Pollutants generation is strongly dependant on the firing temperature and reaction rates of the gaseous reactants in the gas turbine combustion chamber. An experimental study is conducted on a two-shaft T200D micro-gas turbine engine in order to evaluate the impact of injecting ethanol directly into the compressor inlet air on the exhaust emissions. The study is carried out in constant speed and constant load engine tests. Generally, the results showed that when ethanol was added in a concentration of 20% by volume of fuel flow; NOx emission was reduced by the half, while CO and UHC emissions were almost doubled with respect to their levels when burning conventional LPG fuel alone.
المنظمات الدولية دراسة في منهجها وطبيعة فهمها
Studying and considering the text of the holy Quran is a task of necessity which needs a valuable as well as reliable contribution from all the concerned parties because of the greatness of this holy and scared text. The text of the holy Quran
يعد العقد من اهم مصادر الالتزام كونه الوسيلة الفاعلة التي يمكن من خلالها المتعاقد التحقق من مصالحه واهدافه مادامت لا تتعارض مع النظام العام ، ومتى مانشأ صحيحاً وفقاً للاركان والشروط التي يتطلبها القانون اصبح ملزماً لكلا طرفيه ، بحيث يخضعان بموجبه لقوة العقد ، وقد لا ينعقد وفقاً للسياق السابق بسبب عدم استكماله لشروط صحته فينعدم اثره بين المتعاقدين او الغير ، وتلك هي فكرة البحث .
Praisebe to God, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace be upon the most honorable messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and granthim peace. And after
in his Diwan, and standing on them, and determines This study dealt with the lexical and semantic fields in the sentimental poems in Walid Hussein's Diwan (I do not desire to whisper the question) that the classification
The researcher wanted to make an attempt to identify the foundations of social solidarity, to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among society, and spread the causes of compassion in the hearts of its members.
The researcher has taken a short course in the hearts of the beloved to hearts.
The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness
The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness, including the shadow verses in the Holy Qur’an
The historical documentation of the architectural archeology has a fundamental and great importance in evaluating the architectural product that has suffered from neglect
ماهية الازمة الدولية : دراسة في الاطار النظري