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Issues of Iraqi Photojournalists Working in Local and Foreign Institutions in Iraq: Iraqi Photojournalists Association - Case Study 2012
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The issues of journalists and media employees in general and photojournalists in particular have become important issues, especially as those issues are closely linked to the success or failure of the media process.

This research deals with (the issues of Iraqi photojournalists working in local and foreign institutions in Iraq - a case study in 2012), because of the ambiguity in identifying those issues, which focused on the issues of this research.

This was done through the research community of members of the Association of Iraqi photojournalists in Baghdad exclusively of (64) photographers and television photographers to identify the problems encountered in their work in the local and foreign media; and the relationship of those problems with their professional performance; and what the relationship between photographers and existing bodies, whether negative or positive; and how far this relationship affects their performance. These questions were part of the research that the researcher sought to find scientific answers for them.

A preliminary questionnaire was distributed to (10 %) of photographers from the research community containing open questions about the issues facing them. After retrieval, a final questionnaire was prepared based on the answers obtained. This form was presented to a group of arbitrators to certify the truth. The ratio was sufficient to complete the research. Then, the form was distributed to the respondents when it was retrieved and unloaded in tables. Finally, the results were interpreted to interpret the results.

The researcher has reached a set of results, the most important of which are:

  1. Half of the respondents confirmed that they (always) face an issue (not being involved in development courses), which has a negative impact on their work.
  2. More than half of the respondents confirmed that they (always) suffer from the administrative issue of (imposing the institution's policy on them).
  3. Most of the respondents asserted that they are always faced with the problem (mistreatment by security forces at the scene).
  4. The answers of the respondents confirmed that they were (always) looked at by (what the gunmen regard the photographers as spies).
  5. Respondents confirmed that they (always) are (neglected or away from their family and social duties).

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 17 2015
Journal Name
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society
Line and continuum variability in active galaxies
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Adenoid Hypertrophy in Adults and Nasal Obstruction
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Background .To know the incidence of adenoid hypertrophy in adults causing nasal obstruction and other nasal complains.
Methods.Prospective studyof(140 ) adult patientstheir main chief complaint were nasal obstruction , presented to Otolaryngology department at Aljumhory Teaching Hospital in Mosul , from the period (september 2010 to september 2011) ,their age ranged from (21 to 53) years . They were investigated clinically, radiologicaly ,and nasal endoscopic examination was carried out (rigid and fibro-optic ) . Adenoidectomy was performed for those with adenoid hypertrophy and sent for histopathological study .
Results:. we found adenoid enlargement in(24) patients (17.14%),in addition to nasalobstruction they were also complain

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 12 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Knowledge and awareness towards Cryptosporidiosis in Baghdad
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تم تقييم المعرفة والوعي تجاه داء الكريبتوسبوريديوس في هذه الدراسة خلال الفترة من أبريل 2009 حتى يونيو 2011 ، من بين 188 شخصًا من كلا الجنسين تم تقسيمهم إلى مجموعات ومجموعات فرعية مختلفة على النحو التالي المجموعة 1: تشمل 48 طبيبًا من مختلف المستشفيات والرعاية الصحية الأولية مراكز في بغداد تم تقسيم هذه المجموعة إلى 30 طبيبًا متخصصًا و 18 طبيبًا ممارسًا عامًا. المجموعة الثانية: تضم 45 عضو هيئة تدريس من قسم الأحياء ، قس

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 05 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Pacifier Sucking Habit and its Relation to Dental Caries and Type of Feeding Habits among Group of Children (Comparative Study)
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 10 2020
Journal Name
Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci
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A field experiment was conducted in an agricultural field in Al-Hindia district, Karbala governorate in a silty clay soil during the year 2020. The research included a study of two factors, the first is the depth of plowing at two levels, namely 13 and 20 cm, which represented the main blocks. The second is the tire inflation pressure at two levels, namely (70 and 140 kPa), which represented the secondary blocks. Slippage percentage, field efficiency, leaf area, and 300 grain weight were studied. The experiment was carried out using a split-plot system under a Randomized complete block design, at three replications. The tillage depth of 13 cm exceeds/transcend by giving it the least slippage of (11.01%), the highest field efficiency of (50.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Synthesis ,Characterization and Study of Liquid Crystalline Behavior of New Compounds Containing thiazolidin-4-one,1,2,3-triazole and benzimidazol Rings
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All new compounds synthesized by many reactions starting from a product the compounds [I]a,b from reaction of 3-phenylenediamine or 4-phenylenediamine with chloroacetyl chloride, then the compounds [I]a,b reacted with potassium thiocyanate to yield compounds [II]a,b. While the compounds[III]a,b yield from reacted the compounds [I]a,b with sodium azide then the compounds [III]a,b reacted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction with acrylic acid to give compounds [IV]a,b and the later compounds reacted with phenylene diamine to product benzimidazole compounds [V]a,b . In addition to synthesized acid chloride compounds [VI]a,b by reacted the compounds [IV]a,b with thionyl chloride .Finally reacted the compounds [VI]a,b with different aromatic amine

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
European Journal Of Experimental Biology
A comparative study on cytotoxicity and apoptotic activity of pyocyanin produced by wild type and mutant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Nutrient agar medium with various concentrations of cefotaxime was used for isolation spontaneous mutants from wild type strain of P.aeruginosa PHA-1. Eighty-two mutants were successfully isolated with the viable count 52×107 , these mutants were confirmed as spontaneous not physiological adaption mutants by reculture on the same medium. Then, wild type PHA-1 and mutants were examined for production pyocyanin; a blue greenish pigment was clearly noticed on King A medium. Remarkably the mutant strain named S300-8 was distinguished in productivity in comparison with wild type strain PHA-1; the amount of pigment was 56.0667mg/l and 74.53mg/l respectively. In addition, pyocyanin produced by mutant strain S300-8 revealed a potent efficacy again

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical knowledge of the Arabs in an era          Pre-Islam: Quranic connotations
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This paper examines the most important historical knowledge and knowledge of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era based on the Holy Quran, which is the oldest and most reliable Arab Islamic sources recorded at all, as a major source of this study, to ensure a great interest in history, especially the news of the prophets, and the positions of their nations Some of them, as well as some of the news of the old Arab people such as Aad and Thamud and the owners of the elephant and others, and some of which are repeated in several Quranic fence and various methods of presentation, cited as a lesson and exhortation to the Arab opponents of Islam and a reminder of what befell the peoples of the world B relict of doom to discredit them the apostles

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Industrial design in the era of post-modernism: لبنى اسعد عبد الرزاق
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Linked to the post-modern historical transformations sociological which raided the developed Western societies since the middle of last century, which consisted mainly in the emergence of what he called Alsosiologion (consumer society a) and (Affluent Society), as it appeared the new social lifestyle is not only characterized by the provision of the accumulation of capital and sparingly in spending, but rather a kind of extravagance and encourage consumption, prompting some to say that consumption is a community postmodern engine, and other labels for this period of economic backgrounds, such as the new capitalism and the system of the new capitalist Alseperntiqi technical and labels purist such as industrial post-society emerged, some a

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Explanation Difficulties in Islamic University from the lecturers Point of View
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This study is about awareness of teaching explanation difficulties in the Islamic university from the lecturers point of view. It discussed the difficulties and the traditional teaching methods of explanation. The study concentrated on teaching Islamic studies in general and teaching explanation in specific and set difficulties so as to be treated.

            The study is of three chapters, the first contains the difficulties in several aspects like the educational goals, text contents, teaching methods and styles, students, educational techniques, educational aids and evaluation, it addition to the lecturers of Islamic university colleges in 2009-2

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