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Evaluation Study of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester and Kevlar Reinforced Polyester by Taguchi Method
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     In the present investigation two different types of fiber reinforced polymer composites were prepared by hand lay-up method using three different parameters (curing temperature, pressing load and fiber volume fraction). These composites were prepared from the polyester resin as the matrix material reinforced with glass fibers as first group of samples and mat Kevlar fibers as the second group, both with different volume fractions (4%, 8%, and 12%) of fibers. They were then tested by tensile strength and impact strength. The main objective in this study is to use Taguchi method for predicting the better parameters that give the better tensile and impact strength to the composites, and then preparing composites at these parameters and comparing them with the randomly used once. The experimental and analytical results showed that the Taguchi method was successful in optimizing the parameters that give the highest properties and it can find the most influential parameter regardless of the material used. Also it showed that the volume fraction was the most influential parameter on the tensile and impact strength. The difference between these composites was in the properties values and that the Kevlar composites have higher tensile and impact strength.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 02 1999
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A new proposal method for sampling and explosion of the phosphatic rocks in the Akkashat Mine, Western desert, Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New method for ISE construction for methyl orange dyes and using for indirect determination of Amitriptyline Hydrochloried drug
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A new method for construction ion-selective electrode (ISE) by heating reaction of methyl orange with ammonium reineckate using PVC as plasticizer for determination methyl orange and determination Amitriptyline Hydrochloried drug by formation ion-pair on electrode surface . The characteristics of the electrode and it response as following : internal solution 10-4M , pH (2.5-5) ,temperature (20-30) and response time 2 sec. Calibration response for methyl orange over the concentrationrange 10-3 -10-9 M with R=0.9989 , RSD%=0.1052, D.O.L=0.315X10-9 MEre%=(-0.877- -2.76) , Rec%.=(97.230 -101.711) .

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculations of the Electron Transport Parameters in CH4-Ar and CH4-Ne Mixtures Gases Using Monte Carlo Method
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    The result of concentration varying of mixture methane with argon and neon gas are believed to study the change in electrons energy distribution function and then the change of the electrons transport parameters including the drift velocity, the mean energy, characteristics energy and diffusion coefficient. In the present work,a contemporary developed computer, simulation program known as Bolsig+ is being used for calculating the electron transport parameters.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
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A combined compact genetic algorithm and local search method for optimizing the ARMA(1,1) model of a likelihood estimator
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In this paper, a compact genetic algorithm (CGA) is enhanced by integrating its selection strategy with a steepest descent algorithm (SDA) as a local search method to give I-CGA-SDA. This system is an attempt to avoid the large CPU time and computational complexity of the standard genetic algorithm. Here, CGA dramatically reduces the number of bits required to store the population and has a faster convergence. Consequently, this integrated system is used to optimize the maximum likelihood function lnL(φ1, θ1) of the mixed model. Simulation results based on MSE were compared with those obtained from the SDA and showed that the hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) and I-CGA-SDA can give a good estimator of (φ1, θ1) for the ARMA(1,1) model. Anot

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Development of an Eco-Friendly Method for Iron Extraction and Determination in Pharmaceuticals Using Ciprofloxacin Drug as Chelating agent
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A method is developed for the determination of iron (III) in pharmaceutical preparations by coupling cloud point extraction (CPE) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The method is based on the reaction of Fe(III) with excess drug ciprofloxacin (CIPRO) in dilute H2SO4, forming a hydrophobic Fe(III)- CIPRO complex which can be extracted into a non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114, and iron ions are determined spectrophotometrically at absorption maximum of 437 nm. Several variables which impact on the extraction and determination of Fe (III) are optimized in order to maximize the extraction efficiency and improve the sensitivity of the method. The interferences study is also considered to check the accuracy of the procedure. The results hav

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fabrication of TiO2 sensor using rapid breakdown anodization method to measure pressure, humidity and sense gases at room temperature
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Rapid breakdown anodization (RBA) process was used to fabricate TiO2 sensor to measure pressure and humidity and sense gases at room temperature. This chemical process transformed Ti to its oxide (TiO2) as a powder with amorphous phase as X ray diffraction (XRD) technique confirmed.  This oxide consisted from semi spherical nanoparticles and titania nanotubes (TNTs) as Scanning electron microscope (SEM) technique showed.  TiO2 powder was deposited on Ti substrates by using electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method.   Average pressure sensitivity was 0.34 MΩ/bar and hysteresis area was 1.4 MΩ .bar. Resistance of TiO2 decreased exponentially with the increasing of relative

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
Physical Chemistry Research
Photocatalytic and optical performances of CeO2 by substitution of titanium
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In this contribution, density functional theory-based calculations have been carried out to assess the electronic, photocatalytic and optical properties of Ce1-xTixO2 system. Ti incorporation leads to a decrease of Ce 4f states and enhancement of Ti 3d states in the bottom of conduction band. Furthermore, it was found that doping ceria with Ti-like transition metals could evidently shift the absorption of pure CeO2 towards higher wavelength range. These findings can provide some new insights for designing CeO2-based photocatalysts with high photocatalytic performance. To the best of our knowledge, this investigation calculates Mullikan’s charge transfer of Ce1-xTixO2 system for the first time. Charge transfer reveals an ionic bond between

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The major objectives of this research are to analyze the behavior of road embankments
reinforced with geotextiles constructed on soft soil and describe the finite element analysis by using
ANSYS program ver. (5.4). The ANSYS finite element program helps in analyzing the stability of
geo- structure (embankment) in varied application of geotextiles reinforcement to enhance the best
design for embankment.
The results of analysis indicate that one of the primary function of geotextiles reinforcement was to
reduce the horizontal displacement significantly. With the inclusions of reinforcement, the horizontal
displacement reduced by about (81%), while the vertical displacement reduced by (32%). The effect
of geotextiles

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An analytical study of the reality of chemical industries in Iraq for the period (1995-2007)
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Is the chemical industries of great importance for the economy of any country, through what is borne by these industries is an important part of the changes contained in the industrial output of transfer and, moreover, that these industries are overlaps and intricacies of sector-wide with the rest of the manufacturing sectors, with agriculture and services , through the offering of these industries produce Production requirements intervention such as chemical fertilizer used in the production of agricultural crops, in addition to the various areas for the use of phosphorus in the food industry, to the extent that it is difficult to find material Food preparation is not included i

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التحديات التحديات المعاصرة للثقافة الإسلامية دراسة في الصورة النمطية المتبادلة للسلام وللحرب بين الإسلام والغرب
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Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States

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