of valve depends on the magnetic circuit design. Present study deals with a new design of MR valve. The finite element analysis is carried out on this valve to optimize its design. The design of the magnetic circuit is accomplished by magnetic finite element software such as Finite Element Method Magnetic (FEMM). The Model dimensions of MR valve, material properties and the circuit properties of valve coil are taken into account. The results of analysis are presented in terms of magnetic strength and magnetic flux density. The valve can be operated with variable flow rate by varying the current. It i

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of PV Solar Energy Generator using MPPT Technique to Control Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Converter
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The paper presents the design of a system consisting of a solar panel with Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Buck Converter by using Simulink dialogue box tools in MATLAB software package for simulation the system. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique depending on Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is used to control the output power of the converter and increase the efficiency of the system. The characteristics of the MSX-60 PV module is chosen in design of the system, whereas the electrical characteristics (P-V, I-V and P-I curves) for the module are achieved, that is affected by the solar radiation and temperature variations. The proposed design module has been found to be stable for any change in atmospheric tempera

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Back stepping-Based-PID-Controller Designed for an Artificial Pancreas model
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Artificial pancreas is simulated to handle Type I diabetic patients under intensive care by automatically controlling the insulin infusion rate. A Backstepping technique is used to apply the effect of PID controller to blood glucose level since there is no direct relation between insulin infusion (the manipulated variable) and glucose level in Bergman’s system model subjected to an oral glucose tolerance test by applying a meal translated into a disturbance. Backstepping technique is usually recommended to stabilize and control the states of Bergman's class of nonlinear systems. The results showed a very satisfactory behavior of glucose deviation to a sudden rise represented by the meal that increase the blood glucose


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Comparison of Different Advanced Control Schemes for Glucose Level Control under Disturbing Meal
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In this work, diabetic glucose concentration level control under disturbing meal has been controlled using two set of advanced controllers. The first set is sliding mode controllers (classical and integral) and the second set is represented by optimal LQR controllers (classical and Min-, ax). Due to their characteristic features of disturbance rejection, both integral sliding mode controller and LQR Minmax controller are dedicated here for comparison. The Bergman minimal mathematical model was used to represent the dynamic behavior of a diabetic patient’s blood glucose concentration to the insulin injection. Simulations based on Matlab/Simulink, were performed to verify the performance of each controll

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of Robotic Arm Control System Mimics Human Arm Motion
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This paper presents a control system to make the robotic hand mimic human hand motion in real time and offline mode. The human hand tracking system is a wearable sensing arm (potentiometers) used to determine the position in space and to sense the grasping task of human hand. The maskable sensing arm was designed with same geometrical arrangement of robotic hand that needs to be controlled. The control software of a robot was implemented using Visual Basic and supported with graphical user interface (GUI). The control algorithm depends on joint to joint mapping method to match between the motions at each joint of portable sensing arm with corresponding joint of a robot in order to make the robot mimic the motion.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 13 2021
Journal Name
Journal Européen Des Systèmes Automatisés
Proxy-based sliding mode vibration control with an adaptive approximation compensator for euler-bernoulli smart beams
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Proxy-based sliding mode control PSMC is an improved version of PID control that combines the features of PID and sliding mode control SMC with continuously dynamic behaviour. However, the stability of the control architecture maybe not well addressed. Consequently, this work is focused on modification of the original version of the proxy-based sliding mode control PSMC by adding an adaptive approximation compensator AAC term for vibration control of an Euler-Bernoulli beam. The role of the AAC term is to compensate for unmodelled dynamics and make the stability proof more easily. The stability of the proposed control algorithm is systematically proved using Lyapunov theory. Multi-modal equation of motion is derived using the Galerkin metho

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for a Nonholonomic Mobile Platform
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In this paper, a robust adaptive sliding mode controller is designed for a mobile platform trajectory tracking.  The mobile platform is an example of a nonholonomic mechanical system. The presence of holonomic constraints reduces the number of degree of freedom that represents the system model, while the nonholonomic constraints reduce the differentiable degree of freedom. The mathematical model was derived here for the mobile platform, considering the existence of one holonomic and two nonholonomic constraints imposed on system dynamics. The partial feedback linearization method was used to get the input-output relation, where the output is the error functions between the position of a certain point on the platform

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 International Conference On Advanced Mechatronic Systems (icamechs)
Hierarchical sliding mode control applied to a single-link flexible joint robot manipulator
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Trajectory tracking and vibration suppression are essential objectives in a flexible joint manipulator control. The flexible joint manipulator is an under-actuated system, in which the number of control actions is less than the degree of freedom to be controlled. It is very challenging to control the underactuated nonlinear system with two degree of freedom. This paper presents a hierarchical sliding mode control (HSMC) for a rotary flexible joint manipulator (RFJM). Firstly, the rotary flexible joint manipulator is modeled by two subsystems. Secondly, the sliding surfaces for both subsystems are constructed. Finally, the control action is designed based on the Lyapunov function. Computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of

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