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Profiles and Geotechnical Properties for some Basra Soils
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Basra province is known for its logistic location for trading activity and oil industry. By geological point of view, Basra areas are believed to consist mainly of alternation of (clay, silty clay, clayey silt, silt and sand) type of soil. Any development of industry in this area should be affected by the occurrence of the clay soil. That is why the investigation to the soil is more than necessary. In this case, a vast testing program was carried out by the author to evaluate the various formations constituting the of some Basra soils. An attempt to characterize and discuss the nature, minerals, engineering behavior and field properties of soil samples extracted from more than one thousand and one hundred boring liner meters of three sites was performed. The average values of various geotechnical design properties are calculated and plotted with depth. A preview of climate, geology, seismicity and earthquakes of the study area was conducted. Finally, the typical soil profiles were prepared.

Keywords: Basra soil, soft clay, lean clay, Atterberg limits, moisture content, shear strength, standard penetration,

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2024
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Micro-shear bond strength of a novel resin-modified glass ionomer luting cement (eRMGIC) functionalized with organophosphorus monomer to different dental substrates
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Objectives: This study aims to assess and compare the micro-shear bond strength (μSBS) of a novel resin-modified glass-ionomer luting cement functionalized with a methacrylate co-monomer containing a phosphoric acid group, 30 wt% 2-(methacryloxy) ethyl phosphate (2-MEP), with different substrates (dentin, enamel, zirconia, and base metal alloy). This assessment is conducted in comparison with conventional resin-modified glass ionomer cement and self-adhesive resin cement. Materials and methods: In this in vitro study, ninety-six specimens were prepared and categorized into four groups: enamel (A), dentin (B), zirconia (C), and base metal alloys (D). Enamel (E) and dentin (D) specimens were obtained from 30 human maxillary first premolars e

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
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Day 3 Thu, March 22, 2018
Economics of Supramolecular Assemblies as Displacement Fluids in EOR
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Abstract<p>It is estimated that over the next few decades, EOR will be used for the more than 50% of oil production in the US and worldwide. From these, in reservoir with viscositites ranging between 10 – 150 mPa.s, polymer flooding is suggsted as the EOR method. Therefore, there is an upper limit to the recommended range of reservoir oil viscosities for polymer flooding. To address the issue of this limitation of polymer injectivity and pumping efficiency, we propose a novel method. The method involves the use of Supramolecular Systems, which are composed of long-chain aminoacids and maleic acids post complexation. Their unique feature of resersible viscosities allows the operator to overcome</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Different Estimation Methods of the Stress-Strength Reliability Power Distribution
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      This paper deals with estimation of the reliability system in the stress- strength model of the shape parameter for the power distribution. The proposed approach has been including different estimations methods such as Maximum likelihood method, Shrinkage estimation methods, least square method and Moment method. Comparisons process had been carried out between the various employed estimation methods with using the mean square error criteria via Matlab software package.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement the Mechanical Characteristics of Alloy Steel DIN 41Cr4 by Shot Peening
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The effects of shot peening treatment (SPT) were studied at (10,20, and 30) minutes on the rotating bending fatigue behavior and the behavior of the alloy steel DIN 41Cr4 vibrations. The hardness test, tensile test, constant amplitude fatigue tests, and the vibration measurements were performed on samples with and without cracks at room temperature (RT), also, the fracture surface was examined and analyzed by a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results of the investigations, for example, Stress to Number of cycles to failure (S-N) curves, fatigue strength improvement factor of 5% to 10%, the decreasing percentage of maximum Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) acceleration of the shot-peened condition were compared to untr

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2019
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Safe Mud Weight Window Determination: A Case Study from Southern Iraq
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ABSTRACT:. The Lower Cretaceous Zubair formation is comprised of sandstones intercalated with shale sequences. The main challenges that were encountered while drilling into this formation included severe wellbore instability-related issues across the weaker formations overlaying the reservoir section (pay zone). These issues have a significant impact on well costs and timeline. In this paper, a comprehensive geomechanical study was carried out to understand the causes of the wellbore failure and to improve drilling design and drilling performance on further development wells in the field. Failure criteria known as Mogi-Coulomb was used to determine an operating mud weight window required for safe drilling. The accuracy of the geomechanical

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Estimation of P(Y<X) in Case Inverse Kumaraswamy Distribution
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The estimation of the stressÙ€ strength reliability of Invers Kumaraswamy distribution will be introduced in this paper based on the maximum likelihood, moment and shrinkage methods. The mean squared error has been used to compare among proposed estimators. Also a Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed methods in this paper.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Equations to Estimate the In-situ Concrete Compressive Strength from Non-destructive Tests
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The aim of this study is to propose reliable equations to estimate the in-situ concrete compressive strength from the non-destructive test. Three equations were proposed: the first equation considers the number of rebound hummer only, the second equation consider the ultrasonic pulse velocity only, and the third equation combines the number of rebound hummer and the ultrasonic pulse velocity. The proposed equations were derived from non-linear regression analysis and they were calibrated with the test results of 372 concrete specimens compiled from the literature. The performance of the proposed equations was tested by comparing their strength estimations with those of related existing equations from literature. Comparis

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Divine orders Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them): Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them)
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ملخص البحث:

    ان الله تعالى هو الذي خلق جميع المخلوقات ، والذي بيده الموت والحياة وان كل هذه المخلوقات تحتاج الى اوامر ، وهذه الاوامر الالهية وجهها الله لعبادة بوساطة انبياءه ( عليهم السلام) فكانوا هم اول المستسلمين والمنقادين لأوامره ، فجاءت الآيات الكريمة مخاطبة للأنبياء واقوامهم بشكل عام ولنبينا محمد (r) بشكل خاص.

اما عن المضمون البحثي فقد جاءت مادته مقسمة الى ثل

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mobile position estimation using artificial neural network in CDMA cellular systems
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Using the Neural network as a type of associative memory will be introduced in this paper through the problem of mobile position estimation where mobile estimate its location depending on the signal strength reach to it from several around base stations where the neural network can be implemented inside the mobile. Traditional methods of time of arrival (TOA) and received signal strength (RSS) are used and compared with two analytical methods, optimal positioning method and average positioning method. The data that are used for training are ideal since they can be obtained based on geometry of CDMA cell topology. The test of the two methods TOA and RSS take many cases through a nonlinear path that MS can move through that region. The result

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2019
Journal Name
American Rock Mechanics Association
Using an Analytical Model to Predict Collapse Volume During Drilling: A Case Study from Southern Iraq
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Zubair Formation is one of the richest petroleum systems in Southern Iraq. This formation is composed mainly of sandstones interbedded with shale sequences, with minor streaks of limestone and siltstone. Borehole collapse is one of the most critical challenges that continuously appear in drilling and production operations. Problems associated with borehole collapse, such as tight hole while tripping, stuck pipe and logging tools, hole enlargement, poor log quality, and poor primary cement jobs, are the cause of the majority of the nonproductive time (NPT) in the Zubair reservoir developments. Several studies released models predicting the onset of borehole collapse and the amount of enlargement of the wellbore cross-section. However, assump

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