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The Effect of Doppler Phenomenon on the Speed of Blood Flow
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This research studying the phenomenon of Doppler (frequency Doppler) as a method through which the direction and speed of the blood cells flows in blood vessels wear measured. This Doppler frequency is relied upon in medicine for measuring the speed of blood flow, because the blood flow is an important concept from the concepts of medicine. It represents the function and efficient of the heart and blood vessels in the body so any defect in this function will appear as a change in the speed of blood flow from the normal value assumed. As this speed changes alot in cases of  disease and morbidity  of the heart, so in order to identify the effect of changing the Doppler frequency on the speed of blood flow and the relationship of this frequency with the angles of transitions and receptions and the effect of changing the ultrasound transmitted frequencies on the measured velocities .The Doppler ultrasound system has been used which is more efficient and easier to be widely used as a practical application in Al Yarmouk Teaching Hospital on two subjects. The normal had a natural medical history in the blood vessels, and abnormal had carotid artery stenosis. This device will give the flow velocity of blood  in the blood vessels which is useful to the examiner, the equation of Doppler as a mathematical model in the research is adopted the measured speed to clarify the amount of change in the frequency (shift in frequency). This speed was measured in five different blood vessels, large arteries (abdominal aorta and carotid artery in the neck) and large veins (the inferior vena cava across the abdomen and the external Jugular vein in the neck) and capillaries in the hand and fingers. Then using the measured velocities in these vessels the Doppler frequency was calculated from this mathematical model using MATLAB program, was found that as velocity of the blood increases, so does the Doppler frequency and vice versa. The greater the value of the Doppler angle used in the device then the Doppler frequency decreased and vice versa. As well as increasing the transmitted frequency giving an  increase in the speed of blood flow and in the Doppler frequency and vice versa. It was observed during the practical work that it was possible to get the speed of blood flow in different blood vessels, arteries and veins easily, but to less extent in the capillary vessels since in fact the value of the received frequency was very small.

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Study of Parameters Affecting the Solvent Extraction-Flocculation Process of Used Lubricating Oil
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of operating variables on, the percentage of removed sludge (PSR) obtained during re-refining of 15W-40 Al-Durra spent lubricant by solvent extraction-flocculation treatment method. Binary solvents were used such as, Heavy Naphtha (H.N.): MEK (N:MEK), H.N. : n-Butanol (N:n-But), and H.N. : Iso-Butanol (N:Iso:But). The studied variables were mixing speed (300-900, rpm), mixing time (15-60, min), and operating  temperature (2540, oC). This study showed that the studied operating variables have effects where, increasing the mixing time up to 45 min for H.N.: MEK, H.N.: n-Butanol  and 30 min for H.N.: Iso-Butanol increased the PSR, after that percentage was decreased; increasing t

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Sarcophaga africa Fall. considered to be medical and veterinary importance, therefore, its third larval instar was described by digital camera under compound and dissecting microscope. This description includes spines type, shaped and cephalopharyngeal skeleton. Furthermore the anterior and posterior spiracles were also studied.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Verification the Pollution of Tigris River in South of Baghdad using Remote Sensing Techniques
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This paper describes the use of remote sensing techniques in verification of the polluted area in Diyala River and Tigris River and the effected of AL-Rustamiyah wastewater treatment plant, which is located on Diyala River, one of the branches of Tigris River in south of Baghdad. SPOT-5 a French satellite image of Baghdad, Iraq was used with ground resolution of 2.5 m in May 2016. ENVI 5.1 software programming was utilized for Image processing to assess the water pollution of Diyala and Tigris River’s water. Five regions were selected from a study area and then classified using the unsupervised ISODATA method. The results indicated that four classes of water quality which are successful in assessing and mapping water pollution which confi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spectroscopic Study of the Forbidden Lines [OIII] and [SII] of Crab Nebula Supernova Remnant
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As a star explode as a supernova its ejecta will directly interact with relativelylow density interstellar medium with high shock wave velocity, and due to thisinteraction many of forbidden emission lines will give a raise from both theexcitation and ionization of the atom in the region. So, the study of these emissionlines can reveal many physical properties of the region, in this case the remnant ofthe supernova, such as temperature, density, composition, and many other importantphysical processes. In this paper the optical spectrum of the young galacticsupernova remnant which is the Crab Nebula has used, in order to calculate it’selectron temperature (Te) and electron density (ne) by using the [OIII] and [SII]forbidden lines. From the

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research - Granthaalayah
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With the advancement of modern radiotherapy technology, radiation dose and dose distribution have significantly improved. as part of Natural development, interest has recently been renewed by treatment, especially in the use of heavy charged particles, because these radiation types serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Bone Tissue were calculated by using Zeigler’s formula and SRIM software, also the Range for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-1000) MeV alpha energy.

Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculate of the Rate Constant of Electron Transfer in TiO2 – Safranine Dye System
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         A theoretical calculations of the rate constant of electron transfer (ET) in a dye – semiconductor system with variety solvent are applied on system contains safranineT dye with TiO2 in many solvents like water, 1-propanol, Formamide, Acetonitrile and Ethanol.

    A matlap program has been written to evaluate many parameters such that, the solvent reorganization energy, effective free energy, activation free energy, coupling matrix element and the rate constant of electron transfer.

    The results of the rate constant of electron transfer calculated theoretically are in a good agreement with experimental and theoretical value

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Digital Elevation Model Produced from Different Open Source Data
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This study aims to estimate the accuracy of digital elevation models (DEM) which are created with exploitation of open source Google Earth data and comparing with the widely available DEM datasets, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), version 3, and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM), version 2. The GPS technique is used in this study to produce digital elevation raster with a high level of accuracy, as reference raster, compared to the DEM datasets. Baghdad University, Al Jadriya campus, is selected as a study area. Besides, 151 reference points were created within the study area to evaluate the results based on the values of RMS.Furthermore, th

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Sources of psychological Stress with students living at dormitories in university of Baghdad.
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Stress with all its kinds are the results of a nick development Leading to delinquency burdening the ability of people.. development gas its effect on self and body reflecting on health ( physically, Psychological. And mentally) and finally leading to death (Al emara,2001,2).

Stress refers to he degree of response of the individual to events and environmental changes in his daily life with their physiological effects  such as headaches , backaches, and gastric ulcer that have different effect depending on the personality of the person and his psychological characteristics differences airing individuals ( Al emirs, zool,2  )

The aims:

  • knowi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of the Hydrodynamic Behavior and Water Quality Assessment of Al-Chibayish Marshes, Iraq
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Al-Chibayish Marsh (CM)  is considered as the major part of Central Marshes area of this marsh is 1050 Km². The water quality of these marshes is suffering from salt accumulation due to intensive dam construction, limited supply of water from sources,  climate change impacts, and the absence of outlet flow from these marshes, specifically at low flow periods. So, the current research aims to assess and improve these marshes' hydraulic behavior and water quality and define the best location for outlet drains.  Field measurements and laboratory tests were conducted for two periods (November 2020 and February 2021) to define the (TDS) concentrations at nine different locations. Samples were also examined for water's phy

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Use of Nicotiana tobaccum extractions as a molluscicide to the snail of Bulinus truncates
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Nicotiana tobaccum L (Solanacea) extracts are used as a mollusciede to the snail Bulinus truncatus the intermediate host of urinary Schistosomiasis. LC50 of the extracts to the snail with 24 hour was 3.27 ml/l? 48 hour was 3.33 ml/l? 72 hour was 2.67 ml/l and 96 hour was 2.28ml/l. This study showed the ability to use the leaf extracts in the control of this type of snail.

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